
  • 网络Take the time;Take Time
  1. 在参观一个新的地方时,花点时间去散散步,享受一下,这样你就可以聆听、闻到、看到不同的文化和风景,而忙碌的生活可能会让你无法享受。

    Take time to go for a long walk for enjoyment when visiting a new place , which will allow you to listen , smell , and see the different culture and sights that your busy life may stop you from enjoying .

  2. 花点时间冷静下来。

    Take time to cool off .

  3. 其中的含意要花点时间才能完全领会。

    The implication took a while to sink in .

  4. 他们应该花点时间,为双方的人祈祷。

    They should take a little time and say a prayer for the people on both sides .

  5. 让那些身体状况不那么糟、还能自己来看病的病人花点时间候诊没什么问题。

    Patients who are well enough to turn up under their own steam are well enough to wait to be seen by a doctor .

  6. 在决定之前花点时间估计一下你有几分把握。

    Take a little time to measure up your chances before deciding .

  7. 读者诸君或许不会不乐意稍稍花点时间,回头看一看汤姆大伯的那幢木屋吧。

    Our readers may not be unwilling to glance back , for a brief interval at Uncle tom 's cabin .

  8. 但今天,在iPhone发布10周年之际,让我们花点时间来思考一个不太明显的优势。

    But today , on the 10th anniversary of the iPhone , let 's take a moment to consider a less obvious advantage .

  9. 他们很少想到去游荡,花点时间看看周围的事物。

    It seldom occurred to them to wander a bit , to take a moment to see what 's around them .

  10. 如果你想和你的花园建立一个强有力的联系,那就花点时间回忆一下你小时候见过的花园吧。

    If you 'd like to build a powerful bond with your garden , start by taking some time to recall the gardens of your youth .

  11. 今天花点时间自己种些花。

    Take the time to plant a few flowers yourself today .

  12. 我想我们也应该花点时间种花。

    I think we should also take the time to plant flowers .

  13. 如果你先花点时间工作,你会从大学中收获更多。

    I think you 'll get more from university if you spend some time working first .

  14. 花点时间做义工,你会看到人们生活的巨大变化。

    Spend some time on volunteer work and you will see great changes in people 's lives .

  15. 有句老话说:"花点时间停下来闻闻花香。"

    There is an old saying : " Take the time to stop and smell the flowers . "

  16. 利用时间。花点时间和别人在一起,能让他们知道你非常看重他们。

    Use of time . By spending time with others , you show them how much they mean to you .

  17. 我觉得我的想法还是不太成熟,所以我要花点时间仔细想想,再向上司提出这个想法。

    I still think my idea is half-baked so I 'm going to take a bit more time to think it through before I pitch it to the boss .

  18. 这些工艺品你可以让孩子在节日时送给亲戚,教育他们怎样做可以有助于保护地球。在这个特别的日子,花点时间想想你能为地球母亲做点什么,你能做点什么吧。

    Make a bunch of crafts that your kids can give to family members for the holidays to teach them about what they can do to help protect the planet .

  19. 花点时间学习XPath,您将会更方便的处理XML文档。

    Take a little time to learn XPath , and you 'll be rewarded with much easier handling of XML documents .

  20. 现在,花点时间展开一些HTML文档并用树将其勾画出来。

    At this point , take time to pull open some of your HTML documents and sketch them out as trees .

  21. 在结束XML响应的XML请求(以及本文)之前,我们花点时间讨论一下在请求中使用XML的感受。

    Before leaving XML requests ( and this article ) for XML responses , let 's spend some real time thinking about the sensibility of using XML in your requests .

  22. 在开始使用WebSphereCloudBurstRESTAPI之前,应该先花点时间来理解关于这个接口的一些基本知识。

    Before you begin working with the WebSphere CloudBurst REST API , take a moment to understand a few basics about this interface .

  23. 今天我想花点时间更详细地讲讲共生关系(symbiosis)。

    OK , today I 'd like to spend some time going into more detail about symbiosis .

  24. 然而,我们需要花点时间在星型模式优化器支持上,这是XPS的一个分支。

    However , we want to spend a bit more time on star schema optimizer support , which is an offshoot of XPS .

  25. 花点时间去探索WordPress中文文档网站,那个文档是WordPress的官方文档。

    Take time to explore the WordPress Codex site , the official documentation site for WordPress .

  26. 如果您花点时间清楚地理解一些基本概念,那么使用线程就象使用XML或LDAP或在其它任何专门领域那样可靠。

    If you make the time to understand basic concepts clearly , you can work with threads as reliably as you do XML , LDAP , or any other specialized domain .

  27. 根据我与青少年打交道的经验,真正的挑战在于哄劝他们少花点时间泡facebook、多花点时间做功课。

    Based on my experience with teenagers , the challenge is to coax them into spending a little less time on Facebook and a little more doing their homework .

  28. 其他一些人(包括GeorgeDinwiddie)的建议是,花点时间与这个人结对编程

    Various people 's advice , including George Dinwiddie , to taking some time to pair program with this person

  29. 但是,在此之前,花点时间考虑MavenPOM文件之内隐藏了何种信息?

    Before you do this , though , take a moment to think about what kind of information is hidden inside Maven POM files .

  30. 在深入探讨这种架构之前,首先我们花点时间来讨论一下什么是OpenLaszlo。

    Before I dig into the architecture , let 's spend a little time discussing what OpenLaszlo is .