
liánɡ mín
  • good citizen
良民 [liáng mín]
  • (1) [common people]∶旧时指一般的平民(区别于贱民)

  • (2) [law-abiding people]∶旧时指安分守己的善良百姓

  1. 通过使用模式,可将PaaS应用程序设计为云中的可靠的、高度可用的、可扩展的良民。

    By using the patterns , you can structure your PaaS applications to be reliable , highly available , and scalable good cloud citizens .

  2. NadezhdaTolokonnilkova说她们都是良民,应被允许说出自己想说的。

    Nadezhda Tolokonnilkova told the court that they are good people and should be allowed to say what they want .

  3. 问清楚他们谁是海盗,谁是良民。

    Make sure you ask everyone whether they 're pirates .

  4. 让一个杀人犯转变成良民。

    Is gonna convert a murderer into a solid citizen .

  5. 大家好这位是镇上唯一一名诚实的良民

    Everyone , say hello to the only honest woman in town .

  6. 还妄加判断我们这些给你薪水的良民

    and leering in judgment of the very people who pay your salaries .

  7. 利木赞牛改良民和县浅山地区黄牛的研究

    Study on Limousin Cattle Improvement the Local Cattle in Minhe County Middle Hill Region

  8. 美国朋友,我是良民。

    SIR , I am a pro-american Chinese .

  9. 市长、州长和几位良民参加了这次预审。

    The Mayor , the Governor , and several other prominent citizens attended the preview .

  10. 谨慎耐心地教化粗野的民族,用温和的步骤驯化他们,使他们成为有用的良民。

    A rugged people , and through soft degrees Subdue them to the useful and the good .

  11. 荣耀归于至高的上主,和平归于地下的良民。

    Glory to God in highest and peace to the humans of good will on the earth .

  12. 为了研究利木赞牛改良民和县浅山地区当地黄牛的效果。

    To study the improvement effect of Limousin cattle and Local cattle in Minhe County Middle Hills region .

  13. 只有有效地惩治罪犯,才能保证广大良民的自由。

    Effectively punish criminals was the only way to protect the freedom of the broad masses of kind people .

  14. 在自愿放弃这种做法50年,当了50年公司良民之后,一些公司现在正考虑改变计划。

    After voluntarily staying away from this for50 years , being good corporate citizens , companies are now considering changing plans .

  15. 荒野不适合无法自卫的温顺良民。

    Nope . Aye , the Wild is no place for gentle folk who can neither fight nor fend for themselves .

  16. 贱民除了具备良民的以上特点外,他们在身份上更低贱,甚至被当做工具使用。

    In addition to the above characteristics of the innocent people , untouchables are more inferior in status , and even as a tool .

  17. 有利诱-教导中国人如按美国计划行事的话,就有可能做全球经济中的良民。

    There was coaxing , with the Americans telling the Chinese they could improve their image as good economic citizens if they would adopt the u.s.program .

  18. 黄宏的小品渗透着国家意识形态引导下的“良民”心理,因此成为社会再生产过程中的润滑剂。

    Huang Hong 's comic sketches , which are permeated with the mentality of " good citizens " guided by state ideology , have thus changed into a lubricant for the progress of social reproduction .

  19. 有文化怪才之称的辜鸿铭根据当时国际、国内的社会发展情况提出了道德立国思想,主张以道德秩序、良民宗教、忠孝观念等重建社会秩序。

    It also covers the moral order that he maintains in order to reestablish the social order , namely , religion held by good citizens and the moral order based on loyal and filial concept .

  20. 人人做善人,服务奉献,劝人为善;人人做良民,奉公守法,尽忠职守。他要花几个小时才能做好一顿便饭,因为他是一个追求尽善尽美的人。

    Be a good person : serve others and persuade them to do good . Be a good citizen : respect the law and be loyal . It takes him hours to cook a simple meal because he 's such a perfectionist .

  21. 像今天早晨贩马商巷监狱外这般展现在普通良民家门口的恐怖堕落场景,如任其悄无声息地过去一我不认为这样的社会会走向繁荣。

    I do not believe that any community can prosper where such a scene of horror and demoralization as was enacted this morning outside Horsemonger Lane Gaol is presented at the very doors of good citizens , and is passed by , unknown or forgotten .