
  • 网络Allium
  1. 均属葱属植物,或许我们可以将二者称之为神奇的食品。它们可以被用于制作多种菜谱而产生美好的口味。

    Garlic and onions , both members of the allium family , might well be called'miracle'foods , which should be included in as many dishes as appropriate to your taste .

  2. 研究表明,这些生理与药理作用与葱属植物中所含的黄酮类化合物、含硫化合物和多糖等活性成分有关。

    These functions are related to the allium plant which contains flavanoid , sulfide compound and polycose .

  3. 葱属植物挥发油研究&1中药薤白(AlliummacrostemonBunge)挥发油成分的研究

    A study on the volatile oils of Allium macrostemon Bunge

  4. 在室内用相同的葱属植物种所进行的接种试验,所有试验植物种均被AMF侵染并形成相同的Arum菌根结构类型。

    The inoculation experiment with AM fungi under the green-house condition showed that all tested spices were infected with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and also formed the same Arum-type mycorrhizal structure .

  5. 蒙古高原葱属植物种皮微形态研究

    Study on micro-morphology of seed-coat of Allium in Mongolia Plateau

  6. 葱属植物化学及药理研究进展

    Research progress in the chemical constituents and pharmacological actions of Allium species

  7. 蒙古高原鸦葱属植物的花粉形态研究。

    Study on the pollen morphology of the genus Scorzonera in Mongolian plateau .

  8. 新疆部分葱属植物生物学特性及其分类意义研究

    Studies on the Biological Characters and their Taxonomical Significance of Allium from Xinjiang

  9. 葱属植物上病毒病发生普遍,严重影响产量和品质。

    Virus diseases of Allium are common and seriously affect both quality and yield .

  10. 蒙古高原鸦葱属植物区系地理分析

    Analysis of floral ecological and geographical distribution of Scorzonera genus in the Mongolian plateau

  11. 其多数种类为各种牲畜喜食的优良牧草。因此葱属植物在内蒙古地区具有一定的代表性。

    Most of the alliums are excellent forage plants . Therefore , it was important to study Allium species .

  12. 确认了蒙古高原有鸦葱属植物10种;把ScorzoneraikonnikoviiLipsch。

    It was confirmed that there are 10 species and one variant of genus Scorzonera in the Mongolian plateau .

  13. 作为野生蔬菜近年来受到人们的青睐,一些学者对这三种葱属植物进行了初步研究,但对其解剖结构的研究未见报道。

    Some experts paid attention to the studies on these three Allium plants , but the study on anatomy character is not reported .

  14. 蒙古高原地处亚洲温带地区,共有鸦葱属植物11种,分属于6个区系分布类型。

    The Mongolian plateau lies in the Asia temperate zone and 11 species of Scorzonera genus which appeared at Mongolian plateau belong to 6 floral component .

  15. 对葱属植物组织培养各个方面的研究现状进行了综述,包括器官培养、胚培养、单倍体培养和原生质体培养。

    Research status of tissue culture of Allium plant in various aspects were summarized , it included organ culture , embryo culture , haploid culture and protoplast culture .

  16. 大蒜是百合科葱属植物生蒜的地下鳞茎,多年的流行病学研究及临床实验发现大蒜具有抗癌防癌、抗动脉粥样硬化、降血压降血脂、抗菌和提高机体免疫力等多种药理作用。

    Garlic is the bulbs of Liliaceae allium sativum . Thousand years of epidemiological studies and clinical uses have shown that garlic possesses serious pharmacological effects such as tumor reduction , anti-atherosclerosis , blood lipids and sugar modulation , antifungal , antimicrobial , and stimulating immune system .

  17. 人们从葱属植物中得到含硫化合物,甾体化合物、黄酮类化合物、含氮化合物及其他成分。其中含硫化合物多存在于该属植物的挥发油中,是其具有特征性芳香气味的主要原因。

    Many bioactive compounds such as sulfur compounds , steroidal saponins , flavonoids , organonitrogen compounds and some other compounds were isolated from the plants of this genus . Sulfur compounds , which mainly contains in the volatile oil , give a characteristic onion or garlic taste and odor .

  18. 野生的葱属众多植物的任何一种,具有可食的球茎。

    Any of various plants of the genus Allium with edible bulbs found growing wild .

  19. 研究表明,百合科葱属的植物能有效降低胆固醇含量,并具有抗凝血降血压的功效。

    Studies have linked this member of the onion family with lowering cholesterol levels , as well as providing anti-clotting activity and reductions in blood pressure .

  20. 葱属4种植物植株生长动态与温度关系的探讨

    The relation between the temperature and the growth dynamic of four biennials of Allium

  21. 葱属4种植物物候期观测及不同生育期营养成份的研究

    Studies on the Nutritive Substance of Phenological Period and Different Growth Stages of 4 Species of Allium Phenophase

  22. 一种类似圆葱头的(葱属蒜)植物,长于欧洲南部,其球茎分成可分割的瓣,有强烈的、与众不同的气味和滋味。

    An onion like plant ( Allium sativum ) of southern Europe having a bulb that breaks up into separable cloves with a strong , distinctive odor and flavor .

  23. 部分葱属(Allium)植物细胞的无丝分裂研究

    Study on Cell Amitosis in part of the Allium Plants

  24. 国产葱属粗根组植物分子系统学研究

    Molecular Phylogenetic Studies on Sect . Bromatorrhiza ( Allium ) from China