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  • 网络colour glaze;color glaze;glaze;colored glaze
色釉 [sè yòu]
  • [color glaze] 有色釉子

  1. 介绍了素烧坯改素坯施釉用色釉的配制。

    Introduced the preparation of color glaze used in unglazed ware altering to green body .

  2. 铁系釉是以铁元素为主要着色剂的陶瓷釉,它是最早出现的陶瓷色釉品种。

    Iron-based glaze is one type of ceramic glaze in which ferrum is the main colorant . It is also the earliest ceramic color glaze .

  3. 多熔块反应法制备Cd(SxSe(1-x))系列色釉

    Cd ( sxse 1-x ) serial colour glaze preparation by multi-frit reaction method

  4. 提出了独特的硫硒化镉系列色釉的制备工艺&多熔块反应法。

    A specific preparing process-multiple frits reaction method has been proposed .

  5. 熔加色素法搪瓷色釉结构的研究

    A Study on Structure of Coloured Enamel Glaze by Pigment Frit in Method

  6. 铜系色釉的试制及着色机理研究

    Imitation of Copper Galze and Mechanism Study on Colour

  7. 冬季女装色彩预测色釉和金光釉的研制

    Preparation of Color Glaze and Glittering Glaze

  8. 玻璃色釉及悬浮釉浆的制备

    Preparation of Glass Enamels and Suspension Slip

  9. 通过大量实验成功试制出了一次性铜蓝花釉,并通过对试样进行色度分析描述了色釉的表观效果。

    The samples of copper blue blossom glaze which was glazed by single time was imitated successfully .

  10. 色釉的运用能够充分体现陶瓷壁画艺术的艺术美和科学美。

    The application of glaze can fully express the scientific beauty and art beauty of ceramic mural .

  11. 从色釉可以看出这件瓷器生产于明代。

    From the colored ceramic glaze , we can see this China was produced during the Ming dynasty .

  12. 潘文复(1938-2001),他研制出高温色釉彩绘这一新的技法和工艺。

    Pan Fu ( 1938-2001 ), he developed a high temperature glaze painting this new technique and technology .

  13. 陶瓷壁画色釉形态语言的运用应寻找如何从传统艺术中探索新的表现方式。

    The application of the glaze form language about ceramic mural should explore new performance from the traditional art .

  14. 这时期的创新型实验,为高温色釉瓷画的诞生提供了宽广的历史舞台。

    This innovative experiment period , the " high-color glazed porcelain painting " The Birth of providing a broad historical stage .

  15. 我厂生产技术力量雄厚,设备先进,在手拉胚,中低温色釉方面有很强的实力。

    We have exquisite skill and advanced equipment , and are good at handmaded pot , glazed pot and terracotta pot .

  16. 色釉在现代陶瓷壁画创作中更应发挥其独特的形态语言特点,发挥色釉材质与生俱来的品质。

    In modern creation , the glaze can give play to its unique character of form language , expressing its native quality .

  17. 介绍了这种色釉及其涂施工艺;探讨了安瓿的易折性能。

    The colored enamel together with its enamelling process are given , and the easy-break behavior of the ampoule has been discussed .

  18. 唐三彩的色釉有浓淡变,在色彩的相互辉映中,显出堂皇富丽的艺术魅力。

    The chemicals in the glaze changed gradually in the firing process , creating a variegated effect which has a majestic and elegant artistic attraction .

  19. 以普通着色金属氧化物为色剂,基釉为无铅无镉无锌低镁透明熔块釉,研制了系列透明色釉。

    Serial colour-glazes were tested in that the colouring materials are common metal-oxides , the basic glaze are lead-free , cadmium-free , zinc-free and low-magnesium frit-glazes .

  20. 在色釉中加入不同的金属氧化物,经过焙烧,便形成多种色彩,但多以黄、褐、绿三色为主。

    It was made by adding metallic oxides into the colored glaze and calcining the object , thus forming different colors including the predominant yellow , brown and green .

  21. 云南釉下彩陶艺,是用色釉直接在已成型晾干的素坯上进行艺术创作,然后入窑经高温一次烧成型。

    Yunnan ceramic color underglaze , glaze is used directly in the dried green body has been formed on artistic creation , and then into a firing kiln at high temperature type .

  22. 第三节就两类较为特殊器类进行分析,一类为内白外黑为代表的双色釉瓷器,一类是有款识的出土白瓷。

    The third Section analyses two more special classes , one for double glazed porcelain represented by porcelain which is white inside black outside , the other for the white porcelain which has literal sign .

  23. 在1200℃&1250℃下用制备的颜料进行了陶瓷颜料着色的检测,结果表明,色釉鲜红艳丽,釉面平整光亮,完全能满足高温烧成高档装饰陶瓷的要求。

    This colored glaze is vermeil and flamboyant , the glaze surface is smooth and luminous , the pigment can satisfy slap-up ceramic decorations request that the firing temperature between 1200 ℃ and 1250 ℃ .

  24. 融入公共艺术中的现代陶艺,具有独特的审美内涵和文化品位,其表现形式主要有壁画类、雕塑类、彩绘类、色釉类等4种。

    Modern ceramics , as one of the public arts , has unique esthetic connotation , strong cultural taste and four forms of expression : mural , sculpture , colored drawing on pottery and colored glaze .

  25. 本文从陶瓷壁画色釉形态语言出发,运用形态学等理论作为研究基础,进行田野考察并综合相关文献资料,对其形态语言进行研究和分析。

    This paper starts from the glaze form language of ceramic mural , basing on the morphology and other theories . Meanwhile , the author also integrates a lot of related materials study and analyzes its form language .

  26. 唐三彩是一种低温釉陶器,在色釉中加入不同的金属氧化物,经过焙烧,便形成浅黄、赭黄、浅绿、深绿、天蓝、褐红、茄紫等多种色彩,但多以黄、褐、绿三色为主。

    The Tang tri-colored glazed pottery is a low-melting glazed pottery . It was made by adding metallic oxides to the colored glaze and calcining the object to cre-ate different colors , namely the predominant yellow , brown and green .