
luò chéng
  • completion;be completed;completion of a building;opening up
落成 [luò chéng]
  • [completion of a building,etc.] 古代宗庙、宫室盖好时所行的祭礼。始成的意思

  • 凡房屋建造完成都叫落成

落成[luò chéng]
  1. 与此同时,银河SOHO、达沃斯会议中心等新一批数字建筑的落成标志着中国建筑行业与世界的接轨,中国的建筑数字实践开始新一轮浪潮。

    At the same time , the completion of a new batch of digital buildings , such as the Galaxy SOHO , Davos Congress Centre marks the construction industry in China and in the world standards . Practice of digital building in China starts a new round wave .

  2. 我国首座卫星信道数字化地震台网落成

    Completion of the first digital seismograph network with satellite channel in China

  3. 新桥提前两年落成。

    The new bridge has been finished two years ahead of schedule .

  4. 新落成的剧院由市长主持了开幕典礼。

    The new theatre was inaugurated by the mayor .

  5. 为阵亡将士纪念碑举行了落成典礼。

    A memorial stone was dedicated to those who were killed in the war .

  6. 新建的有毒废物研究中心今天在皇家学院举行落成典礼。

    A new centre for research on toxic waste was inaugurated today at Imperial College .

  7. 最初的车站于1754年落成。

    The original station opened in 1754

  8. 大厦落成。

    The construction of that big building is completed .

  9. 大桥胜利落成。

    The big bridge has been successfully completed .

  10. 星期天,学校举行新楼落成仪式。

    The school dedicated the new building on sunday .

  11. 国王和王后今天将为新桥落成剪彩。

    Their Majesties will open the new bridge today .

  12. 玛丽正出落成一个美丽的姑娘。

    Mary is blossoming into a beautiful girl .

  13. 大桥已经落成,日内将正式通车。

    The bridge has been completed and will be open to traffic in a few days .

  14. 例句今日小常识著名的埃菲尔铁塔高324米,于1889年落成,每年接待近700万游客。

    It was completed in 1889 and is visited by seven million people every year .

  15. 这个月早些时候,瑰丝·陈花园(HouseofGraceChen)在上海落成。

    Earlier this month , Chen opened House of Grace Chen in Shanghai .

  16. 建筑学家们表示,这座高楼可能会在2062年落成,使用3D打印技术建造出墙壁,可以抵挡强风和极端气候。

    They say that the mighty tower could be built by 2062 , using 3D printing technology to create walls that could withstand high winds and unique climates .

  17. 1979年,也就是国家美术馆落成后的第二年,贝聿铭获得了美国建筑师协会(AmericanInstituteofArchitects)金奖,这是该协会的最高荣誉。

    In 1979 , the year after the National Gallery was completed , Pei received the Gold Medal of the American Institute of Architects , its highest honor .

  18. 建在一座山脚下,俯临全城的博物馆2006年落成,它以那引人注目的玻璃外墙著称,正面覆盖了双螺旋形状的钢,代表了汽车的DNA。

    Built at the base of a hill that dominates the city , the museum inaugurated in2006 boasts a striking glass facade that covers a double spiral of steel meant to represent the automobile 's DNA .

  19. 帝国大厦落成之时,是美国总统赫伯特胡佛(herberthoover)为其点亮灯光。

    It was US President Herbert Hoover who turned on the lights once the Empire State building was done .

  20. 在落成仪式的最后,奥朗德总统形容该建筑是“智慧、创造力和技术的奇迹”,是一座“开明大教堂”(cathedraloflight)。

    At the end of the ceremony , President Hollande described the building as a " cathedral of light " that was " a miracle of intelligence , creativity and technology . "

  21. 奥朗德政府新任的文化部长奥雷莉•菲莉佩蒂(AurélieFilippetti)在最后一刻取消了参加该中心落成仪式的计划。

    His new culture minister , Aur é lie Filippetti , who had promised to inaugurate the venue , cancelled at the last minute .

  22. 在武汉,开发商正在扩建摩尔城(MallCity)&其所有者称,落成后,它将是全球最大的购物中心之一,总面积达40万平方米。

    In Wuhan , developers are extending Mall City , a retail complex , which its owners say will be one of the biggest shopping centres in the world , with 400,000 square metres of space , when completed .

  23. 然而,一家特易购学院(tescoacademy)明年在韩国首尔(seoul)落成,则将成为商学院向海外扩张业务的大型百货连锁超市提供培训的又一例证。

    But the opening of a Tesco academy next year in Seoul , South Korea , will be yet another example of business schools supplying education to the big grocery chains as they expand overseas .

  24. 不过这一状况在上个月终于得到了改变&巴西的“足球博物馆”在圣保罗的Pacaembu体育场落成开馆。

    That changed last month when the Museu do Futebol , or Football Museum , opened at Pacaembu Stadium in Sao Paulo .

  25. “鞋巫师”建造的Haines鞋屋于1940年代末落成,现在已成为鞋迷和美国文化爱好者必看的景点。

    The Haines Shoe House was bulit by " Shoe Wizard " in the late1940s , and now it has become a must-see attraction for fans of shoes , and the American culture lovers .

  26. 该中心于2012年3月投入运营,英国财政大臣乔治•奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)参加了落成仪式,他表示该项目有助于实现英国政府的一个重要目标:将本地区的初创企业聚集地发展成“欧洲的科技中心”。

    The centre was opened in March 2012 by George Osborne , Chancellor of the Exchequer , who hailed it as a project that could fulfil the UK government 's vision to turn the area 's budding start-up scene into the " technology centre of Europe , " a key government objective .

  27. 结果显示:飞行员的脑波α频段频率涨落竞争结构的主涨落成分为9Hz,次涨落成分为10Hz,7Hz在涨落优势序排列中占第三位。

    The results showed that the predominant frequency component of the competitive structure was 9 Hz in the 261 normal healthy pilots . The second was 10 Hz . And the third was 7 Hz .

  28. 这可是马修麦康纳送的新屋落成礼物。

    It 's a chamberlain * Office-warming gift from Matthew mcconaughey .

  29. 屯门医院日间医疗中心已经落成。

    The ambulatory care centre of Tuen Mun Hospital was completed .

  30. 1913年的今天,位于纽约的伍尔沃斯摩天大楼落成。

    1913-The skyscraper Woolworth Building in New York City is opened .