
  • 网络huashan;Blossom Hill;Hanayama;Kazan;Fa Shan
  1. 那年夏天,我们的布朗尼童子军中队在花山营地宿营。

    That summer our Brownie troop was at Camp blossom hill .

  2. 实际上,在海拔250多英尺的樱草花山上可以饱览伦敦全景,公园的一块牌匾上写着威廉·布莱克(WilliamBlake)的美丽诗句,“我曾与太阳之神交谈。我看见他在樱草花山上。”

    In fact , Primrose Hill at 250-plus feet above sea level offers a panoramic view of London , and a plaque with a lovely William Blake quote : " I have conversed with the spiritual Sun . I saw him on Primrose Hill . "

  3. 花山水库发电引水管渗漏处理权力的概念、产生和制约

    Seepage Treatment Of Diversion Pipe For Power Generation In Huashan Reservoir

  4. 水箱模型在花山水库洪水预报中的应用

    Application of Tank model in flood forecast of Huashan reservoir

  5. 广西花山花岗岩体的成因、演化及矿化

    Origin , evolution and mineralization of Huashan granites , guangxi

  6. 江阴花山夏商文化遗址

    The excavation of a site of xia-shang culture in huashan , jiangyin

  7. 是五月花山上的一栋小房子里的一间

    It 's a unit in a small building on Mayflower Hill .

  8. 阐述了花山面板堆石坝的监测设计。

    This paper describes the safety monitoring design for HS concrete face rockfill dam .

  9. 矛上的回纹铭很象广西花山壁画上的民族纹饰。

    The grains on spear likes the national grains of fresco of Guangxi Flower Mountain .

  10. 广西花山岩画抢救性保护修复材料的选择试验

    Selection experiment on the urgent conservation materials for the petroglyphs on the Flower Mountain , Guangxi

  11. 踩花山既体现了苗族同胞对祖先的缅怀,也反映了苗族同胞对生殖繁衍的追求。

    The festival manifests Miao nationalitys commemoration to their ancestors , and their belief in procreation .

  12. 豫西花山花岗岩北东侧金矿成矿特征

    Mineralization feature of gold mine to the northeast of Huashan granite mass in the west of Henan

  13. 豫西花山花岗岩体内金矿围岩蚀变特征及蚀变模式

    The wallrock alteration characteristics and the alteration model for the gold deposit within Huashan granite body in West Henan

  14. 安徽花山古代大型地下洞室群工程地质条件与变形破坏规律研究

    A study of the engineering geological conditions and the rule of deformation-failure in the large Huashan ancient underground openings

  15. 揭示花山景区附近土壤环境质量演变状况及污染特点。

    The aim was to reveal the evolutions of soil environment quality around Huashan scenic spots and its pollution characteristics .

  16. ‘双优’两性花山葡萄浆果发育的研究

    A preliminary study on development of ' shuang you ' bisexual flower grape ( vitis amurensis rupr . ) berries

  17. 豫西花山花岗岩岩浆热液的性质及与金成矿的关系

    The properties of magmatic hydrothermal fluid of Huashan granitic batholith in western Henan Province and their relationship to gold mineralization

  18. 上周五,中国左江花山岩画艺术文化景观被列入了世界人文遗产名录。

    China 's Zuojiang Huashan Rock Art Cultural Landscape was placed on the list on Friday as a cultural site .

  19. 对花山花岗岩体中金矿的围岩蚀变特征和围岩蚀变与金矿化的关系进行了研究,并建立了蚀变模式。

    The wall rock alteration characteristics and the relationship between wallrock alteration and the alteration model are set up in the paper .

  20. 本文除绪论外共有五个章节:第一章为揭开花山女神的神秘面纱。

    This paper consists of five chapters except the introduction : The chapter ⅰ is " Unraveling the mystery of the Huashan goddess " .

  21. 应用模糊数学综合评价方法对花山煤矿土地破坏程度进行评价。

    Applying for method of fuzzy mathematics comprehensive evaluation , this paper has evaluated the degree of destructed land in area of Huashan Coal Mine .

  22. 岩体线性构造控制了花山地区构造蚀变岩型和爆破角砾岩型金矿床的时空分布;

    Space-time distribution of structure-controlled alteration rock type gold deposits and explosion-breccia type gold deposits in Huashan area is controlled by linear structures of Huashan granite ;

  23. 如果你想要增加一点距离和坡度,那就接着跑到摄政公园北边的樱草花山公园。

    If you want to add a little more distance and steep elevation , continue into Primrose Hill Park to the north of Regent 's Park .

  24. 在哀牢山构造带的哀牢山断裂与花山-雅邑断裂之间出露大量不同构造环境的岩浆岩。

    Mass of magmas formed in different tectonic settings was revealed between the Ailaoshan fault and Huashan-Yayi fault based on the detailed mapping in Ailaoshan tectonic belt .

  25. 保护和抢救三峡文物广西花山岩画抢救性保护修复材料的选择试验

    Cultural Relics Under Protection and Salvage in the Three Gorges Area Selection experiment on the urgent conservation materials for the petroglyphs on the Flower Mountain , Guangxi

  26. 对花山旅游区的旅游文化资源和客源市场进行了分析,提出了开发花山旅游文化资源的措施,为花山旅游业可持续发展提供了决策性参考。

    With the analysis of travelers and tourist resource market in Huashan tourist area in Guangxi , some measures are suggested to promote sustainable tourism development in Huashan .

  27. 花山中学曾经是武汉市郊区的先进学校,近年来面临着生源不断减少,办学质量不断下滑的困境。

    Huashan Middle School used to be a advanced school in the suburban rural in Wuhan , but now it is facing the trouble of students decreasing and school quality declining .

  28. 国家级的景点包括南宁青秀山、桂林漓江、桂平西山和宁明花山以及北海银滩。

    Scenic spots of national level include Qingxiu mountain of nanning , Lijiang River of guilin , the west hill of guiping , Huashan of Ningming and silver beach of beihai .

  29. 为探索红外热成像检测技术在岩画病害检测中的可行性,利用红外热像仪对广西花山岩画的病害进行了检测。

    In order to explore the feasibility of using infrared thermal imaging technology to detect deterioration of rock paintings , the Huashan rock painting , in Guangxi province , were examined .

  30. 关于左江流域岩画包括花山岩画在内的研究文章,自上世纪五十年代以来,已有较多发表,大多涉及考古学、历史学、地质学、人类学、语言文化学、社会学等多类学科。

    Since 1950s , volumes of research papers devoted to the petroglyph groups along Zuojiang River have been published , which are usually from the perspectives of archaeology , history , geology and anthropology and sociology .