
yào wù làn yònɡ
  • drug abuse
  1. 药物滥用影响因素的logistic回归分析

    Logistic Regression Analysis on Risk Factors of Illicit Drug Abuse

  2. 她是国立卫生研究院(NIH)国立药物滥用研究所(NationalInstituteonDrugAbuse,NIDA)的负责人。

    She s the National Institute on Drug Abuse , part of the National Institutes of Health .

  3. 研究作者指出,体罚一直和心理健康问题、焦虑、抑郁、行为问题和药物滥用有关。

    According to the study 's authors , corporal punishment has been linked to the development of mental health issues , anxiety , depression , behavioral problems , and substance use disorders5 .

  4. 上海药物滥用人群中HIV感染344例的分析

    Retrospect analysis of 344 HIV infection in drug-abuse patients in Shanghai

  5. 结论:药物滥用人群中HIV抗体检测率较低;

    Conclusion : The rate of HIV-antibody test is lower ;

  6. 四类学校的非法药物滥用率差异有统计学意义(P0.05),中专学校最高,其次为职业高中。

    There were significant difference in different school ( P0.05 ) and the rate of drug use in technical secondary school was the highest .

  7. 结果:药物滥用人群中HIV检测率为21.5%,自愿、咨询检测者更少;

    Results : The rate of HIV antibody test among the selected addicts was 21.5 % , and the voluntarily informed , counseling test ( VCT ) rate was lower ;

  8. 舞台剧的灵感来自于“生活中的故事”,由药物滥用领域里的研究人员和当地的剧作家HowardCraft共同创作。

    Tunnels was inspired by'life stories'developed by counsellors and researchers working in the substance abuse field and by Howard Craft , the local playwright who authored the play .

  9. 凤凰城(Phoenix)药物滥用顾问迈克&12539;斯皮克曼(MikeSpeakman)保守着一个有关复仇的秘密,直到他再也无法忍受为止。

    Mike Speakman , a substance-abuse counselor in Phoenix , kept a secret about revenge until he couldn 't stand it anymore .

  10. GABA代谢异常与急性传入神经阻滞、视觉明暗适应、酗酒、药物滥用、癫痫、抑郁症以及精神分裂症等疾病有关。

    The altered concentrations of GABA are associated with the acute deafferentation , visual light-dark adaptation , alcohol and substance abuse , epilepsy , depression , schizophrenia and other diseases .

  11. 这项研究中仅纳入与神经疾患、精神疾病或药物滥用疾患无关的MCI患者。

    Only people whose mild cognitive impairment ( MCI ) was not related to neurologic disorders , psychiatric illness , or substance abuse disorders were included in this study .

  12. NoraVolkow是美国国家药物滥用研究所的主任,也是这项研究的首席作者。

    Nora Volkow is director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the lead author of the study .

  13. 调查内容包括药物滥用史,Bup一般使用情况和药物依赖性评价等。Bup的身体依赖性采用30项阿片戒断症状量表(OWS)评价。

    Physical dependence of buprenorphine was assessed using 30 items opiate withdrawal scale ( OWS ), which composed of 30 symptoms / signs .

  14. 丹尼尔·奇泽姆(DanielChisholm)博士是世界卫生组织心理健康与药物滥用署的健康经济学家,他说抑郁非常容易导致健康问题。

    Commenting on the study , Dr Daniel Chisholm , a health economist at the department for mental health and substance abuse at the World Health Organization said depression was a very disabling condition .

  15. 然而,目前国内外抗菌药物滥用的问题十分突出,导致耐药菌急剧增多,其中耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(Methicillin-resistantstaphylococcusaureus,MRSA)是一种引起医院内获得性感染的多重耐药菌。

    However , it is very outstanding at present that antibiotic is abused in domestic and abroad , which results the antibiotic-resistant bacteria to increase sharply . Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus ( MRSA ) is one of the most important multidrug-resistant bacterium in the hospital .

  16. 排除标准包括精神发育迟滞、器质性精神障碍、药物滥用以及受教育水平低而不能理解HCL-32问卷内容的患者。

    Patients with mental retardation , organic mental disorder , drug abuse and poor education who have problem in understanding the HCL-32 were excluded .

  17. 安徽省2005年药物滥用监测情况分析

    Analysis of 2005 data report on drug abuse in Anhui Province

  18. 中学生药物滥用行为危险因素调查研究

    Investigations of risk factors of drug abuse in middle school students

  19. 老年病患较常合并身体疾病,但较少有药物滥用。

    Elderly patients had more physical illnesses but less substance abuse .

  20. 药物滥用与爱滋病专责小组〔红丝带中心〕

    Task Force on Drugs and AIDS [ Red Ribbon Centre ]

  21. 云南省戒毒人群对药物滥用预防、治疗服务的评价及期望

    Evaluation of Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment Program among Drug Users

  22. 柳州市1708例药物滥用情况调查分析

    The analysis of 1708 cases of drug abuse in Liuzhou city

  23. 衡阳市药物滥用危险因素的病例对照研究

    Study of the Risk Factors of Drug Abuse in Hengyang City

  24. 贵州省安顺市阿片类药物滥用情况调查

    A survey of opioids abuse in anshun , Guizhou Province

  25. 关于麻醉药品和精神药物滥用问题的卫生部长会议

    Conference of Ministers of Health on Narcotic and Psychotropic Misuse

  26. 强化戒毒药品管理防止药物滥用

    Strengthening the Control of Detoxification Drug and Preventing Drug Abuse

  27. 联合国药物滥用和非法贩运问题国际会议

    United Nations International Conference on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

  28. 上海地区药物滥用流行病学回顾性调查

    Retrospective investigation of the epidemiology and characteristics of drug abuse in Shanghai

  29. 青少年精神活性药物滥用行为危险因素分析

    Case-control study of the risk factors of psychoactive drug abuse among teenagers

  30. 天津市药物滥用流行病学特征分析调查

    Survey on the epidemic characteristics of drug abuse in Tianjin