
  • 网络Maotai Town
  1. 保护茅台镇的植物、植被和微生物环境。

    Protection of plants , vegetation and microbial environment in Maotai Town ;

  2. 论茅台镇的品牌价值

    Discussion on the Name Value of Maotai Town

  3. 因而,离开茅台镇就无法生产出茅台酒。

    Therefore it is impossible to produce Moutai except in Moutai town .

  4. 贵州茅台镇盛产白酒,其中以酱香型白酒最为典型,而茅台酒更是蜚声中外,在中国的酒文化中占据着特殊的地位。

    Guizhou Maotai Town abounds liquor , Maotai liquor in which the most typical , and is known in the world of Maotai , wine culture in China occupies a special position .