
  • 网络Abn;ABN Amro;ABN-AMRO;ABN Amro Bank
  1. 然而在投票时,它们支持了古德温对荷兰银行(ABNAMRO)的灾难性收购,即使信贷危机已经在冲击金融体系,而且荷兰银行已卖掉其在北美的皇冠上的宝石。

    Yet when it came to a vote , they backed him on the catastrophic bid for ABN Amro , even though the credit crunch was already crippling the financial system and ABN Amro had sold its North American crown jewels .

  2. 但收购荷兰银行的基础,奠定于近10年前,当时弗雷德爵士和他的前任乔治马修森爵士(georgemathewson)对英国零售银行natwest发起敌意竞购。

    But the foundations for the assault on ABN AMRO were laid almost 10 years ago , when Sir Fred and Sir George Mathewson , his predecessor , waged a hostile takeover battle for NatWest , the British High Street bank .

  3. 荷兰银行在荷兰一度首屈一指,以至于曾直接用银行(DeBank)指代自己。

    ABN was once so dominant in the Netherlands that it referred to itself simply as De Bank .

  4. 荷兰银行昨日证实,准备将其美国银行业务LaSalle出售给美国银行(BANKOFAMERICA),作价210亿美元现金。

    ABN Amro yesterday confirmed it was selling LaSalle , its US banking operation , to Bank of America for $ 21bn in cash .

  5. 荷兰银行国际集团(ING)最近让350名员工参加了“情商培训课程”。

    ING , the Dutch bank , has recently put 350 staff through an " EQ training programme . "

  6. 自荷兰银行(ABNAMROBank)开始调查以来,印度制造业首次出现裁员。

    Indian manufacturers cut jobs for the first time in the history of a survey by ABN AMRO Bank .

  7. 巴克莱则在竞购荷兰银行(ABNAMRO)。

    Barclays is in the process of bidding for the Dutch bank ABN Amro .

  8. 但除非我的记忆出了毛病,巴克莱银行(Barclays)几乎同样醉心于天价收购如今已破产的荷兰银行。

    But unless my memory deceives me , Barclays was almost as eager to stump up countless billions for the now-broken Dutch bank .

  9. 负责挑选证券的ACACapital损失了9亿美元,后来破产了&荷兰银行(ABN-Amro)承担了其债务。

    ACA Capital , which selected the securities , lost $ 900m and later failed ( with ABN-Amro assuming liability ) .

  10. 荷兰银行荷兰国际集团(ing)预计该国今年国内生产总值(gdp)的增长率为0.1%,明年将会增长5.3%。

    Ing , the Dutch bank , thinks gross domestic product will rise 5.3 per cent next year , up from its forecast of 0.1 per cent this year .

  11. 预计包括荷兰银行(ABNAMRO)在内的其它几家外资银行也将很快申请在中国注册。

    Several other foreign banks , including ABN Amro , are expected to soon apply for local incorporation .

  12. RBS董事会由于在2007年信用紧缩的时候接管荷兰银行受到广泛批评。

    The RBS board was criticised for its takeover of Dutch bank ABN AMRO in 2007 , just as the Credit Crunch to acold .

  13. 2007年初该行向巴克莱银行(BarclaysBankPLC)投资30亿美元,协助后者竞购荷兰银行控股公司(ABNAMROHoldingN.V.),不过巴克莱在这场竞标中最终功亏一篑。

    Earlier in2007 , it invested $ 3 billion in Barclays PLC to help support the British bank 's ultimately unsuccessful bid for ABN Amro Holding NV .

  14. 印度12月份的就业率和制造业活动均降至荷兰银行(ABNAMROBank)和MarkitEconomics自2005年展开这项联合调查以来的最低水平。

    Indian employment and manufacturing activity in December fell to their lowest levels since the survey , jointly produced by ABN AMRO Bank and Markit Economics , began in2005 .

  15. 随着更多金融机构着眼于跨境并购,巴克莱(Barclays)和荷兰银行(ABNAMRO)之间的谈判将在欧洲造成连锁反应。

    Talks between Barclays and ABN Amro will have a ripple effect in Europe as more financial institutions groups look at cross-border mergers .

  16. 他立即展开行动,与santander和比利时-荷兰银行富通(fortis)联手发出了拆分报价。

    Springing into action , he joined forces with Santander and Fortis , the belgo-dutch lender , to launch a break-up bid .

