
  • 网络rhine;tuv;Lane;LINE
  1. 2010年9月,中国核能协会一行到德国莱茵TUV的总部科隆进行参观与交流。

    Sep.2010 , Chinese Nuclear power Profession Association came to head office of TUV Rheinland to visiting and communion .

  2. 莱茵河注入北海。

    The Rhine empties into the North Sea .

  3. 莱茵兰菜是这家饭店的特色菜。

    Rhineland dishes are a speciality of the restaurant

  4. 马尔伯勒带领他的部队穿过莱茵河,在离布莱尼姆村不远的地方向法国和巴伐利亚联军发动了突袭。

    Marlborough led his armies across the Rhine and surprised the French and Bavarian armies near the village of Blenheim .

  5. 莱茵河发源于瑞士。

    The River Rhine rises in Switzerland .

  6. 莱茵河六幅系列摄影作品的尺寸各不相同,而这幅莱茵河II是其中最大的一幅。

    Rhein II is the largest of the six photographs , which are produced in various sizes .

  7. 加入凯鹏华盈之前,莱茵是甲骨文公司(Oracle)的总裁兼首席运营官。

    Prior to joining Kleiner Perkins , he was president and chief operating officer of Oracle ( orcl ) .

  8. 第一个莱茵联盟(rhineleague)是一个因贵族参与而获得合法性的商人协会。

    The first Rhine League was an association of merchants given legitimacy by aristocratic participation .

  9. 全系列产品价格均通过SGS公司和德国莱茵公司的ROSE指令认证。

    All products of our company has passed the certification of ROSE by SGS and TUI .

  10. 在德国和美国的九届国际研讨会举行之后,德国莱茵TÜV集团宣布将于2011年在中国上海举办功能安全研讨会。

    Following the successful9th International Symposium held in Germany and the USA , T Ü V Rheinland announces to host a Symposium for Functional Safety in Shanghai , China in2011 .

  11. 根据《财富》杂志(Fortune)此前报道,布鲁克•拜尔斯、雷•莱茵和比尔•乔伊已减少了投资活动(尽管他们可能会继续进行交易)。

    As previously reported by fortune , brook Byers , ray lane and bill joy have scaled back their activities ( although they may continue to do deals ) .

  12. 东北湖区,莱茵斯贝格市附近,克莱因泽朗,MarinaWolfsbruch酒店外的游艇。巴伐利亚山区的韦特斯特恩山脉,在楚格峰上眺望霍伦塔尔富纳冰川。

    Overhead of houseboats at Marina Wolfsbruch , Kleinzerlang , near Rheinsberg , North Brandenburg Lake District .

  13. 英国能源与气候变化部(DepartmentofEnergyandClimateChange)指出:出售Horizon对于莱茵和意昂纯属商业决策,但英国政府将密切关注英国核能市场的任何新进入者。

    The Department of Energy and Climate Change said : Selling Horizon is a purely commercial decision for RWE and Eon , however the government would take a close interest in any new entrant to the UK nuclear market .

  14. 科隆大教堂(CologneCathedral)是世界上最完美的哥特式教堂,位于德国科隆市中心的莱茵河畔。

    Cologne Cathedral is the world 's most perfect Gothic-style church , located in downtown Cologne , Germany , the Rhine River .

  15. 虽然雷•莱茵现在已经是惠普公司(Hewlett-Packard)的执行董事长了,但对他而言,这只不过是份兼职工作。

    Ray lane may now be executive chairman of Hewlett-Packard ( HPQ ) , but it will not be a fulltime job .

  16. 他们也许甚至可以从法国改革的案例中得到帮助。法国总统尼古拉•萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)的劳动力市场改革似乎必将跨越莱茵河。

    They may even be helped by the example of the French renaissance that President Nicolas Sarkozy 's labour market reforms look set to unleash across the Rhine .

  17. 莱茵和意昂对将Horizon售予何方有最终发言权,但竞购方应满足英国在反应堆设计等方面的核能管理条例,才有资格被纳入考虑范围。

    RWE and Eon will have the final say on who they sell Horizon to , but the bidders will have to satisfy UK nuclear regulations , for example on reactor design , in order to be considered .

  18. 在英国,因为德国公用事业公司意昂(eon)和莱茵(rwe)决定退出他们的合资企业horizon,建造两座核反应堆的计划被打乱。

    In Britain , plans to build two nuclear reactors fell into disarray when German utilities eon and RWE decided to pull out their joint venture horizon .

