
  • 网络Ship towing;Towage of ship
  1. 船舶拖带平台移位作业的技术要求及特点

    Technical Requirements and Characteristics for Rig Towage and Placement by Vessel

  2. 采用非线性舵控制的海上船舶拖带稳定性和安全性动态模拟

    Dynamic Simulation of Stability and Security on a Towed Mariner with Nonlinear Rudder Controller

  3. 如果船舶拖带或顶推其他船舶而它们都从事商业活动而不是救助作业,则处于同一航程之中。

    There is a common maritime adventure when one or more vessels are towing or pushing another vessel or vessels , provided that they are all involved in commercial activities and not in a salvage operation .

  4. 对一艘具有航向稳定性船舶进行了拖带运动数值计算,拖带船舶采用PD控制方法较真实地模拟了拖带船舶航向改变的运动过程。

    Then using numerical calculation method the simulation on the towing cable model is performed in time domain . The towing ship motion is also simulated by steering rudder using control rule of PD , therefore the motion of the towing ship under steering rudder can be truly calculated .

  5. 船舶水下拖带缆-体系统的操纵运动分析

    Manoeuver Movement Analysis on Ship Towing Underwater Cable-Body System

  6. A港拖轮公司作为A港股份公司下属单位,主营拖轮业务,即为大型船舶进出港提供拖带服务。

    A Port Tug Corporation as the A Port Corporation subordinate units , the main tug boat operations , is the large ship to provide towing services .