
  • 网络BOE;the Bank of England;England Bank
  1. 英格兰银行似乎决心要关闭这家公司。

    The Bank of England seems determined to wind up the company .

  2. 他注定要在英格兰银行开始职业生涯。

    He was destined for a career in the Bank of England .

  3. 尽管英格兰银行四次出手干预,英镑仍不改颓势。

    The pound continued to sag despite four interventions by the Bank of England

  4. 观察家认为英格兰银行会推迟到更加接近预算案出台时再采取措施。

    Observers reckon the Bank of England will hold fire until nearer the Budget .

  5. 英格兰银行坚持只有条件成熟才会降息。

    The Bank of England insists that it will cut interest rates only when it is ready

  6. 它于1981年从英格兰银行得到了银行经营执照。

    It gained a licence to operate as a bank from the Bank of England in 1981 .

  7. 英格兰银行官员仍然坚持说英镑不久就会恢复稳定,但结果灾难爆发了。

    Bank of England officials continued to insist that the pound would soon return to stability but disaster struck

  8. 我曾经参加过在英格兰银行(BankofEngland)举办的一次金融记者培训。

    I once went to a training day for financial journalists held at the Bank of England .

  9. 在英格兰银行(BankofEngland,位于英国伦敦市针线街)的地下金库里,工人们正在往卡车上搬运黄金。

    In the vaults of the Bank of England ( Threadneedle Street , London ) , men are piling gold on a truck .

  10. 此次公众在英格兰银行(bankofengland)副行长及董事会成员任命问题上令人遗憾的意见分歧,反映出了交接中的紧张局势。

    The tensions during this handover are shown by the unfortunate public disagreement over appointments of deputy governors and court of directors at the Bank of England .

  11. 与此同时,英格兰银行(bankofengland)还重申了其关于“采取一切必要行动”,确保银行系统拥有足够流动性的承诺。

    At the same time , the Bank of England reiterated its promise to take " all actions necessary " to ensure the banking system had enough liquidity .

  12. 而反过来,福特公司(Ford)的生产线每一辆新车下线,又是否会改变英格兰银行地下金库中那些重量不差毫分的金条的价值?

    Conversely , will every new Ford which rolls from the line change the value of those so-accurately weighed bars under Threadneedle Street ?

  13. 英格兰银行(bankofengland)行长默文金(mervynking)警告英国家庭要做好准备,承受“实际购买力的损失”。

    Mervyn King , the governor of the Bank of England , warned families to prepare for and accept " a loss of real purchasing power " .

  14. 11月26日英国打破先例,委任加拿大人马克卡尼(markcarney)出任英格兰银行行长。

    On November 26th Britain broke with precedent by appointing a Canadian , mark Carney , to run the Bank of England .

  15. 英格兰银行(bankofEngland)副行长雷切尔洛马克斯(RachelLomax)将之描述为我们不得不读的最翔实的书籍之一。

    Rachel Lomax , deputy governor of the Bank of England , described it as one of the most substantial books we had to read .

  16. 英格兰银行也暂时扩展了其接受债券的范围,开始接受不太一流的公债,譬如资产支持证券(ABS)。

    The Bank of England has temporarily widened the range of securities it accepts to include less pukka bonds , such as asset-backed securities ( ABS ) .

  17. 英格兰银行(boe)昨日采取果断行动,希望为批发货币市场解冻。

    The Bank of England took decisive action yesterday with the aim of unfreezing wholesale money markets .

  18. 由于英国和美国的房地产市场可能因利率上调而遭受影响,美国联邦储备银行(federalreserve)和英格兰银行(bankofengland)的官员可能很快便要领教同样惨痛的教训。

    With the housing markets in the UK and the us vulnerable to rising interest rates , officials at the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England may shortly be forced to learn the same painful lesson .

  19. CorporateFX的KevinGyateng来到CNN跟大家探讨美国次贷危机和英格兰银行降息的问题。

    Bank of England cuts rates Kevin Gyateng of Corporate FX joins CNN to discuss the mortgage crisis in the U.S. and a rate cut from the Bank of England

  20. 法定准备金率就像,英格兰银行做的那样,或是Suffolk银行之前做的一样。

    Reserve requirements are like what the Bank of England did or the Suffolk Bank did long ago .

  21. 据英格兰银行(bankofEngland)金融稳定主管安德鲁·霍尔丹(AndrewHaldane)最近的研究报告,在泡沫中,存在严重缺陷的风险模型加重了这种镇静剂的效果。

    The sedative was exacerbated in the bubble , according to a recent paper by Andrew Haldane , director for financial stability at the Bank of England , by badly flawed risk models .

  22. 美国的消息与英国的情况形成鲜明对比,在英国,英格兰银行行长默文金(MervynKing)表明了一种温和的立场,还谈到可能削减英格兰银行为其持有的准备金所支付的利率。

    The US news was a contrast to events in the UK , where Bank of England governor Mervyn King took a dovish stance , discussing cutting the rate at which the Bank remunerates reserves held there .

  23. 鲁汶大学的保罗。德格罗维(PaulDeGrauwe)说,如果英国不能在可接受的利率基础上用新债替代旧债,它可以最终迫使英格兰银行购买这些债务。

    Paul De Grauwe of the University of Leuven says that if Britain couldn 't roll over its debt at acceptable interest rates , it could ultimately force the Bank of England to buy it .

  24. ETXCapital的市场分析师尼尔·威尔逊说,他认为英国“正再次走向衰退”,而且这些数据几乎一定会促使英格兰银行展开进一步的经济刺激计划。

    Neil Wilson , markets analyst at ETX Capital , said he thought the UK was " heading for a recession again , " and that the data would almost certainly prompt the Bank of England to roll out further stimulus .

  25. 我们的确担心,如果其中的大笔资金要同时退出,就会出现减价大甩卖,英格兰银行(bankofEngland)负责金融稳定的副行长乔恩·坎利夫(JonCunliffe)说。

    We do worry that if a lot of this money heads for the exit at the same time you could see a major fire sale , said Jon Cunliffe , deputy governor for financial stability at the Bank of England .

  26. 首先,摇钱树的确是存在的,它名叫英格兰银行(BoE),已经创造出3750亿英镑,为资产购买活动提供资金支持。

    First , there is a money tree , called the Bank of England , which has created £ 375bn to finance its asset purchases . Second , like other solvent institutions , governments can borrow .

  27. 他把钱存在英格兰银行。

    He deposited money in the old lady of Threadneedle street .

  28. 英格兰银行同时也将提率提高到了5.75%。

    The Bank of England has also raised rates , to5.75 .

  29. 英格兰银行是我们财富的守护者。

    The Bank of England is the guardian of our wealth .

  30. 英格兰银行发行了一张百万英镑的钞票。

    The Bank of England issued the million pound notes .