
  • 网络Self Leadership;self-leadership
  1. 第二,领导的角色是鼓励团队自我领导的。

    Second , the leader 's role is to encourage the group 's self-leadership .

  2. 第一个模块围绕的是自我领导。

    The first module is centred on self-leadership .

  3. 中国文化背景下企业员工的自我领导

    A Study on Self-leadership Structure of Enterprise Employee in Chinese Cultural Background

  4. 无论是增强自我领导能力也好,提供专业意见也好,他们有责任去帮助他人。

    They have a responsibility to help others whether it is to grow self-leadership skills or provide some expert advice .

  5. 第二,自我领导的自我目标设置、自我谈话、工作内在奖赏维度对工作投入的活力、奉献、专注三个维度均有显著的正向预测作用。

    Second , self-goal setting , self-talk , inner work reward can positively predict vigour , dedication , concentration in job engagement .

  6. 提升员工的自我领导程度能在一定程度上提升工作幸福感水平。(2)知识型员工的自我领导与自我效能感有显著的正向影响作用。

    The cultivation of self-leadership to some extent , enhance the level of happiness . ( 2 ) knowledge-based employee self-leadership and self-efficacy has a significant positive effect .

  7. 在对国内外相关理论,如自我领导理论和职业生涯动机理论进行综述的基础上,提出了研究的假设并对这些假设进行了实证分析。

    On the base of an overview of related theories such as self-leadership and career motivation theories , the study proposes the hypothesis and then conducts an empirical analysis of these assumptions .

  8. 关于自我领导的研究在国外已有二十余年的历史,不但有较系统的理论探索,而且进行了许多实证与实验研究,研究成果已经有了一定的积累。

    It has been more than 20 years self-leadership theory been studied abroad . It not only has systematic theoretical exploration , but also carried out many empirical and experimental researches ; the research results already have some accumulation .

  9. 结果显示:两种成就目标定向与自我领导均呈显著正相关关系;领导-成员交换对自我领导有显著的正向影响,并在两种成就目标定向与自我领导之间起到部分中介作用。

    The results show that both two categories of Achievement Goal Orientation have significant positive relationship with self-leadership ; LMX has a remarkably positive influence on self-leadership , and also undertakes the mediating effects between Achievement Goal Orientation and self-leadership .

  10. 自我领导实践不仅可以满足员工的自我实现需要,激发员工的主观能动性与创造力;另一方面也使管理者找到领导力的特殊替代品,将更多的精力用于企业发展的战略性思考和举措上。

    Self-leadership practice can not only meet employees ' own needs to self-realize , inspiring their initiative and creativity ; but also helping corporate managers find out the particular substitute for leadership power so that they can concentrate more energies on strategic consideration and movement on the organizational development .

  11. 这一标志将诞生透过提升而获得智慧、理解和自我掌握的领导层。

    This sign shall give birth to leadership founded upon wisdom , understanding and self - mastery through ascension .

  12. 自我实现、领导关系和社会认可是影响高职学院教师工作满意度的主要因因素,与研究假设一致;

    The self-realization , relationship with leaders and the social approval are the chief factors which affect the job satisfactory degree and this confirms to the research presumption .

  13. 克服挫折消极因素需要教师个体的自我调整,学校领导的疏通引导

    To overcome the inactive influence needs the teachers'self-adjustment and the leaders'conduct and dredging

  14. 我们在本文开篇就说过,自我意识是有效领导的最重要品质。

    We said from the beginning that Self-Awareness is the most essential quality for effective leadership .

  15. 最后在自我更新阶段,领导企业最重要的任务是及时地引入新思想新技术或保留原有策略来面对竞争与合作的挑战。

    Inducting new ideas and new technologies or retain the original strategies to face the challenges of competition and cooperation is the most important tasks at self-renewal stage of business ecosystem .