首页 / 词典 / good

  • come together;assemble
  • a gathering of people or a collection of things
  • 草丛生,草茂盛的样子。

  • 聚集:~集。~聚。荟~。出类拔~。

  • 古同“悴”,憔悴。

  • 姓。


[书] (聚集) come together; assemble:

  • 荟萃



[书] (聚在一起的人或事物) a gathering of people or a collection of things:

  • 出类拔萃

    be far above the average; outstanding


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 萃杰

    Cui Jie

  1. 可卡因作为饮料添加剂最终私宠的时候,含有可乐果萃取物的可乐便流行起来。

    When cocaine eventually fell from grace as a beverage ingredient , kola-extract colas became popular .

  2. 其中一种此类流行要引饮是“维·麻里亚尼”,它是将古柯叶萃取物和红酒混合在一起的法国饮品。

    One such popular medicinal drink was Vin Mariani , a French product consisting of coca extract mixed with red wine .

  3. 但是,据说其中已经不再含有可乐果的萃取物了,而是依靠人工模仿来获取相同的口感。

    But it 's said to no longer contain kola nut extract , relying instead on artificial imitations to achieve the flavour .

  4. 名称中的“可口”是指古柯叶的萃取物,该饮料的创始人化学家约翰·潘伯顿将其与自己的糖浆混合在一起。

    The " coca " in the name referred to the extracts of coca leaf that the drink 's originator , chemist John Pemberton , mixed with his sugary syrup .

  5. 那时候,古柯叶的萃取物与酒混合是一种常见的滋补品,而潘伯顿使用甜酒酿是一种规避当地法律棽售酒精饮料的方法。

    At the time , coca leaf extract mixed with wine was a common tonic , and Pemberton 's sweet brew was a way to get around local laws prohibiting the sale of alcohol .

  6. 长生不老药是浓缩的酒精萃取物,类似于茶和酊剂

    Elixirs are concentrated alcohol extractions that are similar to both teas and tinctures .

  7. 4种中草药的超临界CO2萃取物对霉菌的抑制效果

    Anti-mold Effect of Supercritical CO_ 2 Extracts from Four Chinese Herbs

  8. 蜂胶超临界CO2萃取物的体外抗肿瘤试验研究

    Anti-tumor activity of supercritical CO 2 extract of propolis in vitro

  9. 叔胺从硫酸盐溶液中萃Fe(Ⅲ)机理的研究

    Solvent extraction of Fe (ⅲ) from sulfate solutions with tertiary amines

  10. 生姜超临界CO2萃取物的抗氧化性研究

    Study on the Anti-Oxidant Effect of Ginger Extracts Obtained by Supercritical CO_2

  11. 超临界CO2萃馏浓缩天然VE的相平衡研究

    Phase Equilibrium of Concentrating Natural Vitamin E by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Fractionation

  12. 墓头回CO2超临界萃取物的气相色谱-质谱分析

    GC-MS of supercritical CO_2 extraction from patrinia heterophylla bye

  13. 超临界CO2双柱逆流萃馏浓缩天然维生素E的最佳工艺研究

    The optimum technology of concentration natural vitamin E with supercritical CO_2 two-column countercurrent extraction

  14. 小花龙血树超临界CO2萃取物的成分分析

    Analysis of Supercritical CO_2 Extraction of Dracaena cambodiana

  15. 单味中草药超临界CO2萃取物抗惊厥作用的药效学比较研究

    The Pharmacodynamics Comparison Study of Supercritical-CO_2 Fluid Extractions of Chinese Herb on Anticonvulsant Action

  16. 细辛超临界CO2萃取物抑菌活性研究

    Study on the supercritical carbondioxide extraction of asarum and the antimicrobial activities of the extract

  17. 高良姜超临界CO2萃取物GC-MS分析

    Supercritical Extraction of Alpinia officinarum and GC-MS Analysis of Its Components

  18. 用盐酸调节反萃液pH为1,加热水解除钛;

    Adjusting the pH of stripping solution to 1 with HCl ; the Ti removed by hydrolysis ;

  19. 对山楂籽超临界CO2萃取物中的脂肪酸成分进行分析。

    Fatty acids in supercritical CO2 extraction product from hawthorn seed were analyzed .

  20. 四种菊花超临界CO2萃取物的GC-MS分析

    GC-MS Analysis of SFE Extracts from Four Kinds of Chrysanthemum

  21. 国产蜂胶超临界CO2萃取物GC指纹图谱的建立

    GC Fingerprint and Cluster Analysis of Supercritical CO_2 extracts from Propolis Collected in Various Areas of China

  22. 超临界CO2萃取物进行GC-MS分离与鉴定。

    Separate and identify the extractive by GC-MS.

  23. 野西瓜果实超临界CO2流体萃取物的化学成分及药理活性

    Chemical Constituents and Pharmacologic Activity of the Extracts from the Fruit of Capparis Spinosa by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Fluid Extraction

  24. 方法采用CO2超临界萃取法和的GC-MS联用分析技术对萃取物进行分析,并用峰面积归一化法测定各化合物的相对含量。

    Methods CO_2 supercritical extraction and GC-MS were applied in the extraction and analysis .

  25. 两种烟煤微波辅助萃取所得CS2萃取物的GC/MS分析

    GC / MS analysis of CS_2-extraction from two kinds of bituminous coals under microwave irradiation

  26. 结果超临界CO2萃取物挥发性成分各组分均得到较好分离,共分离出21个成分,鉴定了10个化合物。

    Results All21 compounds of Supercritical Fluid Extracts-CO2 have good resolution , and10 of them have been identified .

  27. P(507)萃淋树脂分离-火花源质谱法测定高纯Er2O3中痕量稀土杂质

    P_ ( 507 ) Extraction Chromatographic Separation-Spark Source Mass Spectrometric Determination of 14 Rare Earth Impurities in High Purity Erbium Oxide

  28. 本文研究了在氨性硫酸盐溶液中,用N(530)/P(204)和N(510)/P(204)组成的协萃体系来萃取分离钴、镍。

    A study of separating cobalt and Nickel from ammoniacal sulfate solutions by N530 / P204 and N510 / P204 synergetic extraction systems was made .

  29. 萃果砧木矮化程度与ABA含量关系的研究

    A study on the correlation between the dwarfness of apple rootstocks and ABA content

  30. U(Ⅵ)的三元协萃Ⅰ.U(Ⅵ)协萃体系分类、原理

    Ternary synergism of uranium ( vi ) I . Classification of uranium synergic systems and the principles of synergic extraction