
  • 网络english literature;Literature In English
  1. 他拥有布朗大学(BrownUniversity)英语文学文科学士学位。

    He holds a Bachelor of Arts in English literature from Brown University .

  2. 这位《X战警》中的辣妹毕业于哥伦比亚大学英语文学专业,能流利讲荷兰语、德语、英语和法语。

    The X-Men hottie graduated from Columbia in English literature and is also fluent in Dutch , German , English and French .

  3. 大学英语文学阅读欣赏课教学设计&以GoingHome一课为例

    Teaching design of reading lessons from a literature perspective & " Going home " as a case

  4. 基于ASSURE模式的英语文学名著导读网设计

    The Design of ASSURE Model-based Guidance Web for Classic English Readers

  5. 詹尼尔•麦克格雷格里是位于亚特兰大的史贝尔曼学院英语文学专业的学生,她告诉BusinessInsider,她是在脸书招聘人员来校宣讲后心血来潮申请加入2015年脸书实习项目的。

    Janelle McGregory , an English and literature major at Spelman College in Atlanta , told the Insider that she applied on a whim to Facebook 's FB University for Business program in 2015 after a recruiter visited her school .

  6. GRE为八大研究领域提供专业考试:生物化学、生物、化学、计算机科学、英语文学、数学、物理和心理学。

    The GRE subject tests are offered for eight different fields of study : Biochemistry , Biology , Chemistry , Computer Science , Literature in English , Mathematics , Physics , and Psychology .

  7. 试析语用原则在英语文学作品中的运用

    Application of Pragmatic Principles to the Interpretation of English Literary Works

  8. 隐喻在英语文学作品和新闻写作中的使用频率甚高。

    Metaphor is frequently used in English literature and news writing .

  9. 浅论英语文学的教学及其意义

    Preliminary Analysis on Teaching of Literature in English and Its Significance

  10. 其他许多较不知名的作家也不时出现在英语文学中。

    Many other lesser-known figures have punctuated English literature as well .

  11. 色彩在英语文学作品中的象征意蕴

    Colors Play a Symbolic and Meaningful Role in English Literary Works

  12. 英语文学教学与研究中的三个问题

    Three Issues Concerning the Teaching and Research of Literature in English

  13. 功能对等理论在英语文学散文翻译中的适用性

    Applicability of Functional Equivalence in the Translation of English Literary Prose

  14. 医学生英语文学作品阅读情况调查报告

    A survey of the situation of medical students ' English works reading

  15. 与美国华裔英语文学相比,华语文学有何异同?

    How different is the writing from Chinese American literature in English ?

  16. 他现在在耶鲁大学学习英语文学。

    He 's an English lit major at Yale now .

  17. 莎士比亚是英语文学中最优秀的代表人物之一。

    Shakespeare is one of the most excellent representatives of English literature .

  18. 在这里的平克尔屯学院兼职教授英语文学。

    Starts part-time position teaching English literature at Pinkerton Academy in Derry .

  19. 英语文学课程建设与素质教育小议

    On the Curriculum Building of English Literature and Quality Education

  20. 那年,吉尔曼先生曾教过我一段时间的英语文学。

    Mr. Gilman instructed me part of the year in English literature .

  21. 我建议他多读些英语文学方面的书。

    I advised that he should read more books about English literature .

  22. 他后来成为牛津大学的英语文学老师。

    He then became a teacher of English literature there .

  23. 英语文学概论建构刍议

    Suggestions for the Formation of Introduction to English Literature

  24. 英语文学作品中比喻修辞格赏析

    Appreciation of figures of speech in English literary works

  25. 中古英语文学的发展轨迹和基本特征

    Middle English Literature : Its Development and Basic Features

  26. 试论英语文学作品的教学

    On Teach in g of Literature Works in English

  27. 狂欢中的身份建构&当代加勒比英语文学中的狂欢精神

    On the Carnival Spirit in Anglophone - caribbean Literature

  28. 你觉得我们的英语文学教授怎么样?

    How do you like our English literature Prof. ?

  29. 达特茅斯大学的一个英语文学教授

    Nate : Like a Dartmouth English lit professor ,

  30. 论英语文学研究的拓展

    From English to Englishes : On Chinese Study of World Literatures in English