  19. 论述了气相色谱法测定鱼体中PCB及有机氯农药的方法步骤,测定了德国莱茵河鱼样中的PCB及有机氯农药的含量,并对测量结果进行了评价。

    Determination method of PCB and organic chloric pesticide in fish by gas chromatography was discussed , amounts of PCB and organic chloric pesticide in fish from Rhine in Germany were determined , and the results were assessed .

  20. 长江ECDIS符号表示库的制作是以国际标准的电子海图符号表示库为基础,并参考了莱茵河ECDIS符号表示库对长江特有的符号进行扩充。

    The Yangtze River ECDIS presentation library which is based on IHO ECDIS presentation library and consults Rhine ECDIS presentation library adds special symbols of the Yangtze River .

  21. 在华盛顿大学(UniversityofWashington)从事衰老生物学研究的马特·克贝尔莱茵(MattKaeberlein)表示,针对老年狗的早期实验结果也显示,雷帕霉素对它们有帮助。克贝尔莱茵在和同事丹尼尔·普罗米斯洛(DanielPromislow)一起牵头进行这项研究。

    And the early results in aging dogs suggest that rapamycin is helping them , too , said Matt Kaeberlein , a biology of aging researcher at the University of Washington who is running the study with a colleague , Daniel Promislow .

  22. 莱茵在9月23日早间接受美国CNBC电视台采访时称,他的“全职工作”仍将是担任凯鹏华盈投资公司(KleinerPerkinsCaufield&Byers)的执行合伙人。

    During an interview this morning with CNBC , Lane said that he would maintain his " day job " as a managing partner of Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers .

  23. 如果欧洲央行(ecb)购买西班牙的所有债券,在外汇市场上压低欧元,刺激莱茵河以东的通胀,从而重铸西班牙相对于欧元区其他国家的竞争力,西班牙或许也可得救。

    Spain might also be saved if the European central bank bought up all its bonds , drove down the euro in the foreign exchanges and stimulated inflation east of the Rhine , thereby restoring competitiveness to the rest of the eurozone .

  24. 新纪录片《格伦·坎贝尔:我就是我》(GlenCampbell:I’llBeMe)记录了阿尔茨海默氏症最近对这名歌手造成的影响,他在20世纪70年代演唱了金曲《莱茵斯顿牛仔》(RhinestoneCowboy)。

    A new documentary , " Glen Campbell : I 'll Be Me , " chronicles its recent impact on the singer who made " Rhinestone Cowboy " a megahit in the 1970s .

  25. 以4条跨界河流[欧洲的莱茵河(Rhine)和多瑙河(Danube)、南美的拉普拉塔河(LaPlata)、东南亚的湄公河(Mekong)]为例阐述了现代意义的监测方法学。

    The four trans-boundary rivers ( The Rhine and The Danube in Europe , The La Plata in South America and The Mekong in Southeast Asia ) were exemplified to describe the modern monitoring methodologies .

  26. 莱茵小姐曾说过,每一个秘密最终见证了Canolleford的曙光。

    Miss Lane once said that every secret eventually sees the light of day in Canolleford .

  27. 在北莱茵威斯特伐利亚州,大花圈(Pfingstenkranz)被放置在这个镇的广场。

    In North Rhine-Westphalia , large wreaths ( Pfingstenkranz ) are placed in the town squares .

  28. 据《银幕日报》报道,上周二(5月19日),数名女性在去参加托德•海因斯(ToddHaynes)执导的《卡罗尔》(Carol)首映红毯时,因穿着装饰有莱茵石的平底鞋,而被工作人员以不符合规定为由拒之门外。

    On Tuesday trade magazine Screen reported that a group of women had been denied access to a screening of Todd Haynes ' Carol because their footwear - flat shoes with rhinestones - was unsuitable for the red carpet .

  29. 因此我们用此种电击仪对莱茵衣藻进行多次电击转化实验,结果显示,其最佳电压值为900V。用藻类生产药用蛋白是基因工程中的一个重要领域。

    My experimental results showed that the optimum voltage is 900V . Using algae to produce protein drugs is an important challenge of gene engineering .

  30. 在2月份的第四个星期,她到了荷兰的奈梅亨(Nijmegen)南边几公里的加拿大第二装甲旅,加入了向莱茵河进发的大军。

    On the fourth of February , the Skink reached the Canadian2nd Armoured Brigade a few miles south of Nijmegen , Holland , and joined the Allied push on the Rhine .