
  • 网络free citizen
  1. 他们决定任何自由公民都可以作为公职人员的候选人。

    They decided that any free citizen could be a candidate for public office .

  2. 未发现,那是秘密,需要人思考的重大的问题,也许着世界上除了马克思这个自由公民之外没有了第二个了。

    Had not discovered that , that is a secret , needs vital question which the human pondered , perhaps in world besides Marx this free citizen not second .

  3. 和平抗议是自由公民的权利。

    Peaceful protest is the right of free people .

  4. 而自由公民总的来说是不需要的。

    Free citizens , generally , do not .

  5. 我相信权利对所有自由公民是固有的、天生的,而不是能被拿走的特权。

    I believe rights are inherent to all free citizens , not privileges that can be taken away .

  6. 大多数自由公民似乎都认为,殖民地时期的零散教育模式已经足矣。

    Most free citizens , it appears , thought that the patchwork colonial mode of education was still quite sufficient .

  7. 但是,随着商业和工业的发展,发生了财富积累和集中于少数人手中以及大批自由公民贫困化的现象;

    But with the development of Commerce and industry wealth was accumulated and concentrated in a few hands , and the mass of the free citizens were impoverished .

  8. 我国的每一位自由公民和世界各地的自由公民,都负有责无旁贷的义务,要把国家的事置于个人的安逸和便利之上。

    It is the firm duty of each of our free citizens and of every free citizen everywhere to place the cause of his country before the comfort , the convenience of himself .

  9. 只有当农民以具有完善人格和个人理念的自由公民形象出现并真正成为政治关系的完整主体时,才能为宪政和法治建设奠定坚实的社会基础。

    In general , only when the peasant have the right to enjoy their liberty and became the subject of political system , can the construction of constitutionalism and rule of law hold its solid social basis .

  10. 把罪犯改造成能够遵守法律、自食其力的新人,并让他们回归社会成为自由公民,是中国改造罪犯的基本目标。

    China 's basic goals in criminal reform are to turn offenders into a different kind of person , one who abides by the law and supports himself or herself with his or her own labour , and to re-establish these people as free citizens in society .

  11. 但是在我们面对平等,自由和公民自主的挑战时。

    But when faced with a challenge to equality , freedom and civil liberties .

  12. 社会的繁荣是指幸福的人、自由的公民、强大的国家。

    Social prosperity means the man happy , the citizen free , the nation great .

  13. 这些刚刚获得自由的公民所做出的某些选择,不会令美国和欧洲感到满意。

    Americans and Europeans will not like some of the choices made by newly-emancipated citizens .

  14. 关于公民身份有两种理论传统:自由主义公民身份与共和主义公民身份。

    On the theory of citizenship , there are two traditions : liberal and republican citizenship .

  15. 互联网实名制会限制网络的自由和公民的基本权利。

    Internet real-name system will restrict the freedom of the network and the basic rights of citizens .

  16. 秘密通信自由是公民的基本权利,通信监听必须符合最小限度侵害原则。

    Secret communication freedom is a citizen 's basic right , communication monitor must meet the minimum principle .

  17. 出版自由是公民的一项基本权利,它对人类的生存和发展有着极其重要的意义。

    Publishing freedom is a basic civil right . It plays an important role in man 's life and development .

  18. 要克服自由主义公民身份的弊端,需要认真汲取共和主义公民身份中的合理成分。

    To overcome the drawbacks of liberal citizenship , it is necessary to absorb the reasonable component of republican citizenship .

  19. 迁徙自由与公民的受教育权紧密相连,是农民工子女受教育权得以实现的前提和基础;

    It is closely attached to the right to education and it is also the basis of the right to education .

  20. 在《中华人民共和国宪法》中,宗教信仰自由是公民的一项基本权利。

    In the Constitution of the People 's Republic of China freedom of religious belief is a basic right enjoyed by all citizens .

  21. 迁徙自由是公民的基本权利之一,这已成为现代文明国家的共识。

    Freedom of migration is one of the basic rights of citizens , it has become the common sense of modern civilized country .

  22. 在这个气候下,我们如何解决诸如基因细胞研究,安乐死,公民自由和公民安全等的激烈争论的伦理难题?

    In this climate , how do we resolve ethical disputes such as those that rage over stem-cell research , euthanasia and civil liberties versus civic security ?

  23. 从权利的角度来讲,知识自由是公民能够自由获取、表达、传播和利用知识的一种基本权利。

    From the right perspective , intellectual freedom is a kind of basic rights of citizens that can be free access , express , transmit and utilize knowledge .

  24. 随着互联网的兴起和迅猛发展,表达自由作为公民的基本权利自由获得了新的自由市场。

    When Internet was invented and developed quickly , as one of the citizens ' basal rights and freedoms , the freedom of expression gained a new free market .

  25. 自古希腊罗马开始,无支配的自由就是公民身份的重要标志,而奴役和支配则与奴隶身份如影随形。

    Since ancient Greek and Roman , the freedom as non-domination is an important symbol of citizenship ; however , the enslavement and domination are closely related to the slave status .

  26. 但如果中国从显著改善出版自由等公民自由、以及促进司法独立起步,将既符合中国人民的利益,也符合外国人的利益。

    But both Chinese people and foreigners have an interest in seeing China make a start by considerably improving civil liberties , such as freedom of the press and independence of the courts .

  27. 普希金是一个具有强烈的死亡意识的诗人,他不惜以生命为代价换取民族自由和公民自由,以此唤醒人们的生命意识。

    Pushkin is a poet with a strong death consciousness . He sacrifices his life to win the nation 's freedom and the citizens ' freedom so as to wake up people 's consciousness of life .

  28. 人身自由权是公民最重要的自由权之一。

    The right of personal liberty is the most basic right of a citizen .

  29. 在古希腊,自由是属于公民的资格,自由的主体是国家。

    In ancient Greece , freedom is citizenship , freedom is the mainstay of country .

  30. 在本世纪,这些是渴望加入自由世界的公民。

    In this century , these are the citizens who long to join the free world .