
cánɡ shū lóu
  • library
  1. 古代藏书楼已不再适应社会发展的需要。

    Ancient Library no longer met the needs of social development .

  2. 我在去藏书楼的路上经过议定了那家商店。

    I passed the store on my way to the library .

  3. 个人数字图书馆是根据自我需要,自建自用的e时代的私人藏书楼,是个人信息管理的利器。

    The individual digital library is the self-built and self-used private storage building in the e-age based on the self-requirements .

  4. 藏书楼需求多一些最新的书。

    This library needs to get some more up-to-date books .

  5. 从古代藏书楼到现代图书馆

    From the Ancient Place in which Books were Collected to Modern Library

  6. 中国古代藏书楼的今日重现

    Nowadays Reappearance of the Ancient Book - Storage Buildings

  7. 常熟赵氏为文献世家,藏书楼有园林之胜,藏书多为常熟藏书家递藏。

    Most of the books were handed down through book collectors in Changshu .

  8. 除了礼拜天外,藏书楼每天开放。

    Excepting Sundays , the library is open daily .

  9. 她你可以询问藏书楼打点员他们有没有这本书。

    You may inquired of the librarian whether they had got the book .

  10. 你凡是从藏书楼借书吗?

    Do you often borrow books from the library ?

  11. 宋代私人藏书楼初探

    Primary Study on the Private Library in Song Dynasty

  12. 广东私家藏书楼和藏书家的地位与贡献

    Private Libraries and Book Collectors in Guangdong and Their Contribution to Chinese Library Science

  13. 咱们藏书楼有很多书。

    There are many books in our library .

  14. 藏书楼今天什么时分关门?

    What time does the library close today ?

  15. 维新派对中国古代藏书楼变革的影响

    The Influence of Reformist on Traditional Chinese Libraries

  16. 学校藏书楼有很多图书。

    The school library has many books .

  17. 古代藏书楼封闭之原因刍议

    The Reasons on Occlusion of Ancient Library

  18. 这里就是天一阁藏书楼了。

    This is the Tianyi Pavilion Library .

  19. 这本词典的厚度是你从藏书楼借的那本(厚度)的五倍。

    This dictionary is five times as thick as the one you borrowed from the library .

  20. 学术者天下之公器也&论刘光汉的公共藏书楼思想

    Knowledge is the Public Implement for the World & the Public Library Ideals of Liu Guanghan

  21. 从藏书楼到图书馆&论图书馆“话语权”的演变

    From book collection house to library & on evolution of library 's " speech power "

  22. 数字藏书楼反在建设入程外头后里临的非信做资流的版权受权。

    Digital Library during the construction of the first face is authorized by the copyright information resources .

  23. 复活凡是在校园迷路,不知道去宿舍或藏书楼该怎么走。

    Freshmen often get lost on campus ; fail to find the way to dormitory or library .

  24. 文章通过史料,对太原地区近代由藏书楼到图书馆的演变过程进行了追述,回顾了太原地区近代图书馆历史的发展历程。

    The article briefly describes the modern history of Taiyuan libraries and discusses the development of Taiyuan libraries .

  25. 但是古代藏书楼在中国存在了几千年之久,思想观念根深蒂固。

    But the Ancient Library had existed in China for thousands of years , and had been deeply-rooted .

  26. 第二部分则对宋代私人藏书楼的命名情况略作探讨。

    The second part then assigns name to the circumstance to a private library to make the study slightly .

  27. 第四部门用所构建的指本体解,闭于藏书楼入行评价。

    The fourth part uses an index sign for setting up system , proceeding the valuation to the library .

  28. 可是有时分她必需分开家去藏书楼借些书,或是去参与会议。

    But sometimes she had to leave the house to get some books from the library or have a meeting .

  29. 中国图书馆事业经历了古代封建社会的藏书楼、近现代图书馆以及未来的复合图书馆几个发展阶段。

    The history of Chinese library enterprise can be separated by three periods : ancient cang-shu-lou , modern library and future complex library .

  30. 从藏书楼到图书馆&浙江、湖南、湖北三省公共图书馆创建探微

    From Storage Building to Library & Probe on Establishment of the Public Libraries of Three Provinces Such as Zhejiang , Hunan and Hubei