
yínɡ yè dài biǎo
  • sales representative
  1. 请与我们营业代表联络,以便尽快把户口重新派发给老师。

    Please contact our Sales Representative to get back the Login ID as soon as possible .

  2. 另外,面对市场的竞争,香港更有我们的营业代表,推广美国、欧洲和日本市场。

    Following intensive market competition , we have our sales representative in Hong Kong in order to promote our business to USA , Europe & Japan .

  3. 我现是一家服装企业的营业代表。

    Now I work as a business representative in a fashion company .

  4. 所有营业代表均须向销售部承担责任。

    All representatives report to the sales department .

  5. 提交企业批准证书、营业执照副本或代表机构登记证、组织机构代码证的原件及复印件;

    Submitting the original and the copy of the Certificate of Approval of Enterprise , the Duplicate of Business License of the Representative Agency Registration Certificate and the organization code ;

  6. 国家卫生计生委的公告称,不良记录公布事项包括医药生产经营企业及其代理人的名称、营业地址、法定代表人以及违法事由等。

    The health commission 's list will show details such as the name , address and legal representative of bribery-connected manufacturers or individuals , as well as information on their alleged crimes , the statement said .