
shū shēng
  • Shusheng;the level tone, the falling-rising tone and the falling tone
舒声[shū shēng]
  1. 其后,长短元音在舒声调中继续发展,形成固定的音高。

    After that , vowels continued to develop with the long tone of the ancient Burmese , and gained their stable pitches .

  2. 在北京话中,清声母入声字好象毫无规律地派到四个舒声,无法跟其它方言对应,而造成尤其是南方方言使用者学习上莫大的困难。

    In the Beijing Dialect , characters of the voiceless Entering Tone seem to go to the four tones randomly , lacking a phonological correspondence with other dialects , thus causing enormous learning difficulty for other dialect speakers especially the Southerners .