
  • 网络representation;expression;presentation;expression method
  1. “8字形:有数字8的形状或表现法的,如绳结或溜冰花式.”

    " figure eight : a form or representation , such as a knot or an ice-skating maneuver , that has the shape of the numeral 8 . "

  2. 本课程中,我们将实体建筑空间与资讯空间进行类比,期望以惯用的时空观点对二者进行理解与探索新表现法。

    In this course , we rely on the analogy between physical architecture and information architecture , from both temporal and spatial perspectives , to understand and explore new ways of representation .

  3. 英语意义否定句表现法及其汉译琐谈

    Different Expressions and Chinese Translation of English Sentences with Implied Negative Meanings

  4. 表现法是语言的一个中介系统。

    The mode of expression is a medium system of a language .

  5. 图案表现法用图象表达的行为。

    The act of representing with figures .

  6. 刍议英语特殊表现法

    On Special Technique of Expression in English

  7. 思维方式、表现法和翻译问题

    Ways of Thinking and Expressing and Translation

  8. 静险态检测的模糊表现法

    The fuzzy method for testing hazard

  9. 翻译活动涉及诸多方面,其中英汉两种语言在形合与意合表现法上的不同侧重及其在翻译中的体现是翻译研究的重要组成部分。

    Research projects in the different emphases of English and Chinese on hypotaxis and parataxis are indispensable to translation studies .

  10. 熟悉英语的特殊表现法在阅读中占有举足轻重的作用,本文列举了大量实例论述特殊表现法在阅读中的重要性。

    The author believes that a better understanding of the special technique of expression in English plays an important role in English reading .

  11. 表现教学法提高了同学间的合作能力。

    Teaching methods of performance enhance the cooperation ability between students .

  12. 表现教学法使学生的表演技能水平得到了提高。

    Teaching methods of performance enhances the performance level of students .

  13. 胶质瘤细胞的这种变化表现为法舒地尔的浓度依赖性和时间依赖性。

    These changes in GBM cells occurred in a time-and dose-dependent manner .

  14. 小麦育种中杂交亲本选配的组合表现指数法

    A new method for parent selection in wheat breeding - cross performance index

  15. 研究结果显示:1.表现教学法使学生的音乐基本素养得到了显著提高。

    Teaching methods of performance improved the basic music literacy of students remarkably .

  16. 法的编纂表现为法的系统化的最高形态。

    Codification is the highest form of legal systematization .

  17. 表现教学法对学生的音乐学习产生了积极态度。

    Teaching methods of performance foster the student with positive attitude to music learning .

  18. 在应然权利尚未上升到法定权利但是通过法律间接地予以保护之后,则表现为法益的正常状态。

    When the right ought to be is not become legal right but is protected by law indirectly , it is legal interest .

  19. 常见的研究表现在法的解释方面,而且多数学者习惯使用法律解释这一概念。

    Legal scholars tend to use the conception of interpretation of law and more research is done in the realm of legal interpretation .

  20. 法的价值的主体性表现为法的价值因主体而异,但并不表现为价值相对主义。

    Subjectivity of legal value is represented as differences of legal value in accordance with various subjects , but is not represented as value relativism .

  21. 在没有任何中国画的功底的情况下,想使用水墨艺术风格的表现于法是很困难的。

    In the absence of any Chinese painting foundation case , want to use the art of Chinese ink and wash style style is very difficult .

  22. 无相无我,不执着的话,那么我们又如何表现出法相庄严,令人望而生畏的容貌呢?

    If man of practice is asked to be of modesty , of no-self and of no ego , how do we show solemn and awful appearance ?

  23. 文章认为,刑罚差异性包括纵向差异和横向差异,前者表现为法毫刑与公平观之间、宣告刑与刑罚基准点之问、执行刑与宣告刑之间的差异。

    The article maintains that the discrepancy of criminal penalty could be divided into vertical discrepancy and horizontal discrepancy differences , the former is showed by the discrepancy between statutory sentence and the view of equity , declaration penalty and penalties benchmark , enforcement punishment and declaration penalty .

  24. HIV的抗药性可在体外用基因型和表现型检测法来确认。

    HIV resistance to a drug may be detected in vitro by genotypicand phenotypic methods .

  25. 方法对9例埋伏阻生牙患者,应用螺旋CT的图像处理功能,采用表现阴影成像法和多层面重建技术,获得单纯牙体表面图象和任意平面、任意曲面的断层像。

    Methods Nine cases with impacted teeth in bone were examined with spiral CT . All cases received surface shaded display ( SSD ) and multiplanar reconstruction ( MPR ) method for reconstruction .

  26. 裸地或低植被覆盖条件(NDVI≤0.3)采用基于热惯量理论的表现热惯量法(ATI)、高植被覆盖条件(NDVI>0.3)采用作物供水指数法(VSWI)来反演土壤含水量。

    For bare land or low vegetation coverage conditions ( NDVI ≤ 0.3 ), apparent thermal inertia ( ATI ) based on the thermal inertia theory can be used to deduce the soil moisture and for high vegetation coverage , vegetation-soil-water index ( VSWI ) method .

  27. 在法律领域的表现是经济法这一法律部门的出现。

    The behaviors in law scopes are the appearance of Economic Law , the law department .

  28. 我国缓刑制度的不足主要表现在实体法规定、缓刑裁量及缓刑社区矫正制度中。

    Its insufficient mainly displays in substantive provisions , probation discretion and probation community correctional system .

  29. 投资者法律保护与公司上市后长期业绩表现&基于法和金融理论的实证分析

    Development of Investor Protection and IPO Long-term Performance : An Empirical Study Based on Law and Finance

  30. 其次,法律体系的二元结构也表现在实体法和程序法的划分之中,而且具有不同的层次性。

    Second , it also embodies in the division of substantive law and adjective law with different sections .