
  • 网络husky;Husky Energy
  1. 他个人还掌握着加拿大石油集团赫斯基能源(huskyenergy)的控股权。

    He also has a personal controlling interest in husky energy , the Canadian oil group .

  2. 亚洲首富李嘉诚将把赫斯基能源(HuskyEnergy)的6%股份出售给他的控股公司,这是一场规模更大的调整的一部分。

    Mr. Li , Asia 's richest man , is selling a 6 percent stake in Husky Energy to his holding company as part of a broader shake-up .

  3. 当该公司上月帮助重组其所持的赫斯基能源公司(huskyenergy)35%的股份时,它同意未来两年只以股票、而非现金形式获取股息。

    When hutch helped recapitalise 35 per cent owned husky energy last month , it agreed to take dividends in shares rather than cash for the next two years .