
  • 网络BVI;the british virgin islands;Virgin Islands
  1. 观察我国近年来的外商直接投资数据可以发现,以英属维尔京群岛、开曼群岛和萨摩亚为代表的避税港型离岸金融中心已经成为了我国十分重要的外商直接投资来源地。

    According to the FDI statistics published by the National Bureau of Statistics of China , as offshore financial centers , several tax havens , represented by BVI , Cayman Islands and Samoa , have become very important FDI mother countries of China .

  2. 英属维尔京群岛商业公司的形成,所有主要文件和公司印章。

    BVI Business Company formation , all primary documents and corporate seal .

  3. 请随时与我们联系,如果您需要任何关于英属维尔京群岛VI设计公司和服务的详细信息-我们将很高兴给您写信或说话!

    Please feel free to contact us if You need any further information about BVI offshore companies and services-we will be delighted to write or speak to You !

  4. 2014年12月,另一家英属维尔京群岛实体ChinaGenco抵押了近十亿HTF股票从华融获得资金。

    In December 2014 , another BVI entity , China Genco , pledged nearly a billion HTF shares as collateral for funds from China Huarong .

  5. 是否需要开一个BVI公司英属维尔京群岛的银行帐户中?

    Is it required for a BVI company to open a bank account in the British Virgin Islands ?

  6. 房产转让文件的一部分内容显示,阿齐兹是英属维尔京群岛公司SorcemInvestments的“惟一董事”,背后操纵上述空壳公司购买月桂公园的公寓的,正是这家公司。

    In one spot on the property transfer , Mr. Aziz is listed as the " sole director " of Sorcem Investments , a British Virgin Islands company that was behind the shell company that bought the Park Laurel condo .

  7. 英属维尔京群岛的监管申报文件显示,还存在通过关联方企业获得的更多贷款,这些贷款可能掩盖HTF股票对贷款违约的真实敞口&除非投资者充分了解所有条件。

    The BVI filings show that there are additional loans through related-party companies that could mask the real exposure the HTF stock could have to loan defaults , unless investors were fully aware of all the conditions .

  8. 这里或许就是所谓的人间天堂了。在英属维尔京群岛850英亩的Guana岛上,除了蓝天、白云和银沙滩,还有茂密的热带丛林,网球场和潜水点供你独享。

    How 's this for a fantasy & 850 acres of white-sand beaches , tropical foliage , hiking trails , tennis courts and dive sites reserved solely for you .

  9. 记英属维尔京群岛的两栖爬行动物

    Notes on some amphibians and reptiles of British Virgin Islands

  10. 您可以自定义配置以任何方式你需要你的英属维尔京群岛商业公司!

    You can custom-configure your BVI Business Company in any way you need !

  11. 公司登记费,英属维尔京群岛政府。

    The company registration fee to the BVI government .

  12. 英属维尔京群岛是否与国税局分享银行帐户信息?

    Does the British Virgin Islands share the bank account information with the IRS ?

  13. 邮政信箱,路镇,托托拉岛,英属维尔京群岛离岸法团中心。

    P.O.Box958 , Offshore Incorporations Centre , Road Town , Tortola , British Virgin Islands .

  14. 这包括350美元的英属维尔京群岛政府收费和强制注册代理服务。

    This includes the $ 350 BVI government fee and the mandatory registered agent service .

  15. 同在英属维尔京群岛进行业务的人有存款关系;

    It makes or maintains deposits with a person carrying on business within the British Virgin Islands ;

  16. 世界上著名的离岸管辖区有英属维尔京群岛、开曼群岛、安圭拉群岛等岛屿和地区。

    The world famous off-coast jurisdictional areas include British Virgin Islands , Cayman Islands and Anguilla Islands etc.

  17. 美元与50000股公司多达800人,如果所有的无记名股票存放与英属维尔京群岛托管人。

    USD800 for Company with up to50,000 shares , if all bearer shares are kept with a BVI Custodian .

  18. 一个综合英属维尔京群岛商业公司法全文载于我们的“下载”部分可用。

    A full text of the consolidated BVI Business Companies Act is available in our " Downloads " section .

  19. 一个英属维尔京群岛商业公司有独立的法人资格和自然人相同的权力。

    A British Virgin Islands Business Company has separate legal personality and the same powers as a natural person .

  20. 除去中国香港和英属维尔京群岛等自由贸易港之外,日本成为了中国第一大外资来源国。

    Except Hong Kong and the British Virgin Islands , Japan has become the first source of foreign investment .

  21. 国家简况:巴巴多斯、英属维尔京群岛、开曼群岛、荷属安的列斯、阿鲁。

    Country Profile : Barbados , British Virgin Islands , Cayman Islands , Netherlands Antilles , Aruba , Origanisation of Eastern Caribbean States .

  22. 今年8月6日,关淑馨法官冻结了黄光裕夫妇通过两家在英属维尔京群岛注册的公司所持有、与上述损失额等值的股份。

    On August 6 , Ms Kwan froze shares worth the same amount and held by the couple by means of two British Virgin Islands-registered companies .

  23. 霍基表示,恒大集团通过它在澳大利亚、香港及英属维尔京群岛的一系列空壳公司购买了这栋别墅。

    Evergrande acquired the villa via a string of shelf companies , in Australia , Hong Kong and the British Virgin Islands , Mr. Hockey said .

  24. 刚在纽约时代广场一起辞旧迎新,这对儿音乐情侣转移方向去了英属维尔京群岛浪漫度假。

    After ringing in the New Year in Times Square together , the musical twosome have headed off for a vacay in the British Virgin Islands .

  25. 受《英属维尔京群岛二零零四年商业公司法》所约束,该公司在成立六个月之时已委任一名董事并配发一股股份。

    Subject to the BVI Business Companies Act2004 , a director was appointed and one share was allotted for this company which has been incorporated for six months .

  26. 霍基表示,恒大集团通过它在澳大利亚、香港及英属维尔京群岛的“一系列空壳公司”购买了这栋别墅。

    Evergrande acquired the villa " via a string of shelf companies , " in Australia , Hong Kong and the British Virgin Islands , Mr. Hockey said .

  27. 要订购公司任何的虚拟营业部的设施为您的新英属维尔京群岛,您可以通过点击和选择所需的服务,我们的在线订购表格。

    To order any of the Virtual Office facilities for Your new BVI Business Company , You can click and choose the required services through our Online Order Form .

  28. 欢迎和首席部长和旅游部长为英属维尔京群岛,从商业和酒店协会英属维尔京群岛商会主席的介绍。

    Welcome and introduction from the Chief Minister and Minister of Tourism for the the British Virgin Islands and from the Chairman of the BVI Chamber of Commerce & Hotel Association .

  29. 美元是在英属维尔京群岛的官方货币-因此,根据定义,就没有外汇管制和货币供应量没有受到当地政府的人为操纵。

    US dollar is the official currency in the BVI-therefore , by definition , there can be no currency controls and no artificial manipulation of money supply by the local government .

  30. 几十个人星期四下午没有电和水,损失大部分报告在罗德城英属维尔京群岛的首都以及托托拉岛其它地方。

    Dozens of people were without power and water Thursday afternoon , with most of the damage reported in Road Town , the British Virgin Islands capital , and elsewhere on the island of Tortola .