
yīnɡ xiónɡ ɡù shì
  • Heroic story;saga
  1. 斯诺登故事的很多讲述者都讲述了一个类似的英雄故事。

    Snowden 's many storytellers all tell a similar hero narrative .

  2. 那些伴随着英雄故事的石头是最有价值的。

    The most valuable pieces are the ones with heroic story attached .

  3. 表层叙事结构:对史传文学英雄故事模式的讽刺性模仿&《阿Q正传》叙事文化学分析之一

    An Analysis of the Narrative Culturology in The True Story of Ah Q

  4. 我给孩子们讲述了一个英雄故事。

    I told a heroic exploit to the children .

  5. 这是他们的英雄故事。

    That 's the heroic part of their story .

  6. 写民间英雄故事是山东小说突出的叙事传统之一。

    Writing folk heroic story was one of the narrative traditions of Shandong novels .

  7. 我开始读书,对这一悲剧中的英雄故事着了迷。

    I started reading and got intrigued by the heroic stories within this debacle .

  8. 我们的将领们正在计划凯旋。诗人们已经忙着讲他们的英雄故事了。

    Our leaders are planning a triumphant return . Poets have already been engaged to tell our heroic story .

  9. 很多人认为这是一部女权主义作品,其他人则认为这是一个超级英雄故事。

    A lot of people think it 's a feminist work , while others think that it 's a superhero story .

  10. 历史的篇章被无畏男人和女人的英雄故事所填满,他们克服了伤残和不幸,表现了胜利的精神。

    The pages of history are filled with the heroic stories of undaunted men and women who triumphed over disabilities and adversities to demonstrate victorious spirits .

  11. 他们保存自己历史的唯一方法就是采用讲故事的办法:由讲故事者把类似英雄故事的民间传说一代代传下去。

    The only way that they can preserve their history is to recount it as sagas & legends handed down from one generation of storytellers to another .

  12. 他的长篇英雄故事《安德的游戏》同弗兰克·赫伯特的《沙丘》一样是历史上最受欢迎的系列丛书之一,当然在现代还是最受欢迎的。

    The Ender 's Game sagas rate right up there with Dune as one of the most popular series of books of all time , and certainly the most popular of modern times .

  13. 总统助理和一名下级军官开始了一场勘察地形的远征,梅尔怀泽·路易斯和威廉姆·克拉克的旅程将成为最具传奇色彩的英雄故事而被载入史册。

    We hold those ventures of the past and great admiration . May 1804 , a presidential aid and a junior army officer set out on a mapping expedition.Meriwether Lewis and William Clark 's journey is about to become one of the most epic tales of survival in American history .

  14. 电影和经典文学中都有大英雄的故事。

    There are superhero stories in both films and classic literature .

  15. 英雄的故事,也与世界各地的双胞胎。

    Stories of hero twins are also related throughout the world .

  16. 听了英雄的故事,他们深受感动。(程度)

    They were greatly moved to hear the hero 's story .

  17. 马克:我相信。我们需要更多的真英雄的故事。

    We need more stories to be told about real heroes .

  18. 它是一个有许多勇敢英雄的故事。

    It 's a great story with many brave heroes .

  19. 一个英雄的故事使小男孩们兴奋不已。

    The story about a hero excited the little boys very much .

  20. 这上面讲的是中国古代一位英雄的故事。

    It tells the story of an ancient Chinese hero .

  21. 多少英雄的故事,在你的身边扮演!

    How many heroic stories in your side to play !

  22. 哦,一位英雄的故事?

    Oh , the story of a hero ?

  23. 这是一个双重英雄的故事!

    This is a story of double heroism !

  24. 因为它们讲述的是关于英雄的故事!

    Because these stories are about heroes !

  25. 从英雄的故事或电影当中我们分享到的是一些相同之处。

    There are some similarities we share with the heros of the stories or the movies .

  26. 这个节目叫做《真英雄真故事》,是由世界知名的音乐制作人索尔‧盖所主持。

    It is called4Real , and it is hosted by the world-famous music producer Sol Guy .

  27. 很多超级英雄的故事总会在他如何从少不更事的年轻人成长成有担当的成年人处大量着墨。

    So many superhero origin tales focus on the character as a young person through adulthood .

  28. 再者,我们对比《左传》中的重耳故事与西方传说英雄的故事,二者在情节结构方面有着惊人的一致性。

    Then we compare the story of Chong with the story of Western traditional hero , find they have amazing consistency in terms of plot structure .

  29. 自小喜爱聆听乡亲父老讲述中国神话,民族英雄等故事,尤爱外婆的方言谜语与歌谣。

    She liked to hear her folk tell Chinese myths and stories of national heroes , especially the dialect riddles and ballads told by her maternal grandmother .

  30. 通过助者的变化,《哈利·波特》系列从一部老套的英雄历险故事转变为折射现代社会人生百态的万花筒。

    Through the variation of helpers , Harry Potter series change from an old-fashioned hero adventures into a kaleidoscope reflecting the modern society and vicissitudes of life .