
  • 网络Natural trends;Trendingtowardnature
  1. 金属发生腐蚀是一种自然趋势,非常普遍。

    Erosion Corrosion Metal eroded is a natural trend and happen commonly .

  2. 随着制造业的发展,制造网格成为网络化制造发展的一种自然趋势。

    As the development of manufacturing , manufacturing grid has been a nature trend for internet manufacturing .

  3. 人类有一个自然趋势就是去歧视那些有威胁性的人,比如外围的人们。

    Humans have a natural tendency to discriminate against those who are threatening , such as outgroup members .

  4. 它形成和发展的一般逻辑,特别是其精华&市场均衡不是人为的、外部的,而是一种自然趋势;

    The logic behind its evolvement is that market equilibrium isn 't artificial or extrinsic but a natural trend .

  5. 从其自然趋势看来,可以肯定,在每一种有益的目标上,总是不乏这种精神的。

    From their natural tendency it is certain there will always be enough of that spirit for every salutary purpose ;

  6. 学生能力的差异,知识水平的差异是发展的自然趋势。

    The occurrence of students ' differences in their learning abilities and levels of knowledge is a natural trend of individual development .

  7. 伦敦经济学院的一项最新研究表明,睡眠缺少是智力精英们的一个自然趋势。

    A recent study by the London School of Economics indicates that insomnia is a natural tendency of the intellectually elite amongst us .

  8. 他将历史文化发展的自然趋势与目录学发展规律联系起来,探讨其间的关系,是目录学研究的理论性推进。

    He probe into relations between culture and development law of the development of books bibliography . It push bibliography 's research on theorize .

  9. 假以时日,从高度集中于美国国债转向多元化的自然趋势,或许会影响美元的回升。

    Over time , a natural tendency to diversify from a heavy concentration in US Treasury securities may prove a headwind to a dollar recovery .

  10. 流域模型为百年时间尺度上流域营养盐沉积输移演化的自然趋势研究,提供了很好评价依据。

    The SWAT model has provided an effective tool to evaluate how nutrient production and changes in natural environmental system of the200 years in the Hong Lake Basin .

  11. 当你感觉到某些事情总是发生或从不发生,这仅仅是因为你的大脑主动接受威胁的自然趋势(夸大事情的频率和严重程度)。

    When it feels like something always or never happens , this is just your brains natural tendency to perceive threats ( inflating the frequency or severity of an event ) .

  12. 我们知道从自然趋势来说,每种植物和动物会生产远超过其需要生产总量的种子,蛋,幼苗及后代以保证其总量。

    We Know that each plant and animal , by natural tendency , produces far more seeds and eggs , and seedlings and young , than is necessary to maintain its population .

  13. 师范院校向综合性发展是高等院校深化体制改革的自然趋势,它符合教师教育的要求,有利于提高教师的专业化水平。

    It is a natural trend for normal colleges developing toward universities under the circumstances that institutions deepen system reform . It is in accordance with the requirements of teachers ′ education and is helpful to raise the professional level of teachers .

  14. 各种服务大量产生就成为一种自然的趋势。

    There is a natural tendency for services to proliferate .

  15. 水稻自然生长趋势的数学模型和动态分析

    Mathematical models of natural growth tendency of rice and its dynamic analysis

  16. 它扭曲了自然的趋势。

    It distorts the natural formation of trends .

  17. 我们发现的趋势,这种看似自然的趋势

    Okay , this tendency we have , this seemingly natural tendency we have ,

  18. 结果表明正常人舒张功能随年龄增长而有自然减退趋势。

    The results showed that the diastolic function of normal persons decreased naturally with age .

  19. 专家表示,数字游民代表着远程办公领域的一个自然发展趋势。

    As digital nomads , experts say , they represent a natural evolution in teleworking .

  20. 严酷的自然环境趋势人们和野生生物

    the harsh conditionsforcepeople and wildlife

  21. 束管监测系统是预报采煤工作面自然发火趋势的有效手段。

    Duct monitoring system is an effective means to predict the trends of spontaneous combustion in coal face .

  22. 为孵化项目分配资源必须是计划的一部分,否则所有的资源都会被日常紧要事务所占用,这是自然的趋势。

    Resourcing incubation has to be a part of planning – otherwise the natural tendency is to suck up all the resources for the critical activity of the day .

  23. 在回归自然的趋势下,喝各种各样的养生茶在世界范围内开始变得流行,尤其是在欧美和日本等国家。

    In the return to nature under the influence of the wave , take a variety of health care habit of tea is popular in the world , especially Europe and the United States and Japan .

  24. 就自然演变趋势而言,近期太湖面积仍以0.168km~2/a的速率扩大,容积则以3.95×10~5m~3/a的速率减小,太湖正进一步向浅平方向演变。

    At present , the evolution trend of Taihu Lake in nature is that it expands at a rate of 0.168km ~ 2 / a in area and reduces at a rate of 3.95 × 10 ~ 5m ~ 3 / a in volume .

  25. 棉田亚洲玉米螟自然种群发生趋势的研究

    Studies on the Natural Population Occurrence Tendency of Asiatic Corn Borer in the Cotton Field

  26. 在生长过程中,花粉植株体细胞染色体倍数性在变化,有由单倍向二倍体转变即自然加倍的趋势。

    During the process of growth ploidy of the chromosome of somatic Cells of pollen plants varies continuously .

  27. 总的来说,其他用地向人工湿地和自然湿地转化趋势明显。

    Generally speaking , the transformation trend from other land to artificial wetland and natural wetland is evident .

  28. 地球轨道周期正在造成自然的冷却趋势,尤以北方高纬度地区为最。

    The earth 's orbital cycles were driving a simultaneous natural cooling trend , especially at high northern latitudes .

  29. 21世纪中国的自然灾害发展趋势&以地震和旱涝灾害为例

    The natural disasters of China in the 21 ~ ( st ) century : earthquake , drought and flood

  30. 本文通过对两部作品的分析,来展示20世纪自然文学的趋势与发展。

    This thesis analyses both of the two books to show the trend and development of the Nature Writing during the 20th century .