
  1. 该协会高级副总裁斯潘格勒(DavidSpangler)表示,年龄警告最好写在“药品说明”总结栏内(通常在药盒背面,其中有剂量和其他信息),而不要单独写在包装盒正面。

    The ' drug facts ' summary panel , often found on the back of a medication box , which includes dosing and other information , is the best place for the age warnings , rather than breaking them out on the front of the package , said David Spangler , a senior vice president with the association .

  2. 英译药品说明中值得注意的几个问题

    Several Problems Worth Notice in the Translation of Medicine Specification

  3. 也就是说在看药品说明上的小字的时候

    and though that means being able to read the fine print on a prescription

  4. 药品说明缺陷的法律分析

    Legal analysis of Drug Instruction Defects

  5. 同时制造商也必须在药品中包含风险说明。

    Manufacturers were required to include information in every package listing potential risks .

  6. 但是一定要遵循药品包装上的说明,服用合适的剂量。

    Be very careful to follow the directions on the bottle for proper dosing amounts .

  7. 目的了解进口药品中、英文说明部分的不同。

    Objective To make out the difference between Chinese and English specifications of imported drugs .

  8. 根据产品责任法理论阐述了药品缺陷的含义以及我国对药品说明的有关规定;

    In accordance with the theories of products liability law , the author clarify the definition of drug defect and relevant stipulations on drug instruction in China .