
lán lǜ sè
  • blue-green;teal;bluish green
蓝绿色[lán lǜ sè]
  1. 表面间皮细胞可见呈立方形偶见脱落;Masson染色可见间皮下增厚的结缔组织呈现蓝绿色,存在大量胶原纤维。

    Masson staining showed that thickening of the connective tissue under mesothelial cells was blue-green and there were a large number of collagen fibers .

  2. FMM中喹啉基团与Al3+配位给出了明亮的蓝绿色荧光。

    The quinoline moiety coordinated with Al3 + in the FMM to give a bright blue-green fluorescence .

  3. 她的眼睛是蓝绿色的。

    Her eyes were a bluey-green colour .

  4. 印刷行业使用的一种颜色模型,建立在蓝绿色、绛红色和黄色相混合的基础上。

    A color model used by the printing industry that is based on mixing cyan , magenta , and yellow .

  5. 那么我会穿B小调的衣服,也就是蓝绿色的,紫色和还有橙色。

    I would dress in B minor , which would be turquoise , purple and orange .

  6. 利用PVA在硼酸介质中能与碘生成蓝绿色的络合物的特性,建立了用分光光度法测定其含量的简便、快速的分析方法。

    Spectrophotometry can be used to determine PVA content .

  7. Masson三色染色蓝绿色丢失严重,仅表层软骨尚可保留一些;

    Only surface layer cartilage remained bluish - green after Masson trichrome stain ;

  8. 任天堂SwitchLite质量轻,集成控件专门为支持手持模式的任天堂Switch游戏设计,有三种颜色可选:黄色、灰色和蓝绿色。

    A lightweight device with integrated controls designed specifically to play Nintendo Switch games that support Handheld mode , Nintendo Switch Lite is available in three colors : yellow , grey and turquoise .

  9. 未知预测:Berry(贝瑞)有足够的自信(和完美的身材)来展示这款蓝绿色的Versace(范思哲)va-va-voom礼服。

    Wild Card : Berry has the confidence ( and the body ! ) to wear this va-va-voom turquoise Versace number .

  10. 碳化硅(SiC)是宽禁带半导体材料,由于其在蓝绿色发光二极管和紫外光电探测器等光电器件方面具有潜在的应用能力,近年来得到了广泛的研究。

    Silicon carbide ( SiC ), a wide gap semiconductor , has attracted considerable research interest in recent years due to its potential applications in optoeletronic devices such as blue-green light emitting diodes ( LED ) and ultraviolet photodetectors .

  11. 依据特征的蓝色&蓝绿色异常闪光效应、残存的扁平状气泡以及UVVis,LRS和EPMA二次电子像及背散射电子像特征,有助于识别这种高铅玻璃充填处理红宝石。

    Blue to bluish green flash effect , residual flat gas bubbles , UV-VIS , LRS , EPMA backscattered electron image and secondary electron image usually give enough evidence for detection of this latest treatment .

  12. 稀土蓝绿色长余辉发光粉的研制

    Development on the blue - green long afterglow phosphor doped RE

  13. 蓝绿色荧光粉的合成研究

    A study of the synthesis of a blue green emitting phosphor

  14. 海蓝宝石是淡蓝色,蓝绿色和深蓝色。

    Aquamarine is light blue , blue-green and dark blue .

  15. 蓝绿色和铁锈色对彼此而言都不是显性基因。

    Turquoise and steel are not dominant over each other .

  16. 北美洲蓝绿色和白色的燕子;在树洞中筑巢。

    Bluish-green-and-white North American swallow ; nests in tree cavities .

  17. 上面说它有蓝绿色和橘色的。

    It says that it comes in teal and tangerine .

  18. 最底下的蓝绿色框是基准测试开始计时的地方。

    Finally the last aqua-blue area is where the benchmark timings start .

  19. 欧洲淡水中蓝绿色细长小鱼。

    Small European freshwater fish with a slender bluish-green body .

  20. 稀土蓝绿色荧光体性能分析

    Property Analysis of the Rare Earth Blue - Green Phosphor

  21. 那这个蓝绿色的呢?

    What about the kind of cyan-ish , blue-green one ? Yup .

  22. 有金属般光泽的蓝绿色大型甲虫,捕食毛虫;产于北美。

    Large metallic blue-green beetle that preys on caterpillars ; North America .

  23. 制备稀土蓝绿色荧光粉的工艺研究

    Technology of Preparing Rare Earth Blue - green Phosphors

  24. 水几乎是蓝绿色,是明确的。

    The water is almost blue-green and is clear .

  25. 实际的颜色的蓝宝石可能从蓝色到蓝绿色。

    The actual color of an aquamarine can vary from blue to blue-green .

  26. 蓝绿色,金属色及皇家蓝色被称做三闪光色。

    Turquoise , steel and royal blue are called the three iridescent colors .

  27. 或者有点蓝绿色抑或有点蓝色,是不是?

    Maybe some teal or some blue , right ?

  28. 蓝绿色等离子体显示板的研究

    The Study of a Blue - Green Color PDP

  29. 蓝绿色荧光体与荧光灯的显色性

    Blue-Green Phosphor and Color Rendering Properties of Fluorescent Lamp

  30. 珠子多为蓝绿色,有时也呈粉色、紫色或黑色。

    The colors are mostly blue-green but sometimes pink , purple and black .