
zì rán fēng jǐng qū
  • natural scenic spot
  1. 壶关太行山大峡谷自然风景区位于山西省壶关县东南部,占地面积约93万平方千米。

    The Huguan Mt. Taihang Grand natural scenic spot is located southeast the Shanxi Huguan County and its area approximately 930,000 square kilometers .

  2. 常宁庙前自然风景区景观规划与设计

    The Landscape Planning and Devices of Natural Scenic Spot in the Temple - Front Changning City , Hunan Province

  3. 五台山南梁沟自然风景区重力侵蚀调查研究

    Survey and Study on Gravity Erosion of Nanlang Natural Scene Area

  4. 它是一个建在自然风景区的著名的中国式园林。

    It is a famous Chinese-style garden built in a natural landscape .

  5. 松潘县黄龙寺自然风景区及其成因

    Huanglong Temple scenic spot in Songpan county and its formation

  6. 南阳伏牛山自然风景区的旅游价值

    Tourist value of Nanyang Funiu Mountain Natural Scenic Tourism Zone

  7. 距离菊花岛自然风景区仅几分钟路程。

    Natural Beauty from the Chrysanthemum Island , only a few minutes .

  8. 基于景观生态学的自然风景区道路规划方法研究

    Research on the Scenic Reserve Tourism Path Planning Based on the Landscape Ecology

  9. 以及分析城市发展对自然风景区空间景观的影响。

    Moreover , analyze the impact of urban development to the scenery lack landscape .

  10. 中国的自然风景区分布与自然边界

    Natural scenic distrbution and natural borders in China

  11. 自然风景区旅游资源环境管理的理念及方法体系探讨

    Probing into the System of Ideas and Means in Nature Landscape Tourist Resources and Environment Management

  12. 从景观生态学的角度看自然风景区旅游资源规划

    Discussion about the tourism resources planning of natural landscape district according to the perspective of landscape ecology

  13. 自然风景区详细规划中体现因地制宜原则

    A principle to the terrain and to main characteristics should be reflected in planning the natural resort area

  14. 这是其中一个幸存的角落的天堂,在这个领域的杰出自然风景区和历史的兴趣。

    This is one of the surviving corners of paradise , an area of outstanding natural beauty and historic interest .

  15. 认为景观生态学可以作为自然风景区旅游资源规划的理论基础之一。

    The article regards landscape ecology as one of the theory bases in tourism resources planning of natural landscape district .

  16. 地形建筑是一种新兴的建筑类型,主要应用于基地环境较为苛刻的地段,如自然风景区或历史遗迹附近。

    Landform architecture is a new architecture type , mainly used in the base with harsh environmental conditions as close to natural beauty or historic sites .

  17. 西安曲江园林是唐代园林的典范,也是中国历史上久负盛名的皇家园林和京都公共自然风景区。

    Qujiang landscape in Xi'an is characterized by its style of Tang Dynasty and has been the most famous royal park and natural scenic area in Chinese history .

  18. 在马来西亚丛林的武吉美拉湖自然风景区,有一家特别的看护医院。

    Situated in the heart of the Malaysian jungle , the Infant Care Unit at Bukit Merah Lake Town Resort is a very special hospital ( see photo ) .

  19. 提出位于茶山北麓的银坑溪,是佛山市范围内一处颇具特色、尚待开发的自然风景区,是发展观瀑旅游的好地方;

    The article observes that Yin Keng Stream located at the northern foot of Cha Mountain is a characteristic scenic area in Foshan to be developed , and it is a favourite place for viewing the waterfall .

  20. 以广东南昆山省级自然风景区家庭旅馆的发展为例,着重分析了在自然风景区内发展家庭旅馆的优势和劣势,并提出建议,以期引起社会对这一新生事物的关注。

    The advantages and disadvantages of growing family inns in natural scenic spot are analyzed and suggestions through the example of Family Inns of nankunshan , Guangdong are presented , in order to attract attention from society for this new tendency .

  21. 一个人,一个家庭或一组人去巡回演出放松,享受的氛围,呼吸的空气,沉浸在一个历史结构或自然风景区的荣耀。

    A person , a family or a group of people goes on tour to relax , to enjoy the atmosphere , to breathe in the air and to bask in the glory of a historical structure or a natural scenic spot .

  22. 黄山自然风景保护区种子植物多样性的开发利用

    Diversity of Seed Plants and Utilization in Huangshan Nature and Scenic Reservation

  23. 自然风景旅游区导游词庸俗化探究

    On the vulgarization of guide words in the Physical landscape tourist area

  24. 它是中国著名自然风景游览区之一。

    It is one of china 's well-known natural tourist scenic areas .

  25. 自然风景旅游区规划设计的环境理念初探

    Research on the Environment Idea of Planning and Design in Natural Scenery Tour Area

  26. 长江三峡自然风景名胜区的文化景观及法律保护

    Cultural Landscape of Natural Scenic Spots in Three Gorges of CHangjiang River and Its Legal Protection

  27. 这些自然野生风景区的称号将确保特拉华河、怀特克莱河等河流永远不会被筑坝的破坏。

    Scenic river designations for the Delaware , White Clay , and other rivers will ensure that these rivers remain undammed forever .

  28. 与自然风景名胜区相融、关系密切的小城镇在产业如何发展的问题上难以抉择。

    The issue of how to develop the industry of the small cities which is within and closely related to the natural scenic areas is in a dilemma .

  29. 黄山自然风景保护区自然条件优越,森林植被垂直分布明显,种子植物丰富,有134科655属1483种,其中国家重点保护植物有31种。

    The natural conditions of Huangshan Scenic Spot were superior . The vertical distribution of forest vegetation was clear . There were 134 families , 655 genera , 1483 species of seed plants , including 31 species of the state key conservation plants .

  30. 曲江池位于唐长安城东南部,在这里巧用自然地势布设风景区的设施,开始于秦代。

    Qujiang pool which is located in the south east of Chang'an city became a scenic spot in the Qin Dynasty .