
  1. 唐代文人茶酒生活的乐趣集中体现为茶趣与酒趣,并逐渐成为一种生活状态,深刻影响着文人本身,体现着文人们的精神诉求。

    The delight of tea and wine life of the literati was concentrative reflected by the interest and charm of tea and wine , and gradually became a state of life which strongly impacted on literati themselves and reflect their spiritual pursuit .

  2. 很多文人茶酒均饮,试图在酒趣与茶趣之间寻找到一条互补互谅的适中之道。

    Many literati tasted both of them , tried to find a complementary and understanding " Moderate way " between the Interest and charm of tea and wine .

  3. 帕蒂格鲁以伦敦新近开张的几家茶餐厅为例,证明英国对精茶的兴趣日趣浓厚。

    Pettigrew points to several new London openings as evidence of the burgeoning interest in fine tea .