
  • Jeet Kune Do;JKD
  1. 在振藩截拳道里使用木人桩训练的一个主要用途就是训练桥手技术。

    One of the main uses of the mook jong in Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do is to train trapping hand techniques .

  2. 我开始阅读有关于他的一切,他的人生,以及他的哲理,同时我也在学习他的武打方式,截拳道。

    I began to read all about him , his life and philosophy as well as study his fighting style , Jeet Kune Do .

  3. 第六章训练Training截拳道最终不是一个轻松的技巧,而是一高度发展的情操和体格。

    JKD , ultimately is not a matter of petty technique but of highly developed spirituality and physique .

  4. 但是我们需要一位截拳道教练。

    But we are looking for a Jeet Kun do instructor .

  5. 需要注意的是:这本《截拳道之道》并未最终完成。

    It should be mentioned that the Tao of Jeet Kune Do is not complete .

  6. 他开始写他的截拳道书做大约同一时间。

    He began writing his book on Jeet Kune Do at roughly the same time .

  7. 很少有振藩截拳道练习者知道如何去使用木人桩。

    Very few Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do instructors actually know how to use the mook jong !

  8. 我现在正要解释的就是一个振藩截拳道练习者如何通过木人桩进行训练!

    I am just going to explain how the Jun Fan Jeet Do practitioner trains with the mook jong !

  9. 最近我们注意到李小龙及之武学截拳道知名度大大在中国增多。

    It come to our attention the popularity of Bruce Lee and Jeet Kune Do has increase tremendously in China .

  10. 我第一个承认:要把截拳道给具体化起来,不是一件容易的工作。

    I the first to admit : Jeet Kune Do should be up to the concrete , not an easy task .

  11. 截拳道是一门逐步而成的功夫,每个技术的发挥与战术的运用均需反复演练多次。

    " JKD is a step by step project in which each maneuver must be repeated many times . " Bruce Lee .

  12. 《截拳道之道》里的大部分内容都受西方影响,大多都来自击剑和拳击书。

    Most of the writings in the Tao of Jeet Kune Do are Western influenced and they come directly from fencing and boxing books .

  13. 在截拳道里,我们只是去发掘我们所不知道的东西,并不是把人家现成的东西给拿过来。

    In Jeet Kune Do , we have only to discover that we do not know what the others are not ready to take over things .

  14. 本文即以李小龍自身宣扬的「截拳道」精神,以东方哲学、美学的观点,赋予武学修辞的视觉思想语羣。

    The spirit of Jeet Kune Do , which Bruce Lee strives to promote , is endowed with the visual thoughts from the eastern philosophy and aesthetics .

  15. 李小龙(1940年至1973年),截拳道创始人,带来了对革命的影响,向世界武术(说不)。

    Bruce Lee ( 1940-1973 ), founder of Jeet Kune Do , had brought on revolutionary influence to the world of martial arts ( and still does ) .

  16. 如果你能想象出全部这些东西,那么你就能自己理解振藩截拳道训练中木人桩的真正功效。

    If you can imagine all of these things then you are well on your way to understanding the effectiveness of the mook jong for Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do training .

  17. 我的教练正在教我…截拳道和巴西街头搏击,我还请人设计了专用的八角训练场

    Okay , my trainer , Ho Chi , is teaching me a combination of Gee Koon Doe and Brazilian street fighting , I 've even had my own octagon training ring designed .

  18. 让我们全方位细味李小龙先生的生活、爱情、胜利等点滴,还有全新的拳脚式战斗艺术&截拳道。

    We see his life , his loves , his triumphs , is tragedies and his development of a brand new fighting art ( Jeet Kune Do ) which is still practiced to this day .

  19. 作为一名格斗专家,沃尔夫在跆拳道、自由搏击、自由摔跤、巴西格斗、截拳道短棍格斗、刀战和其它格斗领域都训练有素。

    It was all collecting dust , ' says Mr. Wolf , a combat specialist trained in Taekwondo , kickboxing , freestyle wrestling , Brazilian capoeira , Filipino stick and knife fighting and other combat skills .

  20. 在这期话题里,我选择去讨论木人桩和关于咏春与振藩截拳道练习者如何使之成为日常训练的一个重要部分。

    In this issue , I have chosen to discuss the mook jong and how both Wing Chun Gung Fu and Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do practitioners make it an important part of their daily training .

  21. 若你理解李小龙的过去和他的截拳道哲学,那么我想你不难发现到很多所谓大师级的作品都有自己一套哲学。

    If you know the pass time of Bruce Lee and the philosophy of his martial art , then I assume you would understand that a lot of master 's works has it 's own philosophy .

  22. 李小龙的书很有趣,但只能算是笔记。他直接引用了很多段落,有些只改了一个词,把“道”换成“截拳道”。所以这不是纯粹的自然也不是纯粹的不自然

    Bruce Lee 's writings are very fun to read , but they were notes.You get these quotes where he may change one word and substitute jeet kune do for tao.So therefore it 's not pure naturalness or unnaturalness .

  23. 对于截拳道在格斗领域里所创造的辉煌和成就,我们应该给予赞同,同时,我们也赞同截拳道是对世界格斗文化的一次创新。

    Jeet Kune Do fighting for in the field created by the brilliant and achievements , we should give support , and we also agree with Jeet Kune Do is a culture of innovation in the world of fighting .

  24. 调息,或者是呼吸控制法的技巧,是截拳道、空手道、柔道和相扑的一个显著特征,是从印度的佛教圣地传播到远东的很多技巧之一。

    The technique of pranayama or breathing control , which is a prominent feature of tae-kwan-do , karate , judo and sumo wrestling was one of the many techniques spread in the Far East by Buddhist Pilgrims from india .

  25. 认为李小龙截拳道的成功及其他与中国武术有渊源关系的一些国外技击运动的发展,为中国武术走向世界提供了有益的启示。

    It was suggested that Li Xiaolong 's success in Jie Quan Dao and the other developments of some external skilled movement , originally related to Chinese Wushu , provided valuable enlightenment for it to go into the world .

  26. 就理论意义而言,对《李小龙传奇》教育价值的研究可以让我们认识李小龙、学习李小龙并从实践的角度认知截拳道和传统体育文化。

    In the sense of theory , the study on the education value of " The Legend of Bruce Lee " can let us know Bruce Lee himself , learn from him and understand Kune Do and traditional sports culture in practice .

  27. 此外,他还练过洪拳、鹤拳道、谭腿、少林拳、戳脚、等拳种,为后来自创截拳道打下了坚实的基础。

    In addition to Wing Chun , he also studied Hung Kuen , Crane Kuen , Taitui ( Spring Leg Style ), Shaolin Quan , and Chuo Jiao ( Poking feet ), laying a solid foundation for his creation of Jeet Kune Do .