
suàn miáo
  • garlic sprouts;garlic bolt;young garlic bolt
蒜苗 [suàn miáo]
  • (1) 〈方〉

  • (2) [young garlic bolt]∶嫩蒜薹

  • (3) [garlic sprouts]∶青蒜

蒜苗[suàn miáo]
  1. 蒜苗控肉汤。泰式豆腐汤的做法-怎么做泰式豆腐汤的制作方法

    Thai tofu soup broth Garlic control approach-how to do Thai method of making tofu soup

  2. 夏天蒜苗成长。

    And grow garlic greens in summer .

  3. 在论文的分析对象上,选取了大蒜的三个品种,即蒜头、蒜薹和蒜苗。

    The paper selects three varieties of garlic : garlic , garlic sprouts and Suanmiao as analysis object .

  4. 相关性分析表明:微生物对蒜苗根际土壤酶活性的影响大于对玉米土壤酶的影响。

    The soil enzyme of the garlic sprouts was more sensitive than that of corn to the change of soil microorganism .

  5. 生物测定结果表明,蒜苗挥发物对黄瓜幼苗生长表现出低促高抑的双浓度化感效应,80株/1.77m3处理下,表现为促进作用,黄瓜幼苗长势最壮。

    The bio-analysis results indicated that the dual effects on seedling growth of cucumber , promotion at low concentration and suppression at high concentration were found .

  6. 酶活性测定表明,80株/1.77m3的蒜苗挥发物可提高黄瓜幼苗保护酶活性及抗病性相关酶的活性。

    Garlic plant volatile can promote the growth of cucumber by treatment of 80 / 1.77 m3.The enzyme determination indicated that garlic plant volatile by 80 / 1.77 m3 can promote the activities of protective enzymes and enzymes activity about disease resistance in cucumber .

  7. 左女士在家准备麻婆豆腐的时候,只用豆腐和一些辣椒油,不放那么多豆瓣酱。而且她经常用切好的葱段代替蒜苗。

    When Ms. Zuo prepares the dish at home , ' I make it with just tofu cubes and some chili oil , and not so much beanpaste . ' And she often substitutes chopped scallion greens for suanmiao ( the local leek ) .

  8. 当地美食没有比麻婆豆腐更让人爱不释口的了。又滑又韧的豆腐,肉末、蒜苗配以豆豉、辣椒豆瓣酱、酱油和干红辣椒,用大量的油烹制而成。

    No local specialty is more treasured than mapo dofu , a sumptuous melange of silky firm bean curd , chopped meat and suanmiao ( a local leek ) cooked in liberal amounts of oil with black beans , chili-beanpaste , soy sauce and dried chilies .

  9. 臊子面的配菜讲究五色:木耳豆腐寓意黑白分明,鸡蛋象征富贵,红萝卜寓意日子红火,蒜苗代表生机勃发,红黄绿白黑五种颜色代表了岐山人对生活的美好祝福。

    The trimmings for the noodles have five colors . Fungus and tofu mean black and white . Eggs represent wealth . Red carrot symbolizes a prosperous life . Garlic sprouts mean vitality . The five colors , red , yellow , green , white and black represent Qishan people 's best wishes for life .