
chuán líng
  • vessel age;age of vessel
船龄[chuán líng]
  1. 我国LPG船舶船龄明显偏老,至2005年,我国LPG船平均船龄为18年,沿海船舶的平均船龄则达到了21年。

    In 2005 , the average age of the LPG ships in China is 18 years , and that of those in the coastal area is as high as 21 years .

  2. 并对世界液化气船队作了统计分析、吨位-船龄分析,阐述了LPG船和LNG船发展趋势。

    And a statistics analysis of the tonnage ship age for the world liquefied gas fleet has been carried out , the trend of the development of LPG and LNG vessels is stated .

  3. 关于更改国际航行船舶船龄问题的探讨

    Discussion on change of age for ships engaged in international shipping

  4. 世界船队的船龄分析

    An Analysis on the Service Life of the World Fleet

  5. 港作拖轮油耗与船龄的相关分析

    Correlative Analysis of Oil Cost and Tug Age for Port Working Tug

  6. 额外保险费应由卖方负担。买方不接受船龄超过二十年的船只。

    20 years of age shall in no event be acceptable to the Buyer .

  7. 这艘邮轮的船龄有多长了?

    How old is the cruise ship ?

  8. 有些船舶在不同的船龄阶段,在船体结构上出现疲劳裂纹,特别是在船底、舷侧纵骨中较为突出。

    Endurance cracks may appear in the hull structure at different ship-ages for some ships , especially at the vessel bottom and the longitudinal bone on board side .

  9. 第三章将该公司油轮船队船型、船龄和载重吨与一些世界级油轮公司进行比较,然后配合发展战略目标和市场竞争策略,确定船队结构调整的方向和策略。

    The third chapter compares the company with some of world-class competitors in terms of tank models , ages , and tonnage , and points out the restructuring direction and measures by equipping it with reasoning of strategic planning and market competition principles .

  10. 目前油船市场有很多70年代造U/VLCC船龄要超过25年,根据U/VLCC市场的情况,分析了决定超龄U/VLCC数量的因素,以及船东可能采取的对策。

    In today 's tanker market , a lot of 1970s-built U / VLCC will go past 25 years . According to the U / VLCC market presentation , analyzes the factors determining the quantity of aged U / VLCC and what countermeasure the owners should carry out .

  11. 应在装船日前至少10天用电传或电报通知买方合同号、商品名称、数量、船名、船龄、船

    10 days prior to the date of shipment , inform the Buyer by telex or cable

  12. 卖方应将所建议的船名,船龄,船舶国籍,登记地,船主,航线,所租船舶的路程等事项通知买方批准。

    The Seller shall notify the buyer of the information including the name of the proposed vessel , age nationality , the registered place , owner , shipping line and the shipping route for approval .