
biǎo qíng
  • expression;look;emote;countenance;show one's feeling;express one's feelings
表情 [biǎo qíng]
  • [show ones feeling] 通过姿势、态度等表达感情、情意

  • 她脸上很会表情

  • [expression]表达在面部或姿态上的思想感情

  • 带着表情朗诵一首诗

  • 充满热情或表情的眼睛

表情[biǎo qíng]
  1. 他认真地注视着她的脸,捕捉每一丝细微的表情变化。

    He watched her face intently to catch every nuance of expression .

  2. 她脸上有一种厌倦的表情。

    There was a bored expression on her face .

  3. 从他的表情上你可以看出他在说假话。

    You could see from his face that he was lying .

  4. 你真该看看她发现事情真相时脸上的表情!

    You should have seen her face when she found out !

  5. 她面无表情地盯着那官员,耸了耸肩。

    She gave the officer a blank stare and shrugged her shoulders .

  6. 她满面迷惑的表情。

    She had a puzzled look on her face .

  7. 他脸上完全是一副全神贯注的表情。

    His face was a study in concentration .

  8. 他的面部表情总是一成不变。

    The expression on his face never changed .

  9. 她装出一副冷冰冰毫无表情的样子。

    Her face was a cold blank mask .

  10. 他的表情由惊变喜。

    His expression changed from amazement to joy .

  11. 看她的面部表情,就什么都明白了。

    Her face told its own story .

  12. 他内疚的表情证实了我的猜疑。

    His guilty expression confirmed my suspicions .

  13. 她面无表情地直视着他。

    She gave him a blank stare .

  14. 她露出一副察言观色、处处提防的表情。

    Her expression was watchful and alert .

  15. 他表情严肃得体。

    He was looking correctly grave .

  16. 从她的表情可以看出她很失望。

    Her expression showed her disappointment .

  17. 她表情冷淡。

    Her expression was glacial .

  18. 她的表情显得严肃起来。

    Her expression grew solemn .

  19. 她假装不为所动,可脸上的表情却将她的心绪暴露无遗。

    She pretended she wasn 't excited but the expression on her face was a dead giveaway .

  20. 她表情严肃。

    She looked grim .

  21. 他面无表情地站在那里,听法官宣布判决。

    He stood emotionless as he heard the judge pass sentence .

  22. 他的表情里没有悲痛,只有深深的无奈。

    There was no grief in his expression , only deep resignation

  23. 尚克利粗犷的脸上掠过一丝完全不信任的表情。

    A look of pure disbelief crossed Shankly 's rugged face .

  24. 她的表情隐在阴影中,很难读懂。

    Under the shaded light her expression was difficult to read .

  25. 这两个共谋者的表情泄漏了秘密。

    The faces of the two conspirators gave the game away .

  26. 他脸上流露出固执坚定的表情。

    His face was set in an expression of stubborn determination .

  27. 他面无表情,但亚历克斯能感觉到他未明言的批评之意。

    His face was expressionless , but Alex felt the unspoken criticism

  28. 克罗斯没有答话,脸上的表情也毫无变化。

    Cross didn 't answer ; his facial expression didn 't change

  29. 她的脸上流露出异常坚决的表情。

    There was an expression of fierce determination on her face .

  30. 他的笑容消失了,脸上的表情严肃了起来。

    His smile died and the look in his face hardened .