  17. 由苏格兰皇家银行(RoyalBankofScotland)牵头、竞购荷兰银行(ABNAMRO)控股权的财团,即使在下月一项关键法庭裁决上失利,可能也将推进对荷兰银行的分拆式竞购。

    The Royal Bank of Scotland-led consortium vying for control of ABN Amro may press ahead with its break-up bid for the Dutch bank even if it loses a key court ruling next month .

  18. 在绰号“粉碎机弗雷德”(FredtheShred)的弗雷德•古德温(Goodwin)的领导下,苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)赢得了“无情收购者”的名声,成功地敌意收购了国民西敏寺银行(NatWest)和荷兰银行(ABNAmro)。

    RBS under Fred " the Shred " Goodwin had a reputation as a ruthless acquirer , winning hostile takeovers for NatWest and ABN Amro .

  19. 在收购荷兰银行(ABNAMRO)之后,RBS继承了在中国的多种营业许可和13家分支机构。

    Through its takeover of ABN Amro , the Dutch lender , RBS has inherited myriad Chinese licences and a 13-strong branch network on the mainland .

  20. 这令Santander较容易同意收购荷兰银行,但这也意味着苏格兰皇家银行得到的是荷兰银行陷入困境的投行部门。

    This made it easier to agree the deal but also meant that RBS was left with ABN Amro 's troubled investment banking division .

  21. 平安保险(pingan)昨日大跌9.7%,投资者担心该公司可能必须为其所持比利时-荷兰银行富通集团(fortis)股权增加亏损准备金。

    Ping An , the insurer , bucked the trend yesterday , falling 9.7 per cent on fears that it may have to increase provisions for losses on its stake in Belgian-Dutch bank Fortis .

  22. 荷兰银行(ABNAMRO)私人银行部门分析师IvyPan在近期一份报告中写道:自今年初以来,许多公司都在不断地下调盈利预期。

    Forecasts of company earnings have been continuously revised downward since the beginning of the year , Ivy Pan , an analyst with ABN Amro Private Banking , wrote in a recent note .

  23. 由于没有被收购的威胁,这些银行不会通过推售高风险产品来追求迅速获利,或是孤注一掷地进行荷兰银行(abnamro)式的收购。

    Shielded from the threat of being acquired , banks did not strive for fast profits by pushing risky products or roll the dice on ABN amro-style acquisitions .

  24. 2007年,桑坦德同许多公司一道收购了荷兰银行ABNAmro,并经明智的资产转手倒卖,成为保持盈利的一枝独秀。

    Through a smart bit of asset flipping , it was the only bank that profited from the ill-fated takeover of ABN Amro , a Dutch bank , in2007 .

  25. 同时这也可能令观察人士感到惊讶,他们指出,收购荷兰银行(abnamro)已使苏格兰皇家银行在华获得了一个全资拥有的网络。

    It may also surprise observers who point out that the takeover of ABN AMRO , the Dutch lender , has given RBS a wholly owned network in China .

  26. 2月27日,荷兰银行(ABNAmro)和新鸿基金融(SunHungKaiFinancial)宣布,双方以香港住宅市场价格为基础,进行了一笔“房地产掉期”交易,这是亚洲首笔此类交易。

    On the 27th Feb ABN Amro bank and Sun Hung Kai Financial announced that they had traded a property swap based on Hong Kong 's residential market , marking the first such transaction ever to be done in Asia .

  27. 苏格兰皇家银行将通过该行收购的荷兰银行(ABNAMRO)的18家分行,以及与中国银行在信用卡和财富管理方面的合资机构保持中国业务。

    RBS will retain an interest in China through the 18-branch network it acquired as part of ABN Amro , and the joint ventures with BoC in credit cards and wealth management .

  28. 拉弗拉姆想起了在荷兰银行(ABNAMRO)的一位前同事:我第一次见到他时,以为他是年老的低薪后勤员工,正等着退休。

    Laflamme recalls a former colleague at ABN Amro : The first time I saw him , I thought he was a half-senile and underpaid back office worker just waiting for retirement .

  29. 荷兰银行(abnamro)全球货币市场主管埃德温路德(edwinrood)称,就市场的流动性状况问题,欧洲央行和一些大型市场参与者之间一直联系频繁。

    According to Edwin rood , global head of money markets at ABN AMRO , there have been frequent contacts between ECB and big market participants on the liquidity situation in the market .

  30. 汤姆爵士和RBS前首席执行官弗雷德•古德温爵士(SirFredGoodwin)在伦敦向下议院的一个委员会表示,他们为荷兰银行支付了过高的价格。

    Sir Tom and Sir Fred Goodwin , former chief executive of the now government-controlled RBS , told a committee of MPs in London that they had overpaid for the Dutch lender , which they bought as part of a consortium .