
xínɡ zhènɡ sù sònɡ
  • administrative litigation;administrative proceedings;administrative procedure;administrative action
  1. 试论强化行政诉讼原告的辩论权

    On Emphasizing the Debating Right of the Plaintiff in Administrative Action

  2. 行政诉讼客观化及其对我国的启示

    On the Objectification of Administrative Action and Its Inspiration to China

  3. 机会空间的营造&以B市被拆迁居民集团行政诉讼为例

    The Construction of Opportunity Space : A case study on collective lawsuit in B city

  4. 国际贸易行政诉讼审查标准刍议&以WTO体制约束为宏观背景

    On the Review Standard of Administrative Litigation in International Trade

  5. 及时修订和完善行政诉讼制度,以应对加入WTO的需要,具有十分重要的现实意义。

    Hence , to revise and improve our administrative litigation system as soon as possible will be very important so as to meet the challenges posed by WTO .

  6. 行政诉讼是WTO司法审查的一种重要形式,WTO协定要求司法审查机构必须具备独立性,我国行政审判体制在形式上独立于行政机关,但实际上仍受到行政权的严重干预。

    Administrative litigation is the most important form of WTO judicial review . According to WTO agreements , the judicial review institutions must keep independence from the administrative agencies .

  7. 在行政诉讼过程中,SEC谋求谴责或撤销公司在SEC执业的权利(第6页)。

    In the administrative proceeding the SEC is seeking to censure or revoke the right of the firms to practice before the SEC ( page 6 ) .

  8. 行政诉讼收费制度存在的问题及完善

    Analysis of the Problems and Improvement of Administrative Litigation Fee System

  9. 公民行政诉讼救济权的保护

    The Protection of Citizens ' Right of Relief in Administrative Proceedings

  10. 效率与公正是现代社会追求的两大目标,简易程序的设立不会影响到行政诉讼的司法公正。

    Efficiency and justice are the two objectives of modern society .

  11. 行政诉讼中的原告资格问题是行政诉讼中的一个重要问题。

    The problem of plaintiff qualification is important in administrative lawsuit .

  12. 第二部分:对我国行政诉讼不适用调解制度的反思。

    Part two : Does not apply in administrative proceedings Mediation .

  13. 公共利益问题话要公益行政诉讼制度探索

    An Exploration of the Administrative Lawsuits in the Public Interest

  14. 环境行政诉讼的原告资格问题是本文的主要关切所在。

    The qualification of plaintiff is the main idea of this article .

  15. 放宽行政诉讼起诉条件的诉权视角

    The views of extending condition of prosecution of administrative action

  16. 论《行政诉讼法》在药政案件中的适用

    Application of Administrative Procedure Law to Cases of Drug Administration

  17. 由一起行政诉讼案件判决书引发的法律思考

    Legal Reflections aroused by the Judgment of an administrative case

  18. 行政诉讼中事实证明者角色的分担

    On Apportionment of Liability for Factual Proof in Administrative Action

  19. 我国反倾销行政诉讼程序制度研究

    Research on the Administrative Litigation Process Regarding Anti-dumping in China

  20. 行政诉讼检察监督若干问题探析

    On Some Problems Confronting the Procuratorial Organs Supervising Administrative Actions

  21. 行政诉讼目的三分论之层次分析

    Arrangement and Analysis of the Three-Parts-Divisions of Administrative Action Purpose

  22. 论行政诉讼困境产生的根源与对策

    On the Origins of Administrative Lawsuit Difficulty and the Countermeasures

  23. 是否属于行政诉讼受案范围;

    Whether to belong to administration litigation scope or not ;

  24. 日本行政诉讼种类探析

    A Probe and Analysis of the Types of Japan 's Administrative Procedure

  25. 二是行政诉讼附属问题概述。

    Two is the administrative proceedings attached question outline .

  26. 应否建立军事行政诉讼制度这一问题更成为理论界和军法实践中讨论的焦点。

    The theme on military administrative litigation has been academic and practical focus .

  27. 当安全监察机构成为行政诉讼被告时

    When Work Safety Authority Becomes Defendant in Administrative Litigation

  28. 行政诉讼调解制度初探

    An Initial Study of Establishing Administrative Litigation Mediation System

  29. 行政诉讼证明标准研究初步

    A Primary Study of Testimony Standard of Administrative Litigation

  30. 论我国行政诉讼被告确认标准的重建

    On Reconstructions of the Confirmation Standard of Administrative Litigation Defendants in Our Country