
  1. 本研究分析了革命战争影片和英雄模范人物题材影片两个主旋律影片类型,围绕他们在营销城市形象中的特点,分别加以阐释,以期在比较中发现城市形象电影营销的机会和价值。

    This study analyzes the film types with themes of the Revolutionary-War Films and Hero-Models Films . According to their characteristics in the city image marketing , the study is to explain them respectively , with expect to find some opportunities by comparison .

  2. 各位劳动英雄和模范生产工作者,你们是人民的领袖,你们的工作是很有成绩的,我希望你们也不要自满。

    Labour heroes and model workers in production ! You are leaders of the people , you have been very successful in your work , and I hope you , too , will not grow complacent .

  3. 原因:英雄人物和模范榜样揭示了一个社会的最高理念。

    Reason : Heroes and role models reveal a society 's highest ideals .

  4. 各位劳动英雄,各位模范工作者!

    Heroes of Labour and Model Workers !

  5. 获得全国劳动英雄、劳动模范称号,在退休时仍然保持其荣誉的工人;

    Workers who were awarded the titles of natitional labor hero and labor model , and who retain their honour when they retire ;

  6. 出席和列席人员中包括了许多为人民所公认的战斗英雄、劳动模范和模范工作者。

    The members attending this session and those invited to sit in include many publicly acclaimed combat heroes and model workers in industry , agriculture and other fields .

  7. 结论:了解一个社会特点的最好方法是,考察这个社会标榜的英雄人物和模范榜样的特点。

    Claim : The best way to understand the character of a society is to examine the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its role models .

  8. 由于政治、经济、文化等价值观体系的重新确立,使诸如女英雄、女劳动模范等新女性形象成为新中国初期舆论媒体宣传的热门话题。

    Since the re-establishment of political , economic , and cultural value system , a new female image , such as heroine , female model workers become a hot topic of the beginning of new China .

  9. 和平时期的日常生活中,英雄表现为一种无私奉献和模范行为,这种模范堪为当代英雄,反之,当代英雄亦即模范。

    The peaceful period , the hero performance is a kind of behavior of consecration which we called exemplar .