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lán yìn huā bù
  • Blue calico;blue cloth with design in white
蓝印花布[lán yìn huā bù]
  1. 就从蓝印花布开始,我的决定!

    Let me begin my decision from the Blue Print Cloth .

  2. 江南蓝印花布旅游纪念品设计开发研究

    The Research of Blue Calico Design Traveling Souvenir Development in Jiangnan

  3. 古朴清雅赋蓝白巧染棉布寄乡情&南通蓝印花布的历史与特色

    On the History and Characteristics of the Blue-Printing Cloth in Nantong

  4. 对丰同裕蓝印花布制作工艺的考察

    Investigation of Blue Calico-Making Craft of " Feng Tong Yu "

  5. 南通蓝印花布及其吉祥图案和合二仙考

    Study of Nantong Blueprint Cloth and the Auspicious Pattern-Gods of He-He

  6. 中国传统民间蓝印花布的艺术特征

    The Art Characteristic of Blue Calico in Chinese Traditional Folk Arts

  7. 偶发性色彩在蓝印花布创新设计中的应用

    Applications of happening color in Chinese blue calico ′ s innovative design

  8. 民间蓝印花布的色彩观

    Perspective of Color of Folk Cloth Printing with Blue Flower

  9. 梁平蓝印花布制作工艺恢复传承的思考

    Thinking on recovery of Handicraft of Liangping Blue Calico Making

  10. 刍议南通传统蓝印花布及其在现代社会的价值

    Modern Social Value of Nantong Traditional Blue Printed Cloth

  11. 蓝印花布是传统工艺的重要门类。

    The handicraft of blue allover is one of the important kinds of traditional handicraft .

  12. 蓝印花布遍及湖北全省,尤以天门蓝印花布最负盛名。

    Blue cloth over the Hubei province , particularly in Tianmen most prestigious blue cloth .

  13. 南通蓝印花布必须适应这种变化,在装饰语言上首先进行自身的改良和创新。

    Nantong blue printed cloth must adapt to this change and have its innovation and creation in decorative language .

  14. 可见,蓝印花布的平民化特质是其生存和发展的灵魂。

    It can be seen that the characteristics'civilians of the blue calico is subsisted and developed with its soul .

  15. 作者以古代“五色”和现代“三原色”原理的色彩学方法分析蓝印花布的历史成因,认为“靛蓝美感”奠定了蓝印花布审美接受的基础。

    The authors analyze the historical reasons of the indigo-blue printed fabric cloth from the principle of ancient five colors and modern three original colors .

  16. 泥塑、面塑、面具、剪纸、香包、皮影戏、烙画、年画、刺绣、蓝印花布、蜡染等等。

    Clay sculpture , figurines , masks , paper cutting , mirrors , shadow , pyrography , paintings , embroidery , blue prints , batik , etc.

  17. 本文分析了民间蓝印花布朴实无华、大巧若拙和表意抒情、含蓄隐喻的艺术特色,并从简化设计、符号设计、融合设计及创新和改编诸方面探讨了现代蓝印花布的设计理念及方法。

    This paper analyses the traditional aesthetic standards and aesthetic characteristics of folk blue printed cloth , and approaches the design concept and method of modern blue printed cloth .

  18. 可是三年下来,毕业学生无一人愿意从事蓝印花布技艺,这样的教学只能起到传播传统文化的作用。

    But three years down the graduating students are willing to engage in a blue cloth art , so that teaching can only play a role in dissemination of traditional culture .

  19. 文章在论述南通蓝印花布艺术特点的基础上,着重论述了吉祥图案“和合二仙”在南通蓝印花布中的应用情况。

    Based on the analysis of artistic characteristics of Nantong blueprint cloth , this paper mainly discusses the application of the auspicious pattern & Gods of He-He in Nantong blueprint cloth .

  20. 本课题研究通过问题的提出、问题的分析,总结了江南蓝印花布旅游纪念品设计的原则与方法,对江南蓝印花布旅游纪念品的开发与设计具有一定的指导意义。

    The subject summarize the Design principles and method of Jiangnan Blue Calico tour souvenir through raising and analyzing problems , thus making a certain introduction significance to its development and design .

  21. 第四类用作蓝印花布的雕花蜡版,花布可以用来缝衣服、被罩、门帘或窗帘、包裹、围巾、披肩等等。

    The fourth is used as a stencil for indigo prints , which are used for clothing , quilt covers , door and window curtains , cloth wrappers , aprons and scarfs .

  22. 蓝印花布这种传统手工印染工艺具有久远的历史和较高的审美价值,长期以来深受人们喜爱。

    The blue allover , made through a traditional handmade printing and dyeing technology , has the long history and the high aesthetic value , and is deeply liked by people for a long time .

  23. 蓝印花布是江南特有的布料,她采用纯棉的布料,加上植物中提取的染料,再用豆浆、石灰、醋等附料加工而成!

    This kind of cloth is proper here , it is made of the materials of pure cotton and dry stuff distilled from the plants , with some accessional materials of soybean milk , calcareousness and vinegar .

  24. 湖南湘西地区作为蓝印花布的重要产地之一,有必要将它的历史沿革、工艺流程、民俗应用和纹样风格等方面做一个较为系统的调查与研究。

    As the area of western Hunan is the important producing area for the blue allover , a systematical investigation and research on its historical evolution , technological process , folk-custom application , pattern style and so on should be made .

  25. 论文最后提出了保护和发展的建议,重视人才的培养,并把蓝印花布艺术精华与当代设计更加合理的相结合,满足当代人的物质需要和审美要求。

    Finally , protection and development of the proposal , to attach importance to personnel training , and the essence of art and contemporary design of blue calico is more reasonable combination to meet the material needs and aesthetic requirements of the contemporary people .