
  • 网络Rhein;River Rhine;Rhine river
  1. 处于莱茵河畔,巴塞尔瑞士,法国和德国的交接口,所以很容易到达。

    Located on the river Rhine - where Switzerland , France and Germany meet - Basel is easy to reach .

  2. 科隆大教堂(CologneCathedral)是世界上最完美的哥特式教堂,位于德国科隆市中心的莱茵河畔。

    Cologne Cathedral is the world 's most perfect Gothic-style church , located in downtown Cologne , Germany , the Rhine River .

  3. 市政厅,莱茵河畔阿尔芬,荷兰

    City hall , alphen aan den rijn , the netherlands , 2002

  4. 实际上是在波恩的郊区在莱茵河畔一个叫Plittersdorf的地方

    Actually in a suburb of Bonn called Plittersdorf on the Rhine ,

  5. 德国巡演的第一场音乐会在莱茵河畔的游船上。

    The first solo concert on Rhine-Boat , in Germany .

  6. 高莱茵河畔的布辛根是一座位于瑞士境内的德国小镇。

    Busingen am Hochrhein is a German town in Switzerland .

  7. 在1997年,蒂森和克虏伯合并了,开始在莱茵河畔的杜伊斯堡统一生产。

    Thyssen and Krupp merged their steel operations in1997 and consolidated production in duisburg , on the rhine .

  8. 波恩西德的前首都,在该国西部的莱茵河畔。

    The former capital of West Germany , in the western part of the country on the Rhine River .

  9. 从它特殊的地理位置来看,高莱茵河畔的布辛根更像是属于瑞士而非德国。

    Considering its unusual location , Busingen am Hochrhein is more of a Swiss town than a German one .

  10. 巴塞尔:瑞士西北部一城市,位于莱茵河畔,是欧洲最古老的文化中心。

    Basel : a city of northern Switzerland on the Rhine River . It is one of the oldest intellectual centers in Europe .

  11. 此外,这座莱茵河畔的都市也是重要的金融服务中心,以及瑞银集团等多家银行的总部所在地。

    This city on the Rhine is also an important center for financial services and is the headquarters location for banks such as UBS .

  12. 一群人聚集到莱茵河畔一栋19世纪普通别墅的第一层,尽情咀嚼着刚烤好的面包、果酱和水果。

    A crowd gathers on the ground floor of the modest 19th century villa on the banks of the Rhine and munches on freshly baked bread , jam and fruit .

  13. 它可能会用各式各样的理由安慰自己,比如:廉价能源只对炼铝厂有至关重要的作用;没有哪家公司可以为了短期利益而关闭莱茵河畔的钢铁厂;化工行业是特例;等等。

    Only aluminium smelters rely crucially on cheap energy ; no company can close a Rhine steel plant for short-term gain ; chemicals is a special case , and so forth .

  14. 荷兰莱茵河畔阿尔芬市5年前发现树木出现了无法解释的异常情况,这些异常情况无法用病毒或者病毒感染进行解释,于是下令进行这项研究。

    The city of Alphen aan den Rijn ordered the study five years ago after officials found unexplained abnormalities on trees that couldn 't be ascribed to a virus or bacterial infection .

  15. 属于或有关莱茵河或其河畔的土地的。

    Of or relating to the Rhine River and the lands adjacent to it .