
kǔ wèi
  • bitter;bitterness;bitter taste;acrimony;amargoso;amargosa
苦味 [kǔ wèi]
  • [bitter;bitterness] 苦的味道

苦味[kǔ wèi]
  1. 他一尝那苦味,做了个怪相。

    He grimaced at the bitter taste .

  2. 清咖啡会在嘴里留下一些苦味。

    Black coffee leaves a bitter taste in the mouth .

  3. 忽布花可增加啤酒的苦味。

    The flowers of the hop plant add bitterness to the beer .

  4. 例如啤酒花,这种给许多现代啤酒增添了一丝苦味的东西,其实是在相当近的时间才加到这种饮品中去的。

    Hops , for example , which give many a modern beer its bitter flavor , are a relatively recent addition to the beverage .

  5. 尽管研究证实甜食和性格之间有联系,但没有证据能证明喜欢苦味食物的人性格“苦涩”。

    Although the study confirms the connection between dessert and personality , there is no evidence that can prove people who like food with bitter taste tend to have a bitter personality .

  6. 涂碳(石墨)PVC膜苦味酸根离子选择电极

    The Coated Carbon ( graphite ) PVC Matrix Membrane Picrate Ion-selective Electrodes

  7. 果实中积累葫芦素C会导致黄瓜苦味,严重影响黄瓜品质。

    The accumulation of cucurbitacin C in fruits will result in bitterness in cucumber and seriously affect the quality of cucumber .

  8. 通过hplc,研究了在啤酒贮存过程中,酒花苦味物质的变化。

    The change in hop bitter substances in beer during storage was stydied using hplc .

  9. 一种性能良好的PVC膜苦味酸根离子选择电极

    A Good PVC Matrix Membrane Picrate Ion-selective Electrode

  10. GC-MS与HPLC分析荔枝酒的苦味物质

    Analysis of Bitterness Substances in Litchi Wine by GC / MS and HPLC

  11. 古故居人遗物的DNA分析显示他们与现代人一样的基因,可以使他们有品尝苦味的能力。

    DNA analysis of ancient remains shows that Neanderthals shared with modern humans the gene that gives the ability to taste bitter flavours .

  12. 甜菊糖是一种天然的强力甜味剂,它的二种组分&甜菊苷和甜菊双糖C苷有苦味和不愉快的后味,会显著影响甜菊糖的味质。

    Stevia sugar is an intense sweetener , and its two constitutents , stevioside and rebaudioside C have some bitterness and unpleasant aftertaste which greatly affect the sweetness .

  13. n.苦味良药苦口。

    bitter Good medicine tastes bitter to the mouth .

  14. 黄瓜果实苦味Bt基因的AFLP分子标记

    The AFLP Markers Linked with the Bitter Fruit Gene ( Bt ) in Cucumber

  15. 结果表明,苦瓜维生素C、还原糖、有机酸、果瘤、果色、果刺和苦味遗传变异系数大,遗传力高;

    The results showed that there were bigger genetic coefficients of variation and higher heritability for vitamin C , reducing sugar , organic acid , fruit tumor , fruit color , fruit thorn and bitterness ;

  16. 但是育亨宾不能阻断侧脑室注射GABA的中枢降压作用,而苦味毒则能完全阻断其降压效应。

    But yohimbine could not antagonize the central hypotensive action of GABA , while picrotoxin could entirely block it .

  17. 实验结果表明同为苦味的盐酸奎宁和PTC所引起的鼓索神经的反应方式是有区别的。

    Different responses of nerve fibers in chorda tympani to quinine HCl and PTC were found , having the same bitter .

  18. 本研究使用黄瓜cDNA文库,通过酵母单杂交技术筛选与苦味物质生物合成调控相关的转录因子。

    In this paper , Screening and identification of transcription factors related to bitter substances biosynthesis regulation were performed with cucumber cDNA library through yeast one-hybrid technology .

