
  1. 柏联集团近期开始专注于开发旅游地产,建设了一系列高端酒店和水疗项目,包括位于云南茶园内的柏联景迈精品酒店(BrilliantResortandSpaJingmai),这家酒店已被列入法国罗莱夏朵(RelaisetChateaux)豪华酒店指南。

    More recently , the company focused on developing tourist properties , constructing a string of high-end hotels and spas , including the Brilliant Resort and Spa Jingmai , a hotel situated among tea plantations in Yunnan that is listed in the luxury French guide Relais et Chateaux .

  2. 间作茶园内茶树和栗树根系在土壤空间中各自具有相对不同的生态位。

    And the roots of tea and chestnut were at different niches under the condition of intercropping .

  3. 在中国中部、南部和西部的产茶区,约有800万农民在茶园内劳作,其中大多是面积很小的自留地。

    Around 8m farmers work on plantations across the tea-growing areas of central , southern and western China , mostly tending tiny household plots .

  4. 李茶间作茶园内定位观测和分析结果表明,影响茶叶产量和品质的小气候条件及土壤条件均得到了较大的改善。

    Position observation and analysis showed that the microclimate and soil greatly affected the tea yield and quality in the tea garden intercropped with plum .

  5. 同一茶园内老叶氟含量高于嫩叶,老叶氟积累明显。

    The content of fluorine in old leaves was higher than that in young leaves , which shows that the accumulation of fluorine in old leaves increased significantly .

  6. 研究表明:在本文所研究的茶园内,通过研究风扇作用的覆盖率、风扇利用率和布线长度。

    Studies show that : in the tea plantations studied in this paper , by the coverage of the action of the fan , the fan utilization and length of the wiring .

  7. 结果表明,塑料大棚茶园内,光合有效辐射仅为棚外茶园的39.3%,导致茶树光合速率平均比对照低27.5%;

    The results showed that the light intensity in the plastic green house was significantly reduced and only 39.3 % of the control , resulting in net photosynthetic rate ( Pn ) decreased by 27.5 % .