
  • 网络free radical theory;free radical theory of aging
  1. 近年来,自由基学说与疾病预防和延缓衰老的研究上受到广泛的关注。

    Recently , research about free radical theories and the prevention of disease and anti-aging are getting more and more attentions .

  2. 1956年,Harman首先提出了衰老的自由基学说,认为衰老是细胞内自由基的产生对细胞造成持续的累积性的损伤所致。

    In 1956 , Denham Harman first articulated the ' free radical theory ' of aging , speculating that endogenous ROS were generated in cells and causing cumulative damage ( Harman , 1957 ) .

  3. PQ诱导肺组织损伤的机制尚未完全清楚,目前研究较多的学说包括氧自由基学说,脂质过氧化损伤,细胞因子以及DNA损伤等,但仍没有一个学说能详细阐明PQ肺损伤的具体机制。

    The mechanism is still indefinite , the present study include the theory of oxygen free radicals , lipid peroxidation injury , cytokines and DNA damage , but there is no theory can explain the mechanism of PQ induced lung damage detailedly .

  4. 氧自由基学说可能是老年性聋的发病机制。

    The oxygen radicals theory should be the etiology of presbyacusis .

  5. 目的以非酶糖基化和自由基学说探讨心肌老化的发生机制。

    Objective To investigate the mechanisms of nonenzymatic glycosylation inducing myocardial aging and free radical theory .

  6. 依据自由基学说研究人参茎叶皂甙的抗衰老作用

    A study on the anti-aging effect of ginseng stem and leaf saponin in terms of the free radical theory of aging

  7. 目前西医对围绝经期综合征机理的认识主要有神经内分泌免疫网络学说,自由基学说,血管舒缩因子学说,精神心理和社会因素等。

    Theories of climacteric syndromes in modern medicine include : neuro-endocrine system , genes theory , neuro-psychology , and societal factors , etc.

  8. 根据Harmann(1956)的衰老自由基学说,本文从增强抗氧化能力的角度上证实了磁处理水在保持细胞活力和延缓细胞衰老方面的作用。

    Harman ( 1956 ) . These results confirm the effect of magnet - treated water on keeping the cells healthy and delaying their aging .

  9. 衰老与自由基学说主要认为随着年龄增大的退行性变化是由于自由基的副作用引起。

    The theory on human senility and free radical holds that the degenerative changes with old age are caused by the side-effect of the free radicals .

  10. 衰老的自由基学说指出,自由基中的不配对电子攻击人体内其他物质的分子,从而进行配对,引起器官功能衰退。

    The free radical theory of aging posits that substances with unpaired electrons attack the body 's molecules and cause the functional decline of organs over time .

  11. 衰老的自由基学说认为,自由基及其诱导的脂质过氧化对生物膜的损害作用是衰老发生的主要原因之一。

    The free radical theory of aging indicates that the effect of membrane damage produced by free radicals and lipids peroxidation is one of the major reasons of aging .

  12. 自由基学说认为,人体随着年龄增大所发生的退行性变化是细胞正常代谢过程中所产生的过量自由基副作用的结果。

    The free radical theory of aging indicated that cellular degeneration was resulted from the excessive free radical that produced in the process of normal cellular metabolism as growth .

  13. 近年来,随着自由基学说理论的研究深入,在谈到氟中毒的非骨相损害时,人们常认为与自由基、氧化应激有关。

    In recent year , people often consider that no - bone tissue injury by fluoride was connected with free radicals , because the theory of free radical was studied further .

  14. 因其发病机制复杂,涉及兴奋性氨基酸损伤、氧自由基学说、炎症反应以及细胞凋亡等多个方面,一直是各国研究的难点。

    It is difficult to study the mechanism as its pathogenesis is complicated , involved in excitatory amino acids injury , oxyradical theory , inflammatory reaction , apoptosis and so on .

  15. 本文讨论了衰老的自由基学说、糖基化学说以及在其基础上根据老年色素的形成机制发展而成的羰基毒化衰老学说。

    This paper discussed the free radical theory of aging , the glycation theory of aging and directed to the carbonyl stress theory of aging , which was implied from the biochemistry of age pigment formation .

  16. 自由基学说认为:现在被归于活性氧一族的氧自由基和它的衍生物,通过氧化机制,能与生物大分子反应,并对它们产生损伤。

    The free radical theory of senescence points out that the free oxygen redical and their derivants , which now have been ascribed to reactive oxygen species , can react with biomacromolecules to make them damaged via oxidative mechanism .

  17. 诸如自由基学说、遗传程序学说、差错灾难学说、交联学说、脂褐素累积学说、内分泌功能减退学说等,分别从不同的角度探讨了衰老发生的机制和对策。

    Such as radical theory , genetic programming theory , error catastrophe theory , crosslinking theory , lipofuscin cumulative theory , endocrine function decline theory , and so on , are discussed from different angles of mechanism and countermeasure aging happen .

  18. 本研究在综述部分,首先从衰老的原因入手,提出了中毒学说、免疫学说、内分泌学说、交联学说、基因遗传学说及自由基学说。

    In the section of summary , first from the reasons of senility , several theories were brought up ( including poisoning theory % immune theory ~ endocrinic theOry ~ crosslinking theory . ~ genetic theory and free radical theory ) .

  19. 研究目的:衰老自由基学说认为机体组织细胞产生的自由基不断积累损伤蛋白质、核酸进而引起结构和功能的退行性变化,最终导致机体或细胞衰老发生。

    Objective : The constant generation and accumulation of free radicals in cells would damage the structure and function of proteins and nucleic acids , and thus lead to cell senescence or aging of the body , which is called the free radical theory of aging .

  20. 根据现有文献资料,从渗透调节、细胞膜的结构和功能、自由基学说、干旱胁迫下特异蛋白的产生及其生理功能等方面综述了作物抗旱性生理生化机制的研究现状和进展。

    Presents a comprehensive review of the present situations and advances in physiological and biochemical mechanism studies of crop drought resistance , which includes osmotic adjustment , structure and function of membrane , doctrine of free radical , the protein synthesis through drought induction and their physiological functions , etc.

  21. 本文从衰老的自由基损伤学说出发研究了人参茎叶皂甙的抗衰老作用。

    In the present paper the possible anti-aging effect of ginseng stem-leaf saponin ( GSL ) is studied in terms of the free radical theory of aging .

  22. 目的:辩证地认识和评价自由基伤害衰老学说在解释衰老机制中的科学价值。

    OBJECTIVE : Differential cognition and evaluation of the scientific merit of free radical-induced aging theory in the explanation of aging mechanism .

  23. 结论:自由基伤害衰老学说有重要的生物医学学术价值,但没能成功地解释引起衰老的根本原因及衰老过程的本质。

    CONCLUSION : Free radical induced aging theory has an important biomedical academic merit , but it does not successfully explain the fundamental reason of aging and the essence of aging process .

  24. 资料提炼:共检索30篇关于自由基伤害衰老学说在解释衰老机制中价值的文章,18个试验符合纳入标准。

    DATA EXTRACTION : A total of 30 articles about the merit of free radical-induced aging theory in the explanation of aging mechanism were searched , of which 18 experiments were in accorded with the inclusive criteria .