
  • 网络business term
  1. 王小姐:包括变更股东、股权转让、注册资本、住所、经营范围、企业类型和营业期限等。

    Miss Wang : They include : Alteration of shareholders , transfer of stock equity , registered capital , domicile , business scope , enterprise type , operation period , etc.

  2. 公司章程规定的营业期限届满或者公司章程规定的其他解散事由出现;

    Pursuant to the provisions of the company 's articles of association , the term of operation of the company expires or one of the other events which are grounds for dissolution occurs ;

  3. 中国国务院表示,房屋业主如转让房屋须缴纳营业税的期限,将从5年缩短至2年。

    The State Council , China 's cabinet , said it would shorten to two years from five the period during which home owners are subject to a business tax if they resell their homes .