  19. 苦味UHT乳原因分析

    Analyzing the causation of the bitter UHT milk

  20. 涂碳PVC膜SCN~-、ClO4~-和苦味酸根离子选择电极&碱性染料结构对PVC膜电极性能的影响

    Study on coated carbon PVC matrix membrane SCN ~ - , C1O_4 ~ - and picrate ion-selective electrodes-influence of structure of basic dye on the characteristics of electrode

  21. 在pH值为4的35℃的酸性溶液中浸泡36h,可以完全去除苦杏仁的苦味;

    And it may completely remove the bitter of almond oil by soaking in the acid liquor ( pH value 4 , 35 ℃) for 36 hours .

  22. 四种提取物对超氧阴离子(O2~-·)、羟自由基(·0H)和二苯代苦味酰基自由基(DPPH·)清除作用均强于BHT。

    Clear effect on super oxidized anionic radical 、 hydroxyl radical and DPPH radical of four extractions was stronger than BHT .

  23. 从实验中可以看出,杀菌强度对啤酒的色度、总酚含量、苦味值和泡持性影响较大,对啤酒的酸度和pH值响较小,对啤酒的双乙酰和CO2含量几乎没有影响。

    The results indicate that pasteurising intensity has great effect on beer color , total polyphenol , bitterness and foam stability , has little effect on acidity and pH value , but almost has no effect on diacetyl and CO2contents . 3 .

  24. 测定不同分离组分对二苯代苦味酰肼自由基(DPPH)的清除活性、还原力、酚质量分数、对羟自由基和超氧阴离子自由基的抑制活性。

    The DPPH radical scavenging activities , the reducing powers , the amount of total phenolic compounds , the inhibitory effect on hydroxyl radical and superoxide anion radical o.

  25. 桑椹醋不同溶剂提取物对超氧阴离子(O2~-·)、羟自由基(·0H)、二苯代苦味酰基自由基(DPPH·)和脂质过氧化均具有较强的清除能力。

    Polyphenol extracts in mulberry vinegar showed strong clear effect on super oxidized anionic radical 、 hydroxyl radical and lipid radical and DPPH radical .

  26. 仁用杏醋具有较强的抗氧化能力,总抗氧化能力和对二苯代苦味酰基自由基(DPPH·)的清除作用远远高于柿子醋和苹果醋。

    The apricot vinegar has higher antioxidation ability , total antioxidation ability and eliminating ( DPPH ·) ability are much higher than persimmon vinegar and apple vinegar . 6 .

  27. 通过索氏提取对甘蔗糖厂混合汁浮渣的醇溶组分进行分离,利用二苯代苦味肼基自由基(DPPH·)分光光度法快速评价浮渣醇溶物抗氧化能力。

    The alcohol soluble substance in the mixed juice scum of sugarcane mill was separated by soxhlet extraction and its anti-oxidative capability was determined rapidly by DPPH · method in this paper .

  28. 你可以品尝一下有苦味的金巴利酒(Campari,9.80欧元)或甜味柯尔酒(kir,9.5欧元)——加入黑加仑甜酒的白葡萄酒。

    Try a bitter Campari ( 9.80 euros ) or a sweet kir , white wine with a splash of cassis ( 9.5 ) .

  29. 确定了铬黑T(EBT)乳化剂OP苦味酸体系作为配位滴定钙镁含量的指示剂:钙指示剂(NN)乳化剂OP苦味体系作为配位滴定的指示剂。

    Chromium black T ( EBT ) - emulsifier OP-picric acid system as the indicator of the calcium and magnesium contents and calcium indicator ( NN ) & emulsifier OP-picric acid system as the indicator of titration are determined .

  30. 对于二苯基苦味酰基苯肼自由基(·DPPH),石油醚层、二氯甲烷层、乙酸乙酯层、丙酮层、甲醇层粗提物均表现出对其有清除作用。

    For bitter acyl benzene hydrazine free radicals (· OH ), crude extractings of petroleum ether layer , methylene chloride layer , ethyl acetate layer , acetone layer , methanol layer all represented the clearance of · DPPH .