  • joint;knob;node;division
  • knot;section;length
  • economize;save;abridge

  • 见下。见 jié
  • 竹子或草木茎分枝长叶的部分:竹~。~外生枝。

  • 物体的分段或两段之间连接的部分:关~。两~车厢。

  • 段落,事项:~~(一段一段地,逐步)。~目。

  • 中国历法把一年分为二十四段,每段开始的名称:~气。~令。

  • 纪念日或庆祝宴乐的日子:~日。

  • 礼度:礼~。

  • 音调高低缓急的限度:~奏。~拍。~律。

  • 操守:~操。晚~。变~。高风亮~(高尚的品德和节操)。

  • 省减,限制:~省。~制。开源~流。

  • 略去,简略:~选。~录。

  • 古代出使外国所待的凭证:符~。使~。

  • 姓。

  • 〔~骨眼儿〕喻关键的,能起决定性作用的环节或时机(“骨”读轻声)。


(物体各段之间相连的地方) joint; knob; node:

  • 骨节

    joint (of bones);

  • 节材

    nodal wood;

  • 脱节

    out of joint;

  • 竹节

    bamboo joint


(段落) division; part:

  • 章节

    chapters and sections;

  • 音节



(节日) festival; red-letter day; holiday:

  • 春节

    the Spring Festival;

  • 国庆节

    National Day;

  • 中秋节

    the Midautumn Festival;

  • 国际服装节

    the International Fashion Festival;

  • 过节

    celebrate [observe] a festival


(事项) item:

  • 生活小节

    trifling personal matters;

  • 细节



(节操) moral integrity; chastity:

  • 气节

    moral integrity;

  • 晚节

    integrity in one's later years


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 节铎

    Jie Duo


{航海} knot (船速单位; 1节=每小时1海里):

  • 那艘船正以35节的速度航行。

    The ship was sailing at 35 knots.


(用于分段的事物或文章) section; length:

  • 第三章第二节

    Chapter Three, Section Two;

  • 18节车厢

    eighteen railway coaches;

  • 四节课

    four periods [classes];

  • 一节钢管

    a length of steel tube


(节约; 节制) economize; save:

  • 节煤

    economize on coal; save coal;

  • 我情愿节衣不愿缩食。

    I'd rather economize on clothes than food.


(删节) abridge:

  • 节译

    abridged translation

  1. 一条长长的茎秆的每个节上都会长出一朵浅蓝色的花。

    A single pale blue flower grows up from each joint on a long stalk .

  2. 旱育秧根系和发根节的ABA含量低于湿润育秧和塑盘水育秧,GA含量则最高;

    ABA content of roots and rooting joint for seedlings from dry bed Was lower and GA content Was higher than that of seedlings from wet bed and plastic tray .

  3. 这节课学生将学习编程。

    In this class , students will learn how to program .

  4. 我们在考试前加了几节课。

    We slotted in some extra lessons before the exam .

  5. 她的演出使她在艺术节中备受推崇。

    The performance made her the toast of the festival .

  6. 你到目前为止上过多少节驾驶课了?

    How many driving lessons have you had so far ?

  7. 今天是情人节,空气中弥漫着爱情的气息。

    It 's Valentine 's Day and lurve is in the air .

  8. 节期从9月13日星期一开始。

    The festival kicks off on Monday , September 13 .

  9. 船速以节测量。

    A ship 's speed is measured in knots .

  10. 情人节时我们会举办一场盛大聚会。

    We 're going to have a huge blowout for Valentine 's Day .

  11. 北美文学是今年艺术节的主题。

    North American literature is the main theme of this year 's festival .

  12. 音乐节是青年音乐家展现才华的场合。

    The festival was a showcase for young musicians .

  13. 节礼日将有猎狐活动。

    There will be a hunt on Boxing Day .

  14. 狂欢节期间,全城突然热闹起来。

    The town springs into life during the carnival .

  15. 三小时的课分成四节,每节45分钟。

    The three-hour class is divided into four blocks of 45 minutes each .

  16. 这个艺术节吸引了四面八方的人。

    The festival attracts people from a wide area .

  17. 这节货车车厢脱离了列车。

    The wagon broke free from the train .

  18. 我们星期二的第一节课是法语。

    Our first lesson on Tuesdays is French .

  19. 当地每年都举行狂欢节。

    There is a local carnival every year .

  20. 主要由于爵士音乐节的缘故,在夏季这里的人口几乎比平时多一倍。

    The population almost doubles in summer , mainly because of the jazz festival .

  21. 电影节将于十月举行。

    The film festival takes place in October .

  22. 每一节课为45分钟。

    Each class is 45 minutes in length .

  23. 诗人的愤怒在诗的最后一节表达出来。

    The poet 's anger finds expression in the last verse of the poem .

  24. 狂欢节游行场面热烈,蔚为大观。

    The carnival parade was a magnificent spectacle .

  25. 我参加过伍德斯托克摇滚音乐节——那说明我老了,是不是?

    I was at the Woodstock festival ─ that dates me , doesn 't it ?

  26. 我们上节课学了什么内容?

    What did we do last lesson ?

  27. 有几节火车车厢出轨了。

    Several cars went off the rails .

  28. 电影节的影片一如既往的良莠不齐——有优秀的、低劣的和一般的。

    The festival has the usual mixture of movies ─ good , bad and indifferent .

  29. 已选定六个剧团参加今年的戏剧节。

    Six theatre companies have been selected to take part in this year 's festival .

  30. 这一节课我将着重讲查理王朝的早期统治时期。

    In this lecture I shall concentrate on the early years of Charles 's reign .