
  • 网络prickly ash seed
  1. 为了合理利用花椒籽资源,着重研究了提取花椒籽油最佳方法及最优条件。

    In order to develop and utilize prickly ash seed , the extraction method and parameters of prickly ash seed oil were studied .

  2. 花椒籽的研究进展

    Research advances adn prospects of prickly ash seed

  3. 微波处理对花椒籽稳定性的影响

    Effects of microwave on the stability of Zanthoxylum bungeanum seed

  4. 花椒籽是生产调味料花椒的副产物。

    Zanthoxylum bungeanum seeds are the by-products of pepper sauce .

  5. 花椒籽蛋白质分离提取及功能性质的研究

    Study on the Extraction of Protein from Chinese Prickly Ash Seed and Its Functional Properties

  6. 花椒籽的开发利用

    Development and utilization of pricklyash seed

  7. 花椒籽剥壳机的设计

    The Bunge Pricklyash Seed Peeling Machine

  8. 花椒籽种仁分离蛋白的起泡性和泡沫稳定性随着蛋白质浓度的增大而增大。

    With the increase of the protein concentration , the protein foaming ability and foaming stability increased .

  9. 碾碎:炒热的花椒籽用石碾或石臼砸碎至粉末状(颗粒越小越好)。

    Crushed : sizzling pepper seeds crushed stone or mortar smashed to powder ( particles as small as possible ) .

  10. 榨油后的花椒籽饼粕是提取膳食纤维和蛋白质的优质原料。

    The greaves which left after exploiting the oil are the high-quality raw materials to extract natural dietary fiber and protein .

  11. 利用花椒籽(花椒种子)可以作为饲料添加剂、用于榨油、油渣可用于制作生物化肥等。

    Use of pepper seeds ( pepper seeds ) can be used as feed additives for oil extraction , production of bio-diesel can be used for fertilizer .

  12. 花椒籽含有27%~31%的油脂,尤其是α-亚麻酸的含量占油脂总量的33.3%。

    There are 27 % ~ 31 % oil in prickly ash seed ,α - linolenic acid is rich ( 33.4 % ) in prickly ash seed oil .

  13. 比较了溶剂法、碱炼法对花椒籽仁油的脱蜡效果,碱炼法明显优于溶剂法。

    By comparing the dewaxing rate of solvent method and alkali smelting method , we can see the alkali smelting method is better than the former . 7 .

  14. 清洗:花椒籽通过筛选清理,除去花椒及其他杂质后以家用饭锅加火炒热至清香不糊为宜。

    Clean : clean-up by screening pepper seeds , pepper and other impurities removed in order to increase domestic rice bowl to fragrance without the fire sizzling paste appropriate .

  15. 本研究以金阳花椒籽为原料,对其膳食纤维、蛋白质的提取技术及理化功能性质进行了研究,并利用提取所得蛋白质制备抗氧化肽。

    This thesis studied on the constituent compositions of prickly ash seed , the extraction of dietary fiber and protein , and discussed their functional characteristics , then prepared antioxidant peptide using protein extracted .

  16. 对分别提取的花椒籽皮油和仁油进行理化指标分析,发现仁油中酸值和过氧化值均低于其皮油中的酸值和过氧化值。

    The analysis of physical chemical index of the husk and kernel oil of zanthoxylum bungeanum seed showed that both acid value and peroxide value of the kernel oil were lower than those of the husk oil .

  17. 花椒籽是一种含油量丰富的木本油料和食物蛋白质资源,其理论产量高出花椒果皮20%,但却因长期未得到合理利用而被废弃填埋或者焚烧。

    The seeds of Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim is a food protein resource and a woody oil plant which is riched in lipid , although its theoretical yield is 20 percent more than the pericarp , it was still discarded and landfilled or burned .