
  • 网络anglicized;anglicization;Englishnization;Anglicisation
  1. 他已将他的姓氏英语化了。

    He had anglicized his surname

  2. 但有一小部分汉语词汇已经彻底英语化了,以至于说起它们来源于中国还让人有点吃惊。

    But a handful of Chinese words have been so thoroughly anglicized that their Chinese provenance comes as a bit of a surprise .

  3. 第二,他们口语中的英语化特征主要表现为(1)更多地在主语位置上使用代词和更多使用主语+是+形容词+的结构,致使汉语口语中的SVO结构增多;

    B ) their spoken Chinese has the following features : ( 1 ) increased use of pronouns in subject position and the subject + shi * de structure , which result in an increased number of SVO constructions ;

  4. 明治以来日语的英语化现象及其成因

    The phenomenon and the cause of Englishism of Japanese since Meiji period

  5. 魁北克法语英语化现象的由来

    Origin of Englishism of Quebec French

  6. 世界正在英语化。

    The world is englishing .

  7. 加拿大法语中的英语化现象

    Anglicism in Canadian French

  8. 汉语商标命名国际化大致经历了汉字化、拼音化和英语化三个阶段。

    The internationalization of Chinese brand-naming has three historical periods , namely : Chinese character , Chinese phonetic alphabet and English .

  9. 本文旨在通过分析商标词的文化属性与商标词国际化(英语化)的跨文化传通实质,结合英汉语言文化的特质来探讨商标词翻译的有效途径。

    The essay attempts to analyse the relationship between the essence of intercultural communication and the essence of the cultural connotation of trademark , taking the characteristics of Chinese and English into consideration , and to find out an effective way to translate the Chinese trademark into English .

  10. 他为版权法工作,编写教科书,使英语美国化,编辑杂志。

    He worked for copyright laws , wrote textbooks , Americanized the English language , and edited magazines .

  11. 论由辅音及J组合的英语腭化辅音

    On the Palatalized Consonant Formed from the Consonant & J

  12. 讨论了如何采用ASP技术和数据库技术实现B/S结构的英语标准化考试系统。

    How to realize english standard examination system is discussed based on B / S structure with ASP technology and database technology .

  13. 试论英语名词化现象产生的翻译问题

    A Tentative Discussion on the Translation Techniques Arising from English Nominalization

  14. 谈初中英语口语化体验教学的实践与研究

    Research and Practice of Oral English Experience Teaching in Junior Middle Schools

  15. 高职英语专业化特色分析

    A Study of the Specialization Problem of English for Higher Vocational Students

  16. 我们应当正视英语中国化现象。

    We should envisage the phenomenon of Amalgamation between English and Chinese .

  17. 逆转换理论与英语名词化结构的汉泽

    Back transformation and translation of English nominal structures into Chinese

  18. 您怎么看英语标准化的需求?

    How do you feel the need of English standardization ?

  19. 笔者试用逆转换译法对英语名词化结构的汉译进行了探索。

    In the translation of English nominal structures into Chinese .

  20. 英语大众化与区域经济发展探析

    Analysis of the Relationship Between English Popularization and Regional Economy

  21. 这些差别增大了中国学生学习英语名物化的困难。

    These differences predict the difficulties for Chinese students in learning English nominalization .

  22. 努力使英国英语美国化,此外,他还做过杂志编辑。

    Americanized the English language , and edited magazines .

  23. 大学英语模块化课程设置与实证研究

    Module-based college English curriculum design and its empirical research

  24. 但是,我认为你的英语不是化石化了。

    Yet , I do not believe that your English is " fossilized " .

  25. 英语名词化的认知功能研究

    Cognitive and Functional Study on Nominalization in English

  26. 高职英语网络化课堂教学初探

    Web-integrated classroom teaching of higher vocational English course

  27. 英语名词化结构的语义特征与翻译

    The semantic features and translation of English nominalization

  28. 论大学英语立体化教材的开发

    On Development of Dimensional College English Learning Material

  29. 针对上述的问题,本文提出了构建大学英语立体化评价体系。

    On the analysis above , the paper suggests building up a multi_dimension assessment system .

  30. 考试能把英语标准化吗?

    Can English be standardized by tests ?