
  • 网络Chairman of the Board
  1. 不过,身为第一视频集团有限公司(以下简称:第一视频)董事局主席的张力军似乎并没有为此而大费脑筋。

    However , as the chairman of the Board of VODone Limited ( hereinafter referred to as " VODone "), Zhang Lijun seems never panic and rests calmly on his arm-chair .

  2. 全国政协委员,汉能控股集团有限公司董事局主席,李河君

    Li Hejun , member of the CPPCC National Committee and chairman of Hanergy Thin Film Power Group

  3. 周大福董事局主席郑家纯(henrycheng)表示,销售额增长放缓反映去年同期的基数极高。

    Henry Cheng , chairman , said the slowdown reflected the extremely high base last year .

  4. 其控股公司阿里巴巴集团(AlibabaGroup)是用零散资金创建的,而即将来临的IPO将使其董事局主席马云(JackMa)成为中国最富有的人之一。

    The holding company , Alibaba Group , was founded on a shoe-string and the upcoming IPO will make chairman Jack Ma one of China 's richest men .

  5. 自从阿里巴巴上周一启动路演以来,从大型共同基金到著名对冲基金的投资人均竞相与阿里巴巴的董事局主席和联合创始人马云(JackMa)等高管会面。

    Since Alibaba began its roadshow on Monday , money managers ranging from huge mutual funds to big-name hedge funds have clamored for an audience with executives including the company 's chairman and co-founder , Jack Ma .

  6. 汇丰董事局主席范智廉(DouglasFlint)表示:我们面对的一个问题是,流动性供应将来自何处。

    Douglas Flint , chairman of HSBC , said : One of the questions we have is where is the liquidity provision going to come from .

  7. 2009年2月,联想请柳传志重新出山、担任联想集团董事局主席,并由同是联想元老的杨元庆接替美国人比尔阿梅里奥(BillAmelio)担任首席执行官。

    Lenovo brought Mr Liu back in February 2009 as chairman and replaced Bill Amelio , its American chief executive , with Mr Yang , also a Lenovo veteran .

  8. 马云采访在博客圈引发的风波出现新的转折。《南华早报》网站上周六早上的一份声明称,采访阿里巴巴集团控股有限公司(AlibabaGroupHoldingsLtd.)创始人兼董事局主席马云(JackMa)的该报记者已经辞职。

    In another twist to the much-blogged about Jack Ma interview , The South China Morning post reporter who interviewed the founder and executive chairman of Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. has resigned , according to a statement on the newspapers website early this morning .

  9. 电子商务集团阿里巴巴(Alibaba)董事局主席马云(JackMa)将互联网上假货泛滥归咎于易受骗和“贪心”的消费者,并补充称,他的公司向买家提供辨别真假的工具。

    Jack Ma , chairman of ecommerce group Alibaba , has blamed credulous and " greedy " consumers for the prevalence of counterfeit goods available on the internet , adding that his company provides buyers with the tools to distinguish fakes from the genuine article .

  10. 详解阿里巴巴马云对《华尔街日报》说:我原来以为卸任CEO后会轻松一些,但现在我发现董事局主席的工作比CEO要忙得多。

    ' I thought it would be easier when I stepped down from CEO , but now I 'm finding out being a chairman , if you want to be a good chairman , is much busier than being a CEO , ' Mr. Ma told The Wall Street Journal .

  11. 去年大部分时间里,腾讯的股价都在上涨,使其董事局主席马化腾(PonyMa)在今年1月成为中国首富。但腾讯上周受到了双重打击。

    After watching its stock price shoot upwards for the better part of a year , in the process making its chairman , Pony Ma , the richest man in China in January , Tencent last week got hit by twin blows .

  12. 中文媒体报道称,中国央行提出了每月人民币1万元的移动支付限额,上周回应相关报道时,阿里巴巴董事局主席马云(JackMa)在北京的一场会议上说,有时候,打败你的不是技术,可能只是一份文件。

    Last week , responding to Chinese media reports that the central bank had proposed a cap on mobile payments of 10000 yuan ( roughly $ 1600 ) a month , Alibaba Chairman Jack Ma said at a Beijing conference : ' Sometimes you 're not defeated by technology ; sometimes it 's a document . '

  13. 对于与eBay的竞争,阿里巴巴集团董事局主席马云(JackMa)曾诙谐地说:“eBay是海洋中的鲨鱼,而我们是长江中的扬子鳄。如果在海洋中对抗,我们将会失败。但如果在长江里对抗,我们将取得胜利。”

    The competition with eBay prompted Jack Ma , Alibaba 's chairman , to quip : " Ebay may be a shark in the ocean , but I am a crocodile in the Yangtze . If we fight in the ocean , we lose , but if we fight in the river , we win . "

  14. 纪凯婷是中国房地产巨头龙光地产董事局主席兼执行长纪海鹏之女。

    Kei is the daughter of Logan 's chairman and CEO , Ji Haipeng .

