
hánɡ yè biāo zhǔn
  • trade standard;industry standard
  1. 交通行业标准《汽车维护工艺规范》(JT/T201-95)简介与释点

    Transportation Trade Standard 《 Technology Specifications of Automobile Maintenance 》 ( JT / T201-95 )── A Brief introduction & Elucidative Points

  2. 桩西油田回注污水水质多项测定值超过行业标准B3级指标。

    The quality of recycled produced water at Zhangxi oil field , Shengli , does not meet the requirements B3 of the trade Standard in many aspects .

  3. 第二十条电器产品、燃气用具的质量必须符合国家标准或者行业标准。

    Article 20 The quality of electrical products and gas utensils must conform to the state standards or industrial standard .

  4. 第四十二条违反本法的规定,擅自降低消防技术标准施工、使用防火性能不符合国家标准或者行业标准的建筑构件和建筑材料或者不合格的装修、装饰材料施工的,责令限期改正;

    Article 42 Those who , in violation of this law , arbitrarily lower technical standards on fire control in construction , us construction parts and materials not conforming the state standards or industrial standards or disqualified fitting and decoration materials during construction , shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit ;

  5. 行业标准数据在CAD中的存储

    Industry Standard Data Storage in CAD

  6. RationalRequirementsComposer正迅速成为一种行业标准的需求定义和管理工具。

    Rational Requirements Composer is quickly becoming an industry standard requirements definition and management tool .

  7. 一个在某个厂商的云计算环境中使用了行业标准API。

    One uses industry-standard APIs running on one vendor 's cloud computing environment .

  8. 为了促进更广泛的语义互操作性,IBM已经成为各种行业标准的有力支持者。

    To prompt broader semantic interoperability , IBM has been a strong supporter for various industry standards .

  9. 3)在Web上进行数据交换时,我们往往要考虑进行数据交换的双方所要满足的XML模式约束(行业标准)。

    3 ) When data is exchanged on the Web , the XML schemas of the two entities ( their standards ) must be considered .

  10. UPS通信行业标准与测试方法

    UPS Standard for Telecommunication Industry and Test Method

  11. 有时候,企业可能会从合作伙伴或者客户那里接收到作为商定的交换格式或者行业标准的XML。

    At times , a business receives XML from a partner or customer as part of an agreed-to exchange format or industry standard .

  12. 轻量级目录访问协议(LightweightDirectoryAccessProtocol,LDAP)已经成为了存储所有可能需要查找的数据的行业标准。

    LDAP ( Lightweight Directory Access Protocol ) has already become an industry standard to store all possible look-up data .

  13. TwinFin是使用IBMSystemx刀片和IBM存储阵列一个行业标准平台构建的。

    TwinFin is built using IBM System x blades and IBM storage arrays & an industry-st an dard platform .

  14. 国家行业标准Si3N4结合SiC板的制定及应用

    The Establishment and Application of the National Profession Standard on the Slab of Si_3N_4 Bonded SiC

  15. 详细介绍了电子行业标准SJ/T11141-2003《LED显示屏通用规范》中温升的要求以及温升的检验方法。

    Detailed introduces the temperature ascension requirement and check-up method from electronic area standard SJ / T11141-2003 ( The General Criterion of LED Display ) .

  16. 发布编码应该跟随一个行业标准,比如国际标准组织(ISO)。

    Release Numbering should follow an industry standard like the International Organization for Standards ( ISO ) .

  17. 这几篇文章重点讨论如何把XML专用的建模语言与软件开发的行业标准UML结合起来。

    This series of articles focuses on how to combine the XML-specific modeling languages with UML , the industry standard for software development .

  18. 统一建模语言(UML)已经成为用于软件体系架构和设计的软件开发行业标准表示法。

    The Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) has become the software development industry 's standard notation for software architecture and design .

  19. 此外,很多基于XML的行业标准也得到开发,从而提供了一种通用格式来简化企业内部和企业之间的数据交换和处理。

    In addition , many XML-based industry standards have been developed to provide a common format to simplify the exchange and processing of data across and within companies .

  20. 然后,通过对构建电子病历系统的主要技术及相关行业标准进行了研究,设计了基于XML的医院住院部电子病历系统。

    Then , A XML based in-patient department EMR system is also designed , based upon research on the main tecnology and relevant criteria of the medical industry .

  21. 对新实施的《LED显示屏通用规范》电子行业标准的修订内容按标准的结构进行详细的对比介绍,并对某些指标进行了分析。

    This paper introduced the amending content of 《 Generic specification for LED panels 》 according to the frame of the standard , and analyzed some special points .

  22. 符合GMP行业标准,并具有性能稳定、操作维护方便、效率高等特点。

    Conform to the GMP industrial standard , steady , stead , easy maintenance and high efficiency .

  23. WS-Security构建于成熟的密码学以及XML加密及签名的行业标准基础上,为Web服务应用程序提供了一整套的安全特性。

    WS-Security provides a comprehensive set of security features for web service applications , building on established industry standards for cryptography and for XML encryption and signing .

  24. 许多应用程序需要以一种或多种使用XSD指定的行业标准消息格式表示数据。

    Many applications need to represent data in one or more industry-standard message formats specified using XSD .

  25. 全球化的虚拟制造体系结构要求使用开放的行业标准来提高互操作性和尽可能减少合作伙伴采用IBM的接口所需花费的时间。

    A global , virtual manufacturing architecture requires the use of open , industry standards to increase interoperability and minimize the time for partners to adapt to IBM 's interfaces .

  26. 对我国DSD酸现在实施的化工行业标准HG/T2279-2000进行修订的思考

    Reflection on Revisal of Chemical Industry Standard HG / T2279-2000 of DSD Acid

  27. 由于SNMP是行业标准,您了解了基础知识后即可将该知识应用于任何支持SNMP的设备。

    Since SNMP is an industry standard , once you learn the fundamentals you can apply that knowledge to any device supporting SNMP .

  28. 与Ajax非常相似,您还可以使用SOAP规范和代表性状态传输(RepresentationalStateTransfer,REST)方法来提供在应用程序之间传输数据的行业标准方式。

    Much like Ajax , the SOAP specification and the Representational State Transfer ( REST ) approach can also be used to provide an industry standard means of transferring data between applications .

  29. 粉体的Ba与Ti摩尔比为(1000±0005),杂质含量小于电子工业行业标准;

    The Ba / Ti mole ratio was ( 1 000 ± 0 005 ) confirmed by chemical analysis . The content of impurity was below the industry standard .

  30. OMGSoaML规范定义了一个使用面向服务方法进行系统建模的行业标准级的元数据模型和符号。

    The OMG SoaML specification defines an industry-standard meta-model and notation for modeling systems using service-oriented approaches .