
  • 网络British Airways
  1. 针对全球旅行者进行航空公司服务调查的伦敦咨询机构Skytrax表示,在客户反馈中,对英航所提供食品的评价并没有明显的变化。

    Skytrax , a London-based consultancy that polls travelers world-wide about airline service , says it has seen ' no visible difference ' in customer feedback on British Airways food .

  2. 英航最新推出学生中文网站

    British Airways ' Newest Service for Students : Chinese Website

  3. 飞往巴黎的英航726号班机在16号门登机。

    BA flight 726 to Paris is now boarding at gate 16 .

  4. 此后不久,英航检讨了相关政策,宣布雇员可公开佩戴十字架饰品或大卫之星(StarofDavid)。

    Shortly after that , the company reviewed its policy and announced that staff could wear a cross or Star of David openly .

  5. 维京大西洋航空公司的一名发言人PaulCharles说英航认为这样的剪片子英航应该感到羞愧才对。

    Paul Charles , a spokesman for Virgin Atlantic , said was a shame BA felt the cut was necessary .

  6. 英国航空公司CEO威利·沃尔什说,空域关闭期间英航每天的损失在2000万美元到3000万美元之间。

    British Airways Chief Executive Willie Walsh says his company lost between $ 20 million and $ 30 million a day .

  7. 经查明,这个问题仅发生于英航客机所用的罗尔斯•罗伊斯(Rolls-Royce)发动机,而且在那之后已得到纠正。

    The problem was identified as specific to the Rolls-Royce engines that powered the BA jet and has since been fixed .

  8. 但我能告诉你,英航的CEO威利·沃舒常常对我说,在裁减经费并通过改革挽救公司上,他不会有任何退缩。

    But I can tell you that CEO Willie Walsh of BA has said to me many times , he will not back down when it comes to cutting cost and imposing changes to save this airline .

  9. 艾伦•乔伊斯(AlanJoyce)表示,此笔交易的障碍包括英航的养老金债务,在决定双方经济利益的合并比例上的分歧,以及当前的经济环境。

    Alan Joyce said the hurdles to the deal included BA 's pension fund liabilities , the split in the merger ratio that would define each airlines ' economic interest , and the current economic environment .

  10. 在上月就任澳航首席执行官以来的首次公开讲话中,乔伊斯排除了包括西班牙伊比利亚航空公司(Iberia)在内三方交易的可能性。伊比利亚航空公司在同时与英航进行谈判。

    In his first public comments since taking the helm at the Australian carrier last month , Mr Joyce ruled out a three-way deal including Iberia , the Spanish airline that is simultaneously in talks with the British carrier .

  11. 民航改革如何应对机制缺陷&英航改革及对中国民航的启示

    British Airways ' Reform and Its Revelations to China Airline Industry

  12. 英航运营着154条航线,而澳航拥有85条。

    Ba flies to 154 destinations , while Qantas serves 85 .

  13. 不停输管道的开孔封堵作业英航开通伦敦上海航线

    BA 's Non - stop Flight From London To Shanghai Opens

  14. 英航的问题似乎根本没有意义。

    The BA offer seems to make no sense at all .

  15. 英航说,年度的红利就因此而被抵销了。

    The annual dividend , said British Airways , was thus scrapped .

  16. 在英航,托马斯考虑的是更近的将来。

    At British Airways , Mr Thomas isthinking of the more immediate future .

  17. 英航娱乐小组审查的标准是品味和适合性。

    BA 's entertainment team vets films on grounds of taste and suitability .

  18. 英航出现十五年来首次年度亏损

    British Airways Posts First Annual Loss in 15 Years

  19. 英航的制服将成为其他航空公司羡慕的对象。

    They 'll be the envy of other airlines .

  20. 她和其他3万名身着英航制服的雇员都未对公司的相关政策有过怨言。

    Neither she , nor any member of the 30000-strong BA uniformed workforce complained .

  21. 由英国牵头的针对英航坠机的调查建议,对其它型号的发动机也进行检查。

    A UK-led investigation into the BA crash recommended that other engine types were checked .

  22. 我一向乘坐英航的飞机。

    I always fly British airways .

  23. 不过这项结果仍然出乎市场的预料之外,市场原来预期英航将亏损更多。

    However , the result still beat the market expectation that British Airways would lose even more .

  24. 在去年11月,西航宣布要和英航完成合并。

    Iberia is trying to complete its merge with British Airways , a deal announced last November .

  25. 由合并而带来的成本降低和收入增加将有助于减轻英航和伊比利亚痛苦。

    Cost savings and revenue gains from a merger will help BA and Iberia mitigate the pain .

  26. 英航对这些批评应付自如,辩解说麦克唐纳的初衷被误解了。

    British Airways is taking the criticism in stride , arguing that MacDonald 's intentions have been misunderstood .

  27. 英航员工如此不为作为他们衣食父母的客户着想,我们知道这一事实是有用处的。

    It is useful to know how little BA staff think of the customers who provide their revenue .

  28. 英航向她提供了一个不需要穿制服的岗位,在那里她可以公开佩戴她的十字架饰品,但她拒绝了。

    BA offered her a non-uniformed job , where she could wear her cross openly , which she refused .

  29. 如何运用新的管理方式和观念来改造一个服务性企业,英航在这方面的确提供了一个范例。

    Indeed , British Airways provides a textbook case of how management methods and attitudes can transform a service company .

  30. 调查人员确认英航的飞机被冰块阻断了燃油系统,引擎严重缺油。

    Investigators determined the British jet 's engines were starved of fuel after chunks of ice blocked its fuel system .