
  • 网络Integrated education;inclusion;Inclusive education
  1. 特殊幼儿融合教育个案研究报告

    A Case Study Report on Inclusive Education of Special Young Children

  2. 浅谈学前融合教育的课堂教学原则

    On the Principles of Classroom Instruction in Early Childhood Inclusive Education

  3. 孤独症儿童融合教育干预的个案研究

    A Case Study on Inclusive Education Intervention to An Autism Child

  4. 上海市幼教工作者融合教育观念调查

    A Survey of Preschool Educators ' Ideas about Inclusive Education

  5. 随班就读的课程建设是成功的融合教育的关键。

    Curriculum development is the key to successful integrated education .

  6. 究竟融合教育是否特殊教育的未来路向?

    Is inclusive education the future direction of special education ?

  7. 自闭症幼儿学前融合教育支持系统建构的行动研究

    The Action Research on Constructing Support System for Autistic Children in Preschool-inclusive Education

  8. 在校大学生对残疾学生接受高等融合教育的态度调查

    A Survey on College Students'Attitude towards the Handicapped Students ' Receiving Higher Inclusive Education

  9. 美国学前融合教育综述

    A Review of American Inclusive Preschool Education

  10. 推行学前融合教育逐渐成为世界教育潮流发展的趋势。

    Carrying out preschool inclusive education has become a trend of global education development gradually .

  11. 融合教育的教育理念,对特殊需要儿童的家庭教育产生了深远影响。

    Inclusive education has impacted deeply on the family education for children with special needs .

  12. 融合教育的推行,静静地改变着香港学校教育的生态。

    The implementation of integrative education has quietly changed the ecology of schooling in Hong Kong .

  13. 本文运用个案研究法,通过观察记录、访谈记录、调查问卷、环境分析、教育建议与结果资料分析探讨成功的特殊幼儿融合教育经验,为特殊教育工作者、家长、幼儿园教师提供适当的建议。

    The case study aimed to explore successful experiences of inclusive education for special young children .

  14. 学前融合教育:理想与现实&基于一名自闭症幼儿融合教育的个案研究

    The Ideal and Reality of Preschool Inclusive Education : A Case Study Based on an Autistic Child

  15. 美国的学前融合教育发展迅速,处于世界领先水平。

    American inclusive preschool education has been developing rapidly and playing the leading role in the world .

  16. 发展融合教育已经在全世界范围内成为教育发展的主要潮流。

    The development of inclusive education has become the major trend of the development of education worldwide .

  17. 企业开展继续工程教育活动的探讨聋儿在融合教育活动中的情况调查

    On Developing Activities of Continued Engineering Education in Corporate Life A survey of deaf students in mainstreaming education

  18. 理工融合教育理念与北邮应用物理学专业培养计划

    The education plan of applied physics speciality of BUPT with the concept of " science combined with engineering "

  19. 融合教育作为一种新的教育思潮,逐步被人们所接受。

    Mainstreaming education for deaf students has been gradually accepted and it is the demonstration of human rights in education .

  20. 政府已拨出1.24亿元,在未来三年推广融合教育。

    The government has set aside $ 124 million for the promotion of integrated education in the next three years .

  21. 研究显示,加强融合教育知识的普及与宣传对进一步发展上海市学前特殊教育至关重要。

    The study indicates that knowledge of inclusion is of great importance for further development of preschool special education in Shanghai .

  22. 澳门在1991年开始,着力推展融合教育,于06/07学年,透过融合教育资助计划,向私立学校推展融合教育。

    In the 06 / 07 school year , through the " Inclusive Education Fund ", promote integrated education in private schools .

  23. 本文是对一位自闭症幼儿进行融合教育干预个案的研究过程及结果的呈现。

    The thesis reports the research of inclusive education result of a autism child , and shows us the outcome of the course .

  24. 学前融合教育是指在让学龄前有特殊需要的儿童与正常儿童共同接受学前教育机构的保育和教育。

    The Early Childhood Inclusive Education is the care and education for the preschool children with special needs with the normal children together .

  25. 本文从美国学前融合教育的理念发展、政策制定以及教育实践三个方面对美国学前融合教育的发展状况作了综述。

    This paper makes a review of American inclusive preschool education in terms of concept development , relative policy making and education practice .

  26. 融合教育、多元文化与儿童发展&第27届国际早期教育学会年会综述

    Integration Education , Multi-culture and Children Development & A Review of the 27th Annual Symposium of The International Association of Early Childhood Education

  27. 而教师对融合教育的态度与他们对随班就读的责任感之间存在显著相关。

    Significant correlation was found between teachers ' attitudes towards inclusive education and their sense of responsibility to include children with disabilities in regular classroom .

  28. 自一九九七年推行融合教育先导计划后,教育署以全校参与的融合教育模式为基础,制定了帮助有特殊需要学童融入社会的长远政策。

    Following a pilot project in1997 , a whole-school approach to integration has been adopted as the long-term strategy for integrating students with special needs .

  29. 为了使特殊教育在新世纪有更大的发展,真正实现融合教育,日本又开始进行新的改革,即向特别支援教育转型。

    To make more progress in the new century and to realize Inclusive Education , Japan began a new reform to transform to special support education .

  30. 举校企合作旗走工学结合路&黄冈职院多层双向融合教育模式的探索与实践

    Raising the Flag of School-enterprise Cooperation Walking the Road of Work-study Combination & Huanggang Polytechnic College " multi-sided two-way integration " Research and Practice of Educational mode