
  • 网络shipping market
  1. 巴拿马型船舶航运市场价格波动的VAR模型分析

    VAR model analysis on Panamax shipping market 's fluctuation

  2. 干散货航运市场的FFA定价及运用

    Pricing and Application of FFA in Dry Bulk Shipping Market

  3. 自中国加入WTO以来,随着经济的快速发展和对外贸易量的激增,世界航运市场也迎来了繁荣发展的好年景。

    Since China becomes the member of WTO , the development of economy and international trade is becoming more and more rapidly .

  4. 对于C公司而言,面临的根本问题是如何在竞争激烈的航运市场,最佳地经营中国/波斯湾航线,以获得最大利润。

    Therefore , how to optimize the China / Persian Gulf service to maximize the bottom line under current gloomy market situation has always been an important issue for C Container Lines company .

  5. 经济信息化和全球化是世界经济最主要的发展趋势,知识经济和WTO,作为两者的外在表现,为我国航运市场的发展提供了机遇。

    Economy Informationization and globalization are the major world economy development trend , as external show of both , knowledge economy and WTO provide opportunity for china shipping market .

  6. 同时,我们也应清醒地认识到:随着中国加入WTO,我国航运市场进一步的开放,海运业贸易壁垒终将解除,运输成本将会提高。

    But in the same time , we should know it clearly that marine trade barrier will relieve in the end and transportation cost will elevate as Chinese shipping market becomes opener .

  7. 国际干散货运输程租期租运费租金季节模式研究干散货航运市场的FFA定价及运用

    Study on Seasonal Model of Time Charter and Voyage Charter in International Dry Bulk Transportation ; Pricing and Application of FFA in Dry Bulk Shipping Market

  8. 最后,结合风险管理理论和C公司的实际情况,提出拓展中南美航运市场中应采取的经营方式和具体施行的计划,从而论证中南美洲航运市场是值得C公司拓展的。

    Finally , through the combination of risk management theroy and practice situation of company C the mode of operation and specific implementation plan was proposed to demonstrated that the expansion of the shipping market in Central and South America should be worth doing well .

  9. 但受航运市场影响,LPG专用船舶运力有限,各炼化厂主要是通过火车槽车、汽车槽车以及多式联运等运输方式分销到各需求地。

    The LPG for exclusive use shipping is limited due to the impact of the shipping market , each Refining and Chemical Company , through flexible road tankers distribute to the demand areas .

  10. 二十一世纪以来在干散货航运市场运费率研究中包含FFA也渐渐成为趋势,论述了这种趋势与主要成果。

    It has been a trend to include FFA in the dry bulk shipping model in the new century , and this trend and main productions are stated .

  11. 近年来,尤其是我国加入WTO后,随着航运市场的日益繁荣,港口建设往往跟不上市场发展的脚步,最终导致港口拥挤越来越严重,滞期费问题也随之凸现。

    In recent years , especially after China entered into WTO , port construction was always lagging behind the pace of market development as the ship market grew more and more prosperous , which led to the growing globe ports congestion and demurrage disputes .

  12. 无论怎样,CMACGM也可以被看作是航运市场的一盏理性的明灯,尽管航运市场现在看起来有点运力过剩。

    In any case , CMA CGM can also be seen to be a beacon of rationality in a market that now looks headed toward overcapacity .

  13. 其次,对国际化学品航运市场发展及我国化学品航运市场进行分析,具体运用了SCP分析模式得出了我国化学品航运市场在市场结构、行为、绩效方面的特点。

    Secondly , the article analyses foreign and domestic chemical shipping markets , using SCP analysis model to get the characteristic of structure 、 conduct and performance of china chemical shipping market .

  14. 为验证国际干散货航运市场的弱有效性,对波罗的海运价指数(BDI)进行了波动性分析和随机游走检验。

    In order to verify the weak efficiency properties of international dry bulk shipping market , volatility of the BDI was analyzed and the random walk hypothesis was tested .

  15. 随着中国加入WTO以及我国航运市场的供求不平衡的状况日益显著,我国航运企业面临着愈来愈严峻的挑战,尤其是来自国际大的航运集团及航运联盟的竞争。

    Considering the join to WTO of China and the fact that the imbalance of supply and demand in shipping market became obviously day by day , Chinese shipping enterprises will face more and more flinty challenges , especially competition from those magnate international shipping companies and alliance .

  16. 通过方差比检验法对国际干散货航运市场的收益率序列进行了检验,结果显示BDI的对数序列的随机游走假设被拒绝,国际干散货航运市场不是一个有效的市场。

    Through variance ratio test , the result shows , that the random walk hypothesis of BDI logarithm series can be rejected and international dry bulk shipping market is inefficient .

  17. 港口国控制(PSC)被公认为是消除低标准船舶、保证海上人命安全和保护海洋环境的有效手段,其主旨在于将不符合标准的船舶淘汰出航运市场。

    It is recognized that Port State Control is an effective step that annihilated the substandard ship and protected the safety of life at sea and the ocean environment , its aim is to eliminate the substandard ship out of the shipping market .

  18. 外资进入中国航运市场现状分析及应对策略

    Analysis and strategy of China shipping market logistics with foreign investment

  19. 集装箱航运市场运力供需与运价分析模型

    Analysis model of supply , demand and price of container shipping market

  20. 价格竞争在我国航运市场的运用及影响

    Application and Influence of the Price Competition to China 's Shipping Market

  21. 国际干散货航运市场周期划分与期租时机选择

    Cycle Division of Dry Bulk Shipping Market and Opportunity of Time Charter

  22. 运价波动是航运市场风险的集中反映。

    The volatility of freight is a reflection of shipping market risk .

  23. 辽宁省航运市场发展战略研究

    Research on Strategy of Shipping Market Development of Liaoning Province in China

  24. 随着国际航运市场的复苏,航海专业人才变得紧缺。

    Navigational professionals are very hard up as international shipping market resuscitated .

  25. 集装箱班轮运输市场是世界航运市场的重要组成部分。

    Container liner shipping is one important part of international shipping industry .

  26. 2005年国际航运市场态势分析

    The Analysis on Trend of International Shipping Market in 2005

  27. 其次,分析了国际干散货航运市场运价波动的特征以及引起运价波动的影响因素。

    Second , it analyzes the fluctuant price character and its reasons .

  28. 国际干散货航运市场主要货种需求发展趋势研究

    Study on the Development of Main Demands of International Dry Bulk Shipping Market

  29. 经济控制论在干散货航运市场预测中的应用

    The Application of the Economic Cybernetics in the Dry Bulk Cargo Market Forecast

  30. 关于建立中日韩共同航运市场的研究

    Research on Building the Common Shipping Market of China , Japa and Korea