
  • 网络Meringue
  1. 但是植物蛋白饼的制造技术已经大有提高。

    But there have been great strides in veggie burger technology .

  2. 我不要杏仁蛋白饼。

    No , I don 't want dacquoise .

  3. 许多名人例如杰西卡·阿尔芭和詹尼弗·加纳已经知道在关注他们体重的时候吃蛋白鸡蛋饼。

    Celebrities such as Jessica Alba and Jennifer Garner have been known to eat egg white omelets when watching their weight .

  4. 比如早饭,专家建议吃一个纯蛋白的蛋饼,加蔬菜和芝士,再加一片全麦吐司。

    For breakfast , she recommends an egg-white omelet with veggies and cheese , and a slice of whole-grain toast .

  5. 利用优质蛋白源大豆饼粕强化谷物,通过粮豆蛋白质互补、生物强化和生物技术等方法,将营养价值较低的原料转化为营养丰富的组合食品氨维营养强化剂。

    Using superior protein resource & soybean cake meal ( after extracting of oil ) to complement protein of grain and bean and through biological enrichment and bioengineering , etc.

  6. 该突变株能很好地利用蔗糖和玉米淀粉为碳源,蛋白脏和黄豆饼粉为氮源。

    The mutant could use sucrose and maize starch as the carbon source , peptone and soybean powder as the nitrogen source .