
zhì mìnɡ yī jī
  • deathblow;strike a deadly blow
  1. 最后的致命一击,我告诉吉米。

    The final coup de grace . I told jimmy .

  2. 他给所有对手以致命一击。

    He delivered a knockout blow to all of his rivals .

  3. 罚款将会是对这家航空公司的最后致命一击。

    A fine would be the final nail in the coffin of the airline .

  4. 人们对这种信念哪怕有一丝动摇,对那些必须在全世界开展业务的技术公司来说,都可能是致命一击。

    Any crack in that front could be fatal for tech companies that must operate worldwide .

  5. 醉拳可以躲避地面单位的攻击或者对其产生致命一击,却不能作用于空军。

    Drunken Brawler can crit and proc a ground unit , but not an air unit .

  6. 最后,一只青蛙从水中伸出头来,说:“住手!住手!求你们不要再打了。对你们来说,这是一个活动,可是对于我们来说,却是致命一击啊。“

    At last one of the frogs put his head out of the water and said , " Oh , stop ! stop ! I beg you : what is sport to you is death to us . "

  7. 但市县大量违约可能成为assuredguaranty及其毫无活力的同行的致命一击。

    But mass defaults by cities and counties could be the final blow for assured guaranty and its zombie peers .

  8. 专利博客网站FOSSPatents的弗洛里安•穆勒一直密切关注这场专利诉讼,他发表博客指出,此次裁决并非苹果所期待的“致命一击”。

    According to FOSS patents ' Florian Mueller , who has been closely following the case , the ruling is not the knockout punch Apple had been seeking .

  9. 这一举动实际上是对2011年推出的这款旨在挑战FacebookInc.产品的致命一击,该产品被广泛视为谷歌最大的败笔之一。

    The move effectively puts the final nail in the coffin of a product that was launched in 2011 to challenge Facebook Inc. and is widely seen as one of Google 's biggest failures .

  10. 刑事律师称,Jha连续数周殴打其女儿,最终造成致命一击。

    Crown lawyers alleged that Jha beat her daughter over many weeks , culminating in a final fatal attack .

  11. 在STS-114发射时,一只土耳其秃鹫撞上了火箭橘红色燃料箱并受到致命一击,直接从几百米高空坠亡。

    During the STS-114 launch , a turkey vulture fatally flew into the shuttles orange fuel tank , leaving it to fall hundreds of feet to its death .

  12. 当我们发出这致命一击时,我就在那座楼里。

    I was in the building when we shot that shot .

  13. 几乎从任何角度都能给罗通致命一击

    Lawton could get a kill shot off from virtually anywhere .

  14. total:全体的,总的social:社会的destruction:破坏,毁灭我在想…来个社交上的致命一击?

    Blair : I was thinking ... , Total social destruction ?

  15. 艾伦·图灵,给了希尔伯特计划致命一击,

    Alan Turing had dealt the death-blow to the Hilbert programme .

  16. 当时你那枪可是致命一击。

    Your bullet got the kill shot on that one .

  17. 而致命一击是打在右侧太阳穴。

    And the kill shot is a blow to the right temple .

  18. 那是致命一击,朗费罗先生说。

    That was the killer blow , says Mr Longfellow .

  19. 在耳垂和太阳穴上还有致命一击。

    And contre-coup contusions to the frontal and temporal lobes .

  20. 队伍获得额外的攻击,伤害,以及致命一击的机会。

    Party gains bonus to attack , damage , and critical chance .

  21. 又给了你致命一击。

    To late to hide , to late to save your life .

  22. 低致命一击对你造成的伤害。

    Amount of damage critical strikes do to you .

  23. 那样就没人知道谁是致命一击

    so nobody knew who took the fatal shot .

  24. 囚徒困境是对理性主义的致命一击,如何化解这种冲突成为经济学发展的关键。

    The solution to this dilemma becomes the key element in the development of economics .

  25. 墨西哥一名狮子和老虎的饲养员遭到致命一击。

    In Mexico a man caring for a lion and a tiger is fatally mauled .

  26. 我们能打出致命一击。

    We can strike a decisive blow .

  27. 有时,人生会给你致命一击,但不要失去信念。

    Sometimes life hit you in head with a brick , don 't lose faith .

  28. 他很清楚那是尿的味道&在他作出致命一击的同时,就听到了她屁滚尿流的声音。

    He knew it was urine-he had heard her bladder release when he struck the final deadly blow .

  29. 装备:你的法术致命一击有机会提高你的法术伤害,最多175点,持续15秒。

    Equip : Your spell critical strikes have a chance to increase your spell damage by175 for15 sec .

  30. 人类:锤技能特长现在增加锤和双手锤的致命一击率1%。

    Humans : Mace Skill now increases the critical strike chance with maces and two-handed maces by 1 % .