  15. 他继续留任董事局主席。

    he is staying on as executive chairman .

  16. 柳传志上个月卸下董事局主席一职时,分析师们预测称,联想的前景很光明。

    Mr Liu retired as chairman last month , with analysts predicting a bright future for Lenovo .

  17. 海航集团董事局主席陈峰在今年7月表示将继续这股收购热潮。

    Chen Feng , HNA 's chairman , said in July the buying spree was set to continue .

  18. 阿里巴巴董事局主席马云等竞争者都不认同京东的商业模式,称之存在可悲的缺陷。

    Competitors like Jack Ma , chairman of Alibaba , have even disparaged the company 's business model , calling it tragically flawed .

  19. 这是京东董事局主席兼首席执行官、41岁的亿万富翁刘强东的公共宣传活动的部分内容。

    It is in part a publicity stunt for Mr. Liu , the 41-year-old billionaire who is the company 's chairman and chief executive .

  20. 尽管人工智能取得了突破,阿里巴巴集团董事局主席马云却认为,人类不需要惧怕机器。

    Despite the breakthrough , Jack Ma , chairman of Alibaba Group , said there was no need for human beings to fear machines .

  21. 杨元庆说:我们并不满足于世界第三的位置。当时,他是联想的总裁,现在担任董事局主席。

    We are not satisfied to be only number three , said Mr Yang , who was then Lenovo 's president and is now its chairman .

  22. 在创始股东以及其他各相关方不断地施以压力之下,现任董事局主席等才陆续公布了新开店计划。

    However , the current chairman did not announce the successive plans to open new stores until encountering the pressure from Founding Shareholders and other parties .

  23. 为了公司的可持续性发展和全体股东的长远利益,建议在特别股东大会上投票罢免现任董事局主席职务。

    It is proposed that the current chairman be removed to ensure a sustainable future of the Company and safeguard the long-term interests of all shareholders .

  24. 接受采访时,作为公司创始人的劳伦表示,他打算以董事局主席和首席创意官的新角色,继续积极参与公司事务。

    In an interview , Mr. Lauren said that he intended to remain active at the company he founded in new roles as executive chairman and chief creative officer .

  25. 记者的会议的间隙采访了500强中的几位掌门人。而在这些商界领袖中,最具知名度的应该就是联想控股有限公司董事局主席柳传志了。

    During the conference , our reporter interviewed some leaders of the top500 enterprises , among whom the most famous one should be no others than Liu Chuanzhi , chairman of Legend Holding Ltd.

  26. 国美由目前在狱中服刑的亿万富翁黄光裕创立,去年驱逐了董事局主席陈晓以后,重心转移到门店扩张上,陈晓更希望专注于门店盈利能力。

    The company , founded by jailed billionaire Huang Guangyu , last year shifted its focus on to store expansion after ousting chairman Chen Xiao , who wanted to concentrate more on store profitability .

  27. 日前,联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯宣布成立数字合作高级别小组,任命阿里巴巴集团董事局主席马云和比尔及梅琳达·盖茨基金会联合创始人梅琳达·盖茨为小组联合主席。

    UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres announced the launch of the High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation , appointing Jack Ma of Alibaba Group and Melinda Gates of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to co-chair it .

  28. 根据福布斯实时亿万富豪榜,他的财富超越了阿里巴巴董事局主席马云(354亿美元)和腾讯创始人马化腾(353亿美元)。

    Hui 's fortune puts him ahead of Alibaba chairman Jack Ma ( $ 35.4 billion ) and Tencent founder Pony Ma Huateng ( $ 35.3 billion ) , according to the Forbes Real-Time Billionaires List .

  29. 松鹤富丽集团董事局主席;电子博士;中国杰出青年企业家,北京恒基伟业电子有限公司董事长、裁,“商务通”品牌创始人。

    Chairman of board Bureau of songhefuli group ; doctor of electron , outstanding youth enterpriser of china , board chairman and President of Beijing hengjiweiye electronic co. , ltd. , and initiator of Shangwutong brand .

  30. 其中包括中国大陆最富有的互联网巨头阿里巴巴集团董事局主席马云,和房地产公司大连万达集团董事长王健林。

    Among them were the two richest people in mainland China , Jack Ma , the chairman of the Internet giant Alibaba Group , and Wang Jianlin , the chairman of Dalian Wanda Group , a real